
作者&投稿:应媛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1; Strange 2: performaning 3: quite 4: pools 5: follow

1. you're speaking too fast.I can't f__ollow___ you 2.You must take n__ote___for someting important.3.(中文)冬去春来,白天越来越长。Spring _after___ winter. the days get ___longer_ __and___ ___longer__4.(中文)他不知道下一步怎么办。He does't konw __wh...

范文:Bulletproof youth group (BTS) is a Korean men's singing group launched by bighit entertainment on June 13, 2013. It is composed of 7 members: Jin Nanjun, Jin shuozhen, min Minqi, Zheng Haoxi, park Zhimin, Jin Taiheng and Tian Minguo.In June 2013, he released his ...

缩写.如BBC,VOA,CNN,WTO 强调作用.如以下例句.I did NOT steal your money.NOT大写起强调作用.一些非常正式文体的标题全部大写.比如政府的文件标题。

Some young people want to seek more opportunities or live a different life and desire to access to the first-class education in certain developed countries.There is no denying that some people who go abroad for study just follow the trend orf ollow suit blindly. That is the ...

)人家答:云ollow me(跟我来)。为我开放了人工通道,我经过排大队的人群,第一个进闸。我知道我是沾了孩子的光。图片来源于网络 欧洲人真的对小孩很好,可是,就像大家都知道的一样,很少在公共场合见到熊孩子大吵大闹的。撒泼打滚的,没有;小小孩叨着安全奶嘴,跌跌撞撞走来走去,“啪”摔...

i know the can f_ me there.横线填什么
find 你可以在那里找到(find)我。

职称英语综合类教材新增文章 A级:《Men Smell of Cheese and Women of Onions》B级:《Style, Not Fashion》和《The Romance of Arthur》C级:《Across the Desert》职称英语理工类教材新增文章 A级:《Affectionate Androids》B级:《RealWld Robots》C级:《An Essential Scientific Process》职称英语...

网站加入nofollow标签有两种方法:<meta name="robots" content="nofollow" \/> 这段代码告诉搜索引擎,整个页面都不要追踪,代码放到代码之间。<a href="http:\/\/\/" rel="nofollow">这里是锚文字<\/a> 这段代码意思是在超链接中加入rel="nofollow",告诉搜索引擎这个连接不要追踪。要...

can you feel it - Jean Roch 试听:http:\/\/\/v_show\/id_XMTU5NTA3MTI0.html 下载:http:\/\/\/m?tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=can%20you%20feel%20it%A1%AAJean%20Roch

茶斧18749387013问: Follow 和Follow behind有什么区别? -
普格县利肺回答: Follow 跟随,效仿FOLLOW BEHIND 紧跟其后BIHIND 在( )后面两个词所表达的意思不同

茶斧18749387013问: follow after和follow behind的区别 -
普格县利肺回答: follow after 应该表示某事后又怎么样.follow behind 可用跟踪某人.

茶斧18749387013问: Follow 和Follow behind有什么区别?请说仔细点.Follow meFollow behind me 这么说是语法错误咯?应该是Follow me behind -
普格县利肺回答:[答案] Follow 跟随,效仿 FOLLOW BEHIND 紧跟其后 BIHIND 在( )后面 两个词所表达的意思不同

茶斧18749387013问: follow after和follow behind的区别是不是一个是跟踪一个是紧随?有追分! -
普格县利肺回答:[答案] follow after 应该表示某事后又怎么样. follow behind 可用跟踪某人.

茶斧18749387013问: follow in my heart和follow my heart区别 -
普格县利肺回答: 没有第一种用法,follow的用法如下: 1. 表示“跟随”,可用作及物或不及物动词. 如: Follow close behind. 紧跟在后面. Summer follows spring. 春去夏来. The dog follows me wherever I go. 我不论到哪里,这狗都跟着. 表示某人或某物跟...

茶斧18749387013问: 急.帮我看几道英语的句型.就比如说S.+v.之类的.you go first and i will follow behind.we cannot afford to pay such a price.would you mind waitting for a few ... -
普格县利肺回答:[答案] you go first and i will follow behind.(两个主谓结构)(由and连接的并列句) we cannot afford to pay such a price.(简单句:主谓宾) would you mind waitting for a few minutes..(简单句:主谓宾) i donot remember when thathappened.(复合句:...

茶斧18749387013问: follow能否换成walk behind
普格县利肺回答: 不行 其实更准确来说应该是went after

茶斧18749387013问: You go first and I will follow behind这句话go以后的部分是什么成分呢. -
普格县利肺回答:[答案] 这里有两个并列句,应该分别划分成分. You go first and I will follow behind. 你先走,我在后面跟着. You(主语) go(谓语) first(状语) and I(主) will follow(谓) behind(状).

茶斧18749387013问: 随着和跟着分别是什么意思 搞不清啊 说简单点? -
普格县利肺回答: 随着 suízhe [in the wake of;along with]――用在句首或动词前面,表示动作、行为或事件的发生所依赖的条件 随着工农业生产的大发展,必将带来教育事业的大发展 跟着 gēnzhe (1)[follow]∶跟随 我所认识的那个最勇敢的人跟着我上圣朱安山 (2)[tail behind;follow in sb's footsteps]∶跟在 [某人] 后面 相隔指定的距离一直小心翼翼地跟着女王 (3)[follow in succession]∶紧接着 别吃完饭跟着就睡觉

茶斧18749387013问: 跟着 翻译成英文
普格县利肺回答: follow.

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