
作者&投稿:缑柏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用forget doing sth 造句子 要中文意思 求!!!谢!!!
he forgot turing light off 他忘了他已经关灯了

forget to do sth造句3个。
在生活中,有时候我们难免会因为各种原因而忘记做一些事情。忘记做作业、忘记阅读、甚至忘记随身携带日常用品,这些都是常见的疏忽。让我们通过几个例子来更直观地理解"forget to do sth"的含义:首先,当你听到"I forget to do my homework",这句话意味着当事人在某个时刻意识到他们忘记完成了当天的...

用forget to do(忘记要做某事)造句.
I forgot to close the door this morning 今天早上我忘记去关门 望满意

用forget doing sth 造句,越多越好
forget doing sth 忘记做过某事 I"ll never forget finding that rare old coin in my gardon.Mary will never forget seeing the exciting film.I forgot writing to him,so I wrote again.He forgot turning the light off.I forgot telling him the truth.He forgot writing a letter.差不多...

用forget doing sth造句
1、forget doing sth意思是忘记做过某事,表示已经过去。列:I foget where I having met him. 而forget to do sth 表示忘记去做某事。列:Don'tforget to do your school work.2、everyday是形容词,形容词+名词的结构中,形容词起修饰限制名词的作用。你可以去这里看一下everyday的意思:ht...

forget to do\/doing请造句区别
Iforget to close the door. 我忘了关门。I forget closing the door.我忘了我关过门了。

1. Sometimes charged cursor programs forget to change the appearance of the cursor.有时使用加载光标的程序忘记改变光标的外观。- 2. Sometimes, however, they do not use the product for months at a time and forgetsignificant portions of what they knew.然而有时候,他们又会几个月...

用forget todo和forget doing 造句
I forget taking my books this morning and I promise that I won't forget to take them tomorrow.自己写的,欢迎追问,望采纳!

forget to do sth 造句
Don't forget to close the window when you leave home 你离开房间时,请别忘了关窗户!

用forget造句 初二水平
This is something they are unlikely to forget (这番景象使他们不太可能忘记的)

陈没例19365394691问: 英语单词forget怎么造句?简单,要翻译 -
萨尔图区琥珀回答: I forget to my English book. 我忘记带英语书了

陈没例19365394691问: 造句,英语,1.不定代词+形容词2.leave+for3.spend4.plan5.forget回答第一个就行了,、 明天要交的呢~ -
萨尔图区琥珀回答:[答案] 1 I have something important to tell you. 2 He left for Beijing yesterday. 3 He spent two hours on his homework last night. 4 I plan to go out for travelling during the golden-week holiday. 5 Don't forget to turn off the light when you leave.

陈没例19365394691问: forget的用法及词组我是初中生,简单易懂就好,用法,词组,例句, -
萨尔图区琥珀回答:[答案] forget doing sth忘记了做过的某事 forget to do sth 忘记了去做某事

陈没例19365394691问: 带有forget的短句子
萨尔图区琥珀回答: I forget to love you. I forget to do homework ! 采纳采纳(≧∇≦)

陈没例19365394691问: 大家都来帮忙啊~~~
萨尔图区琥珀回答: The Birthday party thing has totally been forgetten . 把生日聚会的事忘得一干二净.

陈没例19365394691问: 用forget和remember各造2组句子 要好背诵的 越简单越好 -
萨尔图区琥珀回答: Forget what should be forgot,remember what should be remembered.

陈没例19365394691问: 英语简单句型 -
萨尔图区琥珀回答: 1.forget to do sth 忘记去做某事 2.forget doing sth 忘记已经做过某事 3.remember to do sth 记得要去做某事 4.remember doing sth 记得已经做过某事 5.ask sb to do sth 叫某人去做某事 6.tell sb to do sth 叫某人去做某事 7.tell sb about sth 告诉某人某...

陈没例19365394691问: 分别用fly和 forget用现在完成时造一个句子 -
萨尔图区琥珀回答:[答案] the kite have flown for an hour

陈没例19365394691问: 造句怎么造帮帮我今晚要,谢谢??? -
萨尔图区琥珀回答: 呵呵,这很简单嘛. I always hate waiting for others. My father usualy works on the computer . Can you take care of my pets? It is used for keeping warm. Don't forget to do that , please. 呵呵,这不是很简单嘛.

陈没例19365394691问: 用Don't forget to造5个句子、forget doing 造5个句子、There be造10个句子、of 造一个、for造一个、form造一个 要有中文、意思简单一点儿的 -
萨尔图区琥珀回答:[答案] Don't forget to take money with you.别忘了带钱Don't forget to lock the door.别忘了锁门Don't forget to visit your mum.别忘了看看你妈Don't forget to bring the key.别忘了带钥匙Don't forget to turn down t...

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