
作者&投稿:窄家 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

are you from china 否定回答是 No, I'm not.你来自中国吗? 不,我不是的。

The palce he ___is quite ar from here from here.
he suggested to hold the meeting 是后来修饰place的,The place is quite far from here.本来句子就是完整的,但加上he suggested to hold the meeting表示特定的地方,就是他建议开会的地方。希望帮到你~~

work worm work world 6) [ε] 字母组合 er or ou ar o a e u teacher leader remember player speaker farmer powder doctor actor mayor author tractor delicious gracious pleasure familiar collar dollar together tomorrow today shallop...

1、就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没什么共同之处。As for the spare time hobbies, Janet shares little with her sister.2、校长为人和蔼友善,但一涉及正经事他便对我们就事论事不讲感情,甚至会很严厉。The headmaster is friendly and amiable, yet when it come to serious business, he t...

...the enging is perfect or nat,you cannot disappar from worl...
no matter the enging is perfect or nat,you cannot disappar from worl 翻译:无论这个引擎完美与否,你都不应该对它失望 --- ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~如还有新的问题,请重新另外...


第六章 “我们不去莱温霍姆”:d1_town_01 d1_town_01a d1_town_02 d1_town_02a d1_town_03 d1_town_04 d1_town_05 第一章 进入地点:d1_trainstation_01 d1_trainstation_02 d1_trainstation_03 d1_trainstation_04 第二章“好日子":d1_trainstation_05 d1_trainstation_06 ...

毓蓝19471793079问: far from的同义词 -
牟定县运德回答: be away from

毓蓝19471793079问: far from等于哪个单词 -
牟定县运德回答: He is far from well. 他并不健康. notfar from not at all, not, by no means, absolutely not She is far from happy.

毓蓝19471793079问: far from的近义词是beside吗? -
牟定县运德回答: 近义词应该是be away from吧

毓蓝19471793079问: far from等于哪个单词 -
牟定县运德回答:[答案] He is far from well. 他并不健康. not far from not at all,not,by no means,absolutely not She is far from happy.

毓蓝19471793079问: far from的反义词是什么???跪求!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
牟定县运德回答: next to(反义词) the cinema isnear here.(意思相同句)

毓蓝19471793079问: far from的反义词是什么???跪求!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
牟定县运德回答: far from的反义词是near to.The cinema is not near to here.

毓蓝19471793079问: far from是属于什么词?形容词还是动词,前面一定要与be连用吗 -
牟定县运德回答: 介词短语,far 是形容词,意思是“很远的”,from是介词,意思是“从……到……”.前面要用be.例如:My school is far from my house.我的学校离我家很远.

毓蓝19471793079问: 词性转换 4.far from(反义词) - ---- - 5.her(反身代词)----- - 6.see(过去式)----- - 7.great(最高级)---- -
牟定县运德回答: 词性转换1.northern 6.saw2.holidays 7.greatest3.longer 8.visited4.near by 9.kindly)5.herself 10.stopped 句型转换1.There isn't few rice in the bag.2.Children often enjoy themselves on Children's Day.3.It continues from May to July.4.How often does ...

毓蓝19471793079问: far from happy是个什么用法?为什么介词后面可以加形容词? -
牟定县运德回答: far from 有两个意思1. 远离这时候,from后面要接名词或名词词性的词或短语,表示远离something. 比如 I am far from home.这里far做表语,from home 介词短语做状语修饰far.2. 非但,远远不,谈不上这时候,far from成为一个副词词组,可以用来修饰形容词或者形容词性的词或短语.所有far from happy就是可以解释了,翻译成不开心,不幸福.比如 I am far from happy. 这里happy是表语,far from 做状语修饰happy.所以判断句子成分的时候,要擦亮眼睛,哪些是修饰的,哪些是句子主结构的.

毓蓝19471793079问: far from 和away from 使用上的区别
牟定县运德回答: far from是距离远的意思. 如:My home is far from here. away from是人或物离开、远离某地方. 如:Peter is away from HK,he has gone to America. 至于far away 后面要加from,它与far from是一样的意思, 但二词的from都不能省去.

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