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detective无法加ive的形式。detective词根词缀记忆方法:前缀de-去掉+词根-tect-掩盖+后缀ive名词词尾。读音:英 [dɪˈtektɪv],美 [dɪˈtektɪv]。释义:n. 警探;私人侦探;刑侦。adj. 侦探的;侦察的。例句:Detective Brown was shot in a gun battle.布朗...

pre:before;in advance pay(薪水, 工资,支付)—prepay(预付) war(战争,作战, 打仗)—prewar(战前 grow(生长, 成长)—growth(生长, 种植) wide(宽的, 广阔的)—width(宽度) ure close(关, ...ive create(创造)—creative(创造性的) support(支援,支柱)—supportive(支持的,支援的) less hope(...

Huskies were originally used as sled dogs in northern regions but are now also kept as pets. Historically, the word "husky" is a corruption of the derogative term "Eskie," also given to the Esquimaux tribes that came into contact with Europeans who made early expeditions into their lands....

9)in-, il-, im-, ir-, 表示“向内,在内,背于”inland, invade, inside, import10)inter-,...25)-ive, 表示"动作者,行为者” native, captive26)-logist, 表示"……学家,研究者" biologist,...28)-th, 表示"动作,性质,过程,状态" depth, wealth, truth, length, growth29)-tude, 表示"性质...

Ive learnt the hard never let it get that far... 这...
Because I know that’s weakness in your eyes I’m forced to fake A smile, a laugh, every day of my life My heart can’t possibly break When it wasn’t even whole to start with Because of you I never stray too far from the sidewalk Because of you I learned to play on...

Nothing in the world(Atomic Kitten唱的)歌词。
"Ladies's Night"It's been so long I can't remember when We didn't care how deep it was we dived right in Watching everything around us disappear Oh I've missed you here And it seems the little things get in the way We're so caught up in routine from day to day Som...

28)-th, 表示"动作,性质,过程,状态" depth, wealth, truth, length, growth 29)-tude, 表示"性质,状态,程度" latitude, altitude(海拔)30)-ure, 表示"行为,结果" exposure, pressure, failure, procedure(手续),31)-y, 表示"行为的结果,状态,性质” glory, history, victory, inquiry ...


adj. 分别的,各自的 We all went back to our respective homes towait for news. 我们都各自回家等待消息。individual [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒʊəl]1. [only before noun,仅用于名词前] consideredseparately from other people or things in the same ...

She was very sad and almost went mad.In the end,the son found his mother .But they don't know each other.I cried when I saw the movie.All people say it is so moving.The mother is so good and the son is so lovely.I like th e little boy.He makes me strong.I like...

蔺芬15066452918问: 活在当下.翻译出来 Live in the present / Live in the momen -
云龙区度米回答: live总在祈使句中可以不加ing,present更切确

蔺芬15066452918问: live in the monment是甚么意思
云龙区度米回答: 意思是:活在当下.

蔺芬15066452918问: live in the momeul什么意思
云龙区度米回答: Live in the moment.活在当下拼音:英 [lɪv] [ɪn] [ðə] [ˈməʊmənt]美 [lɪv] [ɪn] [ðə] [ˈmoʊmənt]

蔺芬15066452918问: 活在当下 Live in the Moment的英语作文有没有 -
云龙区度米回答: Life is not a task to finish, but a gift to enjoy. Don't save anything to a special occasion. Since every day we are living is a special occasion for us. We should make every day colorful and meaningful.生活不是要完成的任务,而是一份应该享受的礼...

蔺芬15066452918问: 活在当下 Live in the Moment的英语作文有没有啊? -
云龙区度米回答:[答案] Life is not a task to finish,but a gift to enjoy.Don't save anything to a special occasion.Since every day we are living is a ... we can wear our new clothes; we can eat the delicious food; 全文你参考这个“水滴英语作文网”吧 :

蔺芬15066452918问: live 后面加介词有几种用法? -
云龙区度米回答: 有三种用法.live后面加in,on,at,by. 表示某地时,live in后接大地点,live at后接小地点. live in的意思是住在(某地);存在于…;为…而生存 live on的意思是“靠…为生”,指的是来源. live by的意思是“靠…过活”,指的是手段 live by多数...

蔺芬15066452918问: live 后面什么时候加in,什么时候不加,要简明易懂的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
云龙区度米回答: live一般有两个用法,住在某地要加in,live in +地点;过这某种生活live a/an+形容词+ life

蔺芬15066452918问: live at, live in,live on的用法与区别 -
云龙区度米回答: on,at,in这三个常用介词都可以表示时间和地点,但具体用法不同,多数学生对它们混淆不清.现在只要记住了口诀,就可避免at,on,in的种种误用. 1. on,in,at表示时间 on“...

蔺芬15066452918问: 谁有living in the moment歌词中文翻译 -
云龙区度米回答: If this life is one act 如果生活就是一出独幕剧 Why do we lay all these traps 那我们为何设下重重陷阱 We put them right in our path 我们把它们放在我们的路上 When we just wanna be free 正当我们想要自由之时 I will not waste my days 我不会再虚...

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