
作者&投稿:甘行 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

以How to deal culture shock为题的英语作文
loneliness, isolation and complaining.The best way to start getting yourself accustomed to an exotic culture is to get involved. Get to know your new culture. Go out and experience life. Make new friends. Live. Wonder. Explore. I love going somewhere quiet, like a park, and wat...

"No one knows about that film star's actual age, but it must be getting on for 50 years old."Get away\/off with:逃避处罚 "The police have not let anyone get away with his or her illegal act."Get...across:把(讯息等)传达给 "The minister tried to get his ideas across...

假如你是一名导游,请你以How to get to___Park为题,写一篇英语短文,告 ...
I'm a guide.Now let me tell you how to get to Green Park.Pass the library on your right ang then turn left.Go throught First Ave and Second Ave.When you come to Third Ave,turn right and walk on.You can see a bridge over a river.Go across the bridge.Then you can ...

英语作文:How to Deal with the Stress in Our Life 70词
Friends, shopping, chat, eat a big meal.插上耳机,到公园走走。Plug in headphones, going to the park.短途旅行。到山上走走大声喊一下或是到海边吹吹冷风。Short trip. To walk around the mountain to shout loudly about or to the cold wind blow.有时候一个人什么也不做。窝在家里睡...

Get busy todie or get busy living?
3、如果不抓紧时间做有意义的事情,去努力生活、工作,你就在浪费生命走向死亡。(引申意)词汇解释:1、get busy 忙碌;开始工作;忙着 双语例句:People often miss meals because they get busy or are trying to lose weight.人们常常因为忙着工作或努力减肥而错过了吃饭。2、living 英[ˈl...

When you get to know each other better,or when they ask you 【t...
这属于【省略】知识中的【不定式的省略】。当动词后面跟不定式,前面又出现了不定式的形式,后面动词要省去同样的不定式动词原形,但要保留不定式符号【to】,表明这里接的是不定式。例如:I often ask them to help me.When I ask them to,they seldom refuse me.

要有取得成功时为自己庆祝的习惯。2、get up 1)释义:起床,筹备;打扮 2)例句 Do I have to get up now ?如果你要上班,现在该起床了。3、get out 1)释义:离开,出去;泄露;出版 2)例句 I never see you get out of your armchair.我从来没有看见你离开过你的椅子。4、get in 1...

and 和 or的用法有什么区别
and和or的用法:1、and和or的用法并列结构中,or通常用于否定句,and用于肯定句。但有时and 也可用于否定句。2、在否定中并列结构用or 连接,但含有两个否定词的句子实际被看作是肯定结构,因此要用and。3、or用于连接并列的单词、词组、短语或句子,表示"或者"的意思。or用在选择疑问句中,灵活译为...

1、get about 徘徊,走动,旅行;流传 2、get about 徘徊,走动,旅行;流传 3、get above oneself 自视高傲 4、get accustomed to 习惯于,对~~习以为常 5、get across 度过,通过,横过;说服,使理解 6、get ahead of 胜过,超过 7、get along 前进,进步;同意;离去 8、get along with ...

● get down to business:认真办事   “Time is running short; let's get down to business now. ”● get a move on:赶快   “We ought to get a move on or we will be late for the musical concert.”● get one's head down:静静地工作   “His naughty son promised to ...

鬱受15786554198问: 用forget to do(忘记要做某事)造句. -
浙江省蓓乐回答:[答案] i forget to give you a nice

鬱受15786554198问: 用forget to do造句并翻译 -
浙江省蓓乐回答: I fotget to buy the book 我忘了买那本书了

鬱受15786554198问: forget to do sth造句3个. -
浙江省蓓乐回答: I forget to do my homework.我忘记做我的作业了. He forget to reading English.他忘记了读英语. Pat forget to bring her umbrella,帕特忘记了把她的伞带来. [如果错了请原谅啊!]

鬱受15786554198问: forget to do sth 有什么例句 -
浙江省蓓乐回答: Don't forget to turn off the lights when you leave

鬱受15786554198问: 用forget to do(忘记要做某事)造句. -
浙江省蓓乐回答: i forget to give you a nice

鬱受15786554198问: forget to do sth 造句 -
浙江省蓓乐回答: Don't forget to close the window when you leave home 你离开房间时,请别忘了关窗户!

鬱受15786554198问: 什么时候用forget to do ,什么时候用forget doing -
浙江省蓓乐回答: forget to do 表示忘记做某事,这件事还没有发生,比如Don't forget to bring your books to school.不要忘记把书带到学校,把书带到学校还未发生. 而forget doing 表示此事已经发生,如 I forgot bringing my books to school.我忘记把书带到学校了,忘记把书带到学校,此事已经发生.

鬱受15786554198问: forget to do sth怎么造句
浙江省蓓乐回答: I forget to close the door. Don't forget to turn out the light,please.

鬱受15786554198问: forget to do/doing请造句区别 -
浙江省蓓乐回答: 忘记做某事 I forgot to close the window. 我忘记关窗户(没关)忘了做过某事 I forgot closing the window. 我忘了关过窗户了(关了)

鬱受15786554198问: forget to do forget doing -
浙江省蓓乐回答: forget to do sth是表示“没做”,可是表示过去或将来. forget doing sth是表示“去做”或“做过”,可以表示过去或将来. 这题用forgot to do homework yesterday (没有做) 例题:“老师叫小明明天记得要做作业”用 forget to do homework.(去做)

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