
作者&投稿:薛雨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

go ahead 和go straight 的区别打酱油的别废话
go straight 英 [ɡəu streit] 美 [ɡo stret]v. 笔直走,正直做人 Go straight on until you come to a large white building.一直往前,直到你到了一所白色的大房子.2. Just go straight forward and you'll find the post office.邮局就在前边.3. Go straight on until you come ...

go straight on是什么意思
一直往前走 双语对照 词典结果:go straight on[英][ɡəu streit ɔn][美][ɡo stret ɑn]直走;很高兴为您解答 祝你生活愉快,学习进步 答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问 如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

go straight and turn right at the traffic lights.

go up,go along,go straight,go down有区别吗
He went up to Cambridge in 1980.他198O年进入剑桥大学学习。When are you going up?你什么时候进大学?go along =go on 继续 Work like this becomes less interesting as you go along.这样的工作越往下干就越觉得没有兴趣。You may have some difficulty with this book at first,but you...

Go straight along ___and then turn right at thefirst turning_百度...
B 特定的某条街要用定冠词 the ,在英语中给别人指路,要特别注意定冠词 the

go straight on at the crossroads and over the bridge什么意思_百度...

look straight into是什么意思
look straight into 直视 例句:1.I go blind when I look straight into the sun.当我直视太阳时,我会瞎。2.You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you love.你不能直视心爱的人的眼睛。3.You can` t look straight into the eyes of the one you love.你不能直视心爱的...

straight contact

holds both arms straight out to the sides
2. D 3. A 4. C 5.B

Get your head straight翻译成中文是什么意思??

辕诞13638074758问: Go ahead和go straight ahead区别在哪里 -
鄞州区吴天回答: 1. Go head 不但指向前走,还可以是在你允许或鼓励别人做某事说的. 例如:A: Can I have the bread? B: Sure. Go ahead. 2. Go straight ahead 特指方位,向前方直走. 例如:A: Where is the library? B: Just go straight ahead and you won't miss it.希望对你有帮助.欢迎追问.

辕诞13638074758问: go staright和go staright ahead 有什么区别 -
鄞州区吴天回答:[答案] go straight 意思:直走 go straight ahead 意思:前面直走 (表示路就在前面,也可以是虚拟的“道路” 比如go straight ahead with the plan, 意思:可以立刻执行计划)

辕诞13638074758问: go straight ahead后面两个词不都是副词吗?两个副词能放在一起么? -
鄞州区吴天回答:[答案] 当然可以,两个介词也可以放在一起,主要是看叠放是否重复、多用,不叠是否意思没有表达完整,如意思有重复多用了当然不要放一起用,如果意思没有表达完整那就必须是放两个词啊 go straight是笔直走、一直走 ahead向前 go straight ahead 意...

辕诞13638074758问: go straight ahead是什么意思 -
鄞州区吴天回答: go straight ahead 1. 照直走 2. 一直往前走 3. 一直向前走例句: The leader come here, the rest go straight ahead! 军官到这里来,其余继续前进!

辕诞13638074758问: Go straight ahead是啥意思 -
鄞州区吴天回答: Go straight ahead 一直往前走;直走;一直向前走

辕诞13638074758问: go ahead和go straight有什么区别啊 -
鄞州区吴天回答: go ahead是“随便”的意思 go straight是径直往哪个方向去的意思

辕诞13638074758问: go straight ahead 等于什么
鄞州区吴天回答: 可以等于go along……ahead,或者go down ……ahead.

辕诞13638074758问: go straight , go straight ahead, walk on. 三个都是直走 他们的区别是什么? -
鄞州区吴天回答: 第一个是单纯的“直走”;第二个是“一直往前走”的意思;第三个是:名词 n. 1)(戏剧的)跑龙套角色 2)【美】【体】临时队员 还有一个解释是“趾高气扬”,没有直走的意思.

辕诞13638074758问: go straight ahead“straight”和“ahead”词性分别是什么? -
鄞州区吴天回答:[答案] go straight是一个动词词组,是笔直走的意思,拆开的话,意思就不一样了. ahead 词性 副词,用来修饰 go straight, 整个意思是 一直往前走.

辕诞13638074758问: go straight与go straight ahead是同义句吗直走 和直着向前走有区别吗 -
鄞州区吴天回答:[答案] 不是 go straight 走直线 go straight ahead 一直往前进

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