
作者&投稿:伯霞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

As a student, the advices listed below are very good.1. use computer regularly and just a short time everyday. Spending long time or without control before computer is not good to your heathy.2. use computer when it is in need. Teachers may ask to find some useful information...

and i always failed the English exam.whatever happened, i still tried my best to learn it, fortunately, i made some progress .however, when i became a senior high student ,i came across the same prodlem.i think English learning in the senior is...

有什么好听的日文,韩文 英文歌啊
日本:滨崎步的所有歌,特别是《momemts》《fairyland》《heaven》 幸田来未《magic》《奇迹》《come back》 矢井田瞳《My sweet dorlin》 宇多田光《光》 决明子《さくら》 コブクロ《桜》 Tommy heavenly6《Pray》 Riefu《life is like a boat>韩国:s.e.s<just in love><be nature> kiss<because is...

这次金融危机你们犯了一个简单的错误。但问题的关键是你们并没有在真正意义上去认识并改变错误。所以,就算是危机过去了,同样的问题下次还会发生。This financial crisis you have made a simple mistake. But the question key is you have not known and changes the mistake in the real sense. ...

1.Let more people enjoy when our grow up's happy.2.Open our heart's window,let new our give some look our ardor,and do our life and work.3.Let us have the love,pass the love,let the world fill in love!4.Confucius said:istening to Evil Evil Evil Evil words how ...

黑嗓的练习方法 首先要明确的是黑嗓的发生原理和一般的发声是一样的,所以所谓的“食道发声” 是不合理的。其次黑嗓的发声完全不会影响正常的发声,所以用过多的辅助手段是完全没必要的。具体方法如下:1.在呼吸道没有疾病的时候(感冒,气管炎之类)开始练习。2.训练地点最好找一个空间比较小共鸣比较...

To be or not to be,it's a question.是英国剧作家莎士比亚写的,出自他的悲剧作品 问题八:生存还是毁灭 这是一个问题英语怎么说 英文原文: To be or not to be This is a problem 英式音标: [t?; before a vowel; t?; stressed; tu?] [bi?] [??] [n?t] [t?; before a vowel; t...

Try get a chance!Because I have it here, I have strong dreams Let's drive out the rivals Filling the daytime Instead of a smile or lips An eyebeam is my special weapon Become me With a flash, sailor diamonds!A guardian born at daybreak Because it's me, they will come ...

after a lapse of only five years, it was astonishing to find that the number shot up to nineteen hours every week.This dramatic change in the average number of hours the student spent on the computer per week took place chiefly for three reasons. In the first place, as the s...

in addition to these practical benefits people can go shopping without leaving their houses. With an Internet access, a computer and a online credit card, mome and more people finish their shopping at home. It is kind of difficult to imagine that a few years ago people had to s...

成王省19210546007问: for a moment是固定搭配吗? -
顺义区爱米回答: that译成“那”也没关系的,“那孩子一会儿也闲不住”觉得更贴切些.for是用来表示时间长度的介词.moment前面加不定冠词a,是因为这里面的一个moment是不确定的,即不特指某个确定的时间点或时间段.名词前不都得加定冠词,也不一定要加冠词.加不加,加什么完全依上下文而定.

成王省19210546007问: for a moment 用于什么时态 -
顺义区爱米回答: for a moment 用于"现在完成时"

成王省19210546007问: for a moment什么意思 -
顺义区爱米回答: for a moment 一会儿 拼音 双语对照 for a moment 词典 片刻,一会儿; 霎时之间 网络 片刻、一会儿; 片刻; 暂且 数据来源:金山词霸 双语例句百度百科继续查词 1 The Brigadier thought about this for a moment, head cocked to one side. 这位准将头歪向一边,就此考虑了一会儿. 2 She regarded him curiously for a moment. 她好奇地看了他一会儿. 3 She looked up for a moment, then continued drawing. 她抬头看了一下,然后继续画画.

成王省19210546007问: for a moment前面要加什么 -
顺义区爱米回答:[答案] wait for a moment come here for a moment think for a moment 动词或者动词词组. 还有just for a moment

成王省19210546007问: for a monment与 for the monment 之间的区别是什么? -
顺义区爱米回答: for a moment 的意思是 有一瞬间...而 for the moment 的意思是 暂时比如说 I will be staying here for the moment. 就是 我会暂时住在这里. For a moment, I thought I was going to cry. 就是 有那么一瞬间,我以为我要哭了.

成王省19210546007问: for a moment和for the moment分别是什么意思? -
顺义区爱米回答: for a moment,“为一片刻”,是指片刻、一会儿或一段简短的时间简单用法:wait for a moment 等一会儿come here for a moment 过来一下for the moment,“为那时刻”,是指那时、那一刻,带有强调、特指的性质.简单用法:wait for the ...

成王省19210546007问: at the moment 怎么用,用在哪一时态? -
顺义区爱米回答:[答案] 许多人以为at the moment只能用来表示“现在;此刻”,用于一般现在时,这并不符合英语实际使用的情况.事实上at the moment除了上述含义和用法之外,还有别的含义和用法 moment 用法ABC moment的意思是“片刻;瞬间”,常与介词at ,for或...

成王省19210546007问: for a moment 和 in a moment 辨析 -
顺义区爱米回答:[答案] at the moment 的意思是“现在”“此刻”,常与一般现在时或现在完成时连用.例如:I have got enough to do at the moment.但是,at the moment 有时也作“当时”讲,用于过去时态.例如:I didn't buy that book, becau...

成王省19210546007问: for the moment的用法及例句 -
顺义区爱米回答: for the moment adv.暂时, 目前 prep.暂时,目前 n.目前,现在,暂且 ###例句No, not for the moment. 没有,暂时没有了. As he knew the moment for silence he knew also the moment for speech. 他既懂得闭口的时刻,也就懂得开口的时刻.呵...

成王省19210546007问: for a moment跟for the moment有区别吗? -
顺义区爱米回答: for a moment 片刻, 一会儿 He might have popped in for a moment, since he was passing this way. 既然他从这里经过, 说不定他会突然来呆一会儿的.for the moment 暂时, 目前 I have nothing to do for the moment. 我暂时无事可干. For the moment we are content to watch and wait. 目前我们甘心在一旁观察和等待.请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 ) (*^__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

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