
作者&投稿:董软 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ate through怎么读音
ate 英 [et] 美 [et]v.吃;吃饭;喝(eat的过去式)through 基本词汇 英 [θruː] 美 [θruː]adv.通过;径直;自始至终;(电话)接通;完全 prep.穿过;凭借;一直到 adj.直达的;直通的;贯穿的;完成的;结束的

get through和go through的区别
一、get through 和 go through 表示“通过(某地、议案等);用完”时可互换使用。二、1.gothrough 经历,经受(坏事、苦事);仔细检查(寻找);2.get through 度过(艰难或不愉快的一段时间);通过(考试、审查等);(用电话与某 人)联系上;完成(任务、工作等);①We can’t really im...

get through的区别和用法。
get through和go through的区别如下:1、get through和go through都表示通过(某地、议案等);2、get through表示度过(艰难或不愉快的一段时间);通过(考试、审查等);(用电话与某人)联系上;完成(任务、工作等);3、他们基本是同意的,只不过是go through是不及物动词,get through是及物动词...

get through和go through的区别是什么?
1、go through是不及物动词,英式发音为[ɡəu θru:],美式发音[ɡo θru],意思是:(法律、合同等正式)通过; 用完。2、get through是及物动词,英式发音为 [ɡet θru:],美式发音[ɡɛt θru];意思是:完成; 读完。

get through与go through的区别
区别:go through:是不及物动词;读音:英 [ɡəu θru:] 美 [ɡo θru];意思是:“:(法律、合同等正式)通过; 用完”例句:Men go through a change of life emotionally just like women. 男人和女人一样,也要在情绪上经历更年期。get through:是及物动词;读音:英 [ɡet ...

get through与go through的区别
区别:go through:是不及物动词;读音:英 [ɡəu θru:] 美 [ɡo θru];意思是:“:(法律、合同等正式)通过; 用完”例句:Men go through a change of life emotionally just like women. 男人和女人一样,也要在情绪上经历更年期。get through:是及物动词;读音:英 [ɡet ...

被理解 overpass nlt美天桥, 陆桥 vt胜过, 通过, 忽视 pass n经过, 关口, 途径, 护照, 通行证, 入场券, 传球, 及格 v;get through 英文发音ɡet θru#720中文释义通过到达做完接通电话度过,熬过困难时期等例句It is hard to see how people will get through the winter很难想像人们...

get through什么意思
get through 中文意思:穿过; 完成; 读完; 用完;例句 Can you get through the door?你能穿过这扇门吗?through [英][θru:][美][θru]prep.透过; 经由; 通过,穿过; 凭借;adv.从头到尾; 彻底; 自始至终;adj.(电话)接通; 通话完毕; 有洞的; 直达的;例句 Did you really go through ...

请告诉我这首歌的名字 维也纳少年合唱团的
through dark of night calling after me And whereever I climb Far away and any where You raise me high beyond the sky through stormy night lifting me above Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu et emitte caelitus Venite Spiritu Venite Spiritus Far away beyond the sky Ah...

get through 有穿过的意思吗?
get through 英 [ɡet θru:] 美 [ɡɛt θru]词典 穿过;完成;读完;用完

才趴13097348293问: 给几个有get through 的英语句子, -
凭祥市羚羊回答:[答案] John has got through the examination. 约翰已经通过考试了. The operator finally got me through. 接线员最终给我接通了电话. We can't get it through to him that using drugs is bad for his health. 我们没法使他明白吸毒对他健康的危害. I have a pile of ...

才趴13097348293问: 用get through造句 -
凭祥市羚羊回答:[答案] They're gonna get through this. 他们会和好的. Did you get through your examination? 你通过考试了吗? How did you get through this? 你是怎么过来的?(度过难关,摆脱困扰等) I think you will get through. 我想你是能通过的. Can I get through by ...

才趴13097348293问: get through是什么意思?
凭祥市羚羊回答: 接通,完成,使某人理解…接受

才趴13097348293问: getthrough 音标 -
凭祥市羚羊回答:[答案] 英文原文: get through 英式音标: [get] [θruː] 美式音标: [ɡɛt] [θru]

才趴13097348293问: get through是什么意思 -
凭祥市羚羊回答: 中文意思:穿过; 完成; 读完; 用完 英文解释:Pass or assist someone in passing (a difficult or testing experience or period);Succeed in communicating with someone in a meaningful way例句:I just don't think anyone can get ...

才趴13097348293问: get through 有没有浏览的意思? -
凭祥市羚羊回答:[答案] 一般表示:完成,通过,接通(电话)等.但在特定的语境下,有.比如:It took me two hours to get through that book.我花了两个小时才看完(浏览)那本书;I have a huge pile of papers to get through.我有一大堆文...

才趴13097348293问: get though是什么意思 -
凭祥市羚羊回答: get through 吧应该是.get through字面意思是通过,你可以说通过山洞之类的 引申义:从困难逆境中恢复出来, get through the pain, trouble什麽的

才趴13097348293问: get through有克服的意思吗? -
凭祥市羚羊回答:[答案] 他的本意是“度过”,但“度过难关”跟“克服困难”其实是一个意思,所以用的时候也可以理解为“克服”,但学英语关键是学搭配、学句子.你可以说 get through a difficult time/task,但不能说 get through difficulty

才趴13097348293问: get through 之类关于get的短语的意思,帮我总结一下 -
凭祥市羚羊回答:[答案] Get on:进行 "Tom is sluggish. I wonder how he is getting on in his new work."  Get through:完成 "There isn't much time left. How can one get through all this work before the office closes? " Get...

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