“Stand out or get out”这句话的英语的解释是什么意思?

作者&投稿:苍梧钓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Stand out or get out这句话的英语的解释是什么意思?~

Often, you'll discover one or two key elements that stand out and get fixed in your mind.通常,你会在头脑中发现一到两个能修正的关键点。
I'm talking about the things that will get a woman's attention or make you stand out in a crowd and increase your chances of getting a woman to date you.我只想讨论一下男人身上能够引起女性注意的东西,或如何让你在人群中更加显眼,从而增加让女性跟你约会的机会。
SARA: Look, we can stand here and argue … or … we can get out there and find out who did this to Holly Gribbs. (beat) Two sharp women are better than one.听着,我们可以站在这儿争执…或者…我们可以出去调查,两个聪明女人总比一个要好。
There’s no social penalty for appearing open-minded – but if you take a stand and get it wrong (or just different), better watch out.因为表现得思想开明不会招致别人的责难,但倘若你选错了立场,站错了队(或者仅仅是不同的观点),你就最好小心了。
You can complement the audience, ask them to raise their hand, or stand-up and stretch; get the audience involved and keep them involved through-out the "entire" speech.你可以进一步调动观众,请他们举手或者起身,让观众进入并一直沉浸在你整个演讲中。
Once we figured out how to get thrills from waves, we could switch to snow, or to stand up paddling, or kiteboarding.我们一旦了解了如何在浪尖上感受刺激,我们也会在滑雪,滑水或是风筝冲浪中获得同样快感。
You do get back what you put out, but in the realm of competition, you have to put out more value than, or out-learn, your competitors to stand out in recognition or place.你会收获你所付出的,但是在竞争中,你必须付出比你竞争对手更多的代价去赢得比人的认同和社会地位。
Or if you said you'd have the exhibition stand up and running by Sunday night with only two extra members of staff you have – and you've managed to get your major competitor to pull out of the show.或者如果你说过,你会在周日晚上前与手下另外两个人一起完成展台搭建并保证运转良好——你就得让你最主要的竞争对手在这场展会中出局。
We've made the text navy blue and added a lavender background color to help the image stand out from this page background, but you get the same size image with or without the background color.我将文本设置为海军蓝并添加一个淡紫色的背景颜色,以便这个图像从这个页面背景中凸显出来。但是,不管是否使用背景颜色,得到的图像的大小都相同。
China. The day I left I promised to myself, " I will stand out among my fellows someday, or I won't get back forever."离开家的那日,我向自己承诺:“我要出人头地,否则就永远不回来了!”

站出来 (这里的意思应该是要有实质性的行动), 不然就滚出去.



  1. Often, you'll discover one or two key elements that stand out and get fixed in your mind.

  2. I'm talking about the things that will get a woman's attention or make you stand out in a crowd and increase your chances of getting a woman to date you.

  3. SARA: Look, we can stand here and argue … or … we can get out there and find out who did this to Holly Gribbs. (beat) Two sharp women are better than one.

  4. There’s no social penalty for appearing open-minded – but if you take a stand and get it wrong (or just different), better watch out.

  5. You can complement the audience, ask them to raise their hand, or stand-up and stretch; get the audience involved and keep them involved through-out the "entire" speech.

  6. Once we figured out how to get thrills from waves, we could switch to snow, or to stand up paddling, or kiteboarding.

  7. You do get back what you put out, but in the realm of competition, you have to put out more value than, or out-learn, your competitors to stand out in recognition or place.

  8. Or if you said you'd have the exhibition stand up and running by Sunday night with only two extra members of staff you have – and you've managed to get your major competitor to pull out of the show.

  9. We've made the text navy blue and added a lavender background color to help the image stand out from this page background, but you get the same size image with or without the background color.

  10. China. The day I left I promised to myself, " I will stand out among my fellows someday, or I won't get back forever."

富平县13070682100: Stand out or get out这句话什么意思? -
本栏止血: 简单来说就是脱颖而出,直译:出众或者出局

富平县13070682100: Stand Out or Get Out是什么意思 -
本栏止血: Stand Out or Get Out 要么脱颖而出,要么出局 stand out 英 [stænd aut] 美 [stænd aʊt] 词典 突出; 坚持; 超群; 向前跨步 网络 脱颖而出; 出色; 出人头地

富平县13070682100: stand out or get out !这是什么意思呀 -
本栏止血: 站出来 (这里的意思应该是要有实质性的行动), 不然就滚出去.

富平县13070682100: stand out or get out,英语论文300字 -
本栏止血: 我是一个懂事的孩子妈妈不在家的日子,我和爸爸在家.之前的日子,每天早上,妈妈把我叫醒后,我总是想尽办法在被窝里再“赖”一会儿.妈妈不在家的早上,爸爸将我从温暖的被窝里“捞出来”后,眯着惺忪的睡眼,很配合的让爸爸...

富平县13070682100: srand our or get our什么意思 -
本栏止血: srand our or get our 我们或让我们站 srand our or get our 我们或让我们站

富平县13070682100: stand out和get ahead的区别 -
本栏止血: stand out 是在一群静止的人,凸显出来 get ahead 是在一群动态的人,得到领先

富平县13070682100: stand out什么意思?
本栏止血: 本意是"站出来“的意思,引申意思为”鹤立鸡群,脱颖而出"的 意思,建议采纳为满意!

富平县13070682100: stand out和standout的区别 -
本栏止血: stand out 英[stænd aut] 美[stænd aʊt] 突出;坚持;超群;向前跨步 [例句]Four points of contention stand out.争论中有四点突出意见.standout 英[ˈstændaʊt] 美[ˈstændˌaʊt] n. 杰出的人 adj. 出色的,杰出的 名词复数:standouts [例句]The 3 excels as a driver 's car , and the 5 is a standout mini-minivan.马自达3以作为“驾驶者之车”而见长,而马自达5则作为超微型面包车脱颖而出.

富平县13070682100: stick out 和stand out都有“突出,显著”的意思,但用法上有区别,帮忙讲讲吧 -
本栏止血: stick out: vt. 突出(坚持,伸出) 例句与用法: 1. He hates the job but he's determined to stick it out because he needs the money. 他讨厌那工作--但因为需要钱,只好横下心来干下去. 2. His ears stick out. 他长著一对招风耳. 3. They're sticking ...

富平县13070682100: stand out是什么意思? -
本栏止血: stand out[ad.+v.=vi.]1显眼A tall man stands out in a crowd.个子高的人在人群中引人注目.2出色John stood out as a track star.约翰是一个杰出的竞赛明星

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