
作者&投稿:塔吴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.e xcuse me. which is the way to the post office? 2.excuse me. can(could) you tell me the way to the park? 3.excuse me. can(could) you show me the way to the bookshop? 4.excuse me. do you know the way to the bank? 5.excuse me. how can i get to the farm ? 6.exc...

1.e xcuse me. which is the way to the post office? 2.excuse me. can(could) you tell me the way to the park? 3.excuse me. can(could) you show me the way to the bookshop? 4.excuse me. do you know the way to the bank? 5.excuse me. how can i get to the farm ? 6.exc...

1.e xcuse me. which is the way to the post office? 2.excuse me. can(could) you tell me the way to the park? 3.excuse me. can(could) you show me the way to the bookshop? 4.excuse me. do you know the way to the bank? 5.excuse me. how can i get to the farm ? 6.exc...

1.e xcuse me. which is the way to the post office? 2.excuse me. can(could) you tell me the way to the park? 3.excuse me. can(could) you show me the way to the bookshop? 4.excuse me. do you know the way to the bank? 5.excuse me. how can i get to the farm ? 6.exc...

1.e xcuse me. which is the way to the post office?2.excuse me. can(could) you tell me the way to the park?3.excuse me. can(could) you show me the way to the bookshop?4.excuse me. do you know the way to the bank?5.excuse me. how can i get to the farm ?6...

吁张18361865421问: 别人说excuse me,我应该怎么回答? -
贡井区五仁回答: 你好: 直接说:It is ok就行,表示没事. 如果他是要让你让一让,就回答:OK 希望我的回答对您有帮助,祝好!

吁张18361865421问: 有人和你说Excuse me应该怎样回答 -
贡井区五仁回答:[答案] 如果别人是想咨询你的话,你应该说“can I help you” 如果是你妨碍到别人的话,你应该说“I am sorry”

吁张18361865421问: 当别人向你说“Excuse me”时,你的回答可以是: - -------. -
贡井区五仁回答: 答案A 当别人向你说“Excuse me”时你的回答是Yes.

吁张18361865421问: 当别人向你说“Excuse me”时,你的回答可以是:________. -
贡井区五仁回答:[选项] A. Yes? B. What? C. Hello D. What's that?

吁张18361865421问: excuse me一般上句接下句,下一句是什么 -
贡井区五仁回答: 两种情况1、你问别人问题时 说 excuse me 他一般会回头 说: yes ,露出疑问的态度,听你接下来要说啥2、打扰别人 叫别人挪开一点 也会说excuse me 他一般会说 sorry

吁张18361865421问: 当别人和说excuse me 时 该怎么回答 -
贡井区五仁回答: --excuse me.请问?/打扰一下--what can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么吗?

吁张18361865421问: 用英语问路说Excuse me 该怎么回答 -
贡井区五仁回答: 他也不会轻易表露出来.他做人做事总是“战战兢兢,如临深渊,如履薄冰”

吁张18361865421问: Excuse me 后面加什么? -
贡井区五仁回答: Excuse me 后面,通常就接你想要打扰别人的问题或者是想要别人帮助之类的话咯,比如:Excuse me ,would you tell me how to get to the Zhongshan park? 等等.Thanks very much.It's( ) ( ) 这个更简单了, It's a pleasure,就OK啦!

吁张18361865421问: excuse me的回答,一个单词 -
贡井区五仁回答: 这个要看具体情况.如果让别人让路,说excuse me别人不用回答.如果问路,别人就说Yes?(有事吗?)然后你再说内容.如果别人说excuse me,也可以是跟你在说话电话来了,然后他说了这句就去接电话也不用再说什么.如果他踩了一下你的脚说对不起,也可以用,你直接说 没关系就好了.

吁张18361865421问: excuse me 的答语是什么 -
贡井区五仁回答: YES? 带有疑问的回答

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