
作者&投稿:才旦壮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

为啥get marry 过去式是got married?而不是got marry or get...
get marry 是错误的表达,get married才是正确的用法。get married结婚,过去式是got married。married在这里作形容词,表示结婚的状态。get married 结婚 She didn't get married until she was well into middle age.她步入中年以後才结婚。I'll never get married it's like signing your life ...

Shall I get some tea or water中的get为什么不能用take?

...Lowland Gardens to see some animals , or get a bird's-eye view...
您的问题很简单。呵呵。百度知道很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题。原句:You can visit the Lowland Gardens to see some animals , or get a bird's-eye view of the whole park by riding in a cable car .翻译:你可以访问低地花园看到一些动物,或者坐在一辆缆车上鸟瞰整个公园的全景。百度知道...

“Stand out or get out”这句话的英语的解释是什么意思?
但是,不管是否使用背景颜色,得到的图像的大小都相同。China. The day I left I promised to myself, " I will stand out among my fellows someday, or I won't get back forever."离开家的那日,我向自己承诺:“我要出人头地,否则就永远不回来了!”

Get busy living or get busy dying?

Stand Out or Get Out是什么意思
Stand Out or Get Out 要么脱颖而出,要么出局 stand out 英 [stænd aut] 美 [stænd aʊt]词典 突出; 坚持; 超群; 向前跨步 网络 脱颖而出; 出色; 出人头地

To discover or understand:发现,明白:If we could only get at the cause of the problem!要是我们能知道问题的原因该多好啊get awayTo break free; escape.脱身,逃脱To leave or go away:离开,走开:wanted to come along, but couldn't get away.想要一起走,但是走不开get backTo return to a person...

The weather gets warmer, and the days get longer.I'll water them to stop the soil getting too dry.As we get old, we find it more and more difficult to see, to hear…and to climb the stairs.He could not wash himself or get dressed.I didn't know she was getting married...

1、get used to 1)释义:习惯于…2)例句 Get used to the idea of celebrating your successes.要有取得成功时为自己庆祝的习惯。2、get up 1)释义:起床,筹备;打扮 2)例句 Do I have to get up now ?如果你要上班,现在该起床了。3、get out 1)释义:离开,出去;泄露;出版 2)...

首先我们看一下这两个方法的具体描述:如果存在该值,返回值, 否则返回 other 。如果存在该值,返回值, 否则 触发 other ,并返回 other 调用的结果。可以注意到,二者的描述主要有两点不同:看下面一个例子:对于上面这个例子,首先,我们可以看出 orElse 和 orElseGet 的传入参数不同。其...

鞠伏18430059362问: forget的三单形式? -
新芜区槐角回答: 一般现在时中用forgets 过去时中用forgot(过去式) 被动语态或现在完成时中用forgotten

鞠伏18430059362问: forget的三单形式? -
新芜区槐角回答:[答案] forgets 无疑后请采纳. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟. -----------与君共勉-----------

鞠伏18430059362问: forget的过去式过去分词三单ing -
新芜区槐角回答: 过去式是forgot 过去分词是forgotten 第三人称单数forgets ing形式是forgetting

鞠伏18430059362问: 给出下列英语动词的三种形式 -
新芜区槐角回答: run的过去分词:run think的现在分词:thinking begin的现在分词:beginning forget的现在分词:forgetting grow的现在分词:growing offer的现在分词: offering

鞠伏18430059362问: forgettodo和doing的区别 -
新芜区槐角回答: forget to do和doing的区别:含义不同,用法不同,结构不同. 一、含义不同 forget to do 释义:忘记去做某事;忘记要去做某事;忘记要做某事. doing 释义:所做的事;发生的事;所作所为;做,干,办(某事);(以某种方式)做;行动;...

鞠伏18430059362问: 1.drink 4.give 5.go 6.come 7.wear8.take 9.see 10.forget写出五种形式 -
新芜区槐角回答:[答案] drink drank drinking drunk drinksdrive drove driving driven driveseat ate eating eaten eatsgive gave giving given givesgo went going gone gocome came coming come comeswear wore wearing worn wearstake ...

鞠伏18430059362问: forget,forgot,have forgotten用法的区别 -
新芜区槐角回答: forget 忘记 原形 用于一般现在时 forgot 是forget的过去式,用在一般过去时 have forgotten 是现在完成时,已经忘记

鞠伏18430059362问: forget的名词形式Being too busy every day will make one - ________sometimes.(forget)用所给词的适当形式填空 -
新芜区槐角回答:[答案] forgetful 健忘的

鞠伏18430059362问: 几个英语小问题:the可修饰复数名词吗?forget的时态是怎么用的呢?发送传单怎么说? -
新芜区槐角回答:[答案] 1,一般情况下,可数名词复数前不加the,比如I like apples.但是如果特指也可以在复数名词前加the,比如i like the apples in the basket. 2,forget的时态?你是问它的三种形式(forget forgot forgotten )还是forget to do sth (忘记要去做某事,还没有去...

鞠伏18430059362问: 英语动词的过去式有几种形式 举例子 -
新芜区槐角回答: 1、一般情况下,直接加ed play——played look——looked watch——watched 2、以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加 -d move——moved hope——hoped use——used 3、以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed study——studied carry...

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