
作者&投稿:贠泡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

of potatoes that spring up in a cellarin a hoarse voice
nd the soldiers wentone of the gratings in the doors

found与set up的区别?
found与set up的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同 1.found 释义:v.创建,创办(组织或机构,尤指提供资金。例句:The town was founded in 1610. 这个镇建于1610年。2.set up 释义:创建;建立;安排;组建;建起;设立。例句:They set up a working party to look ...

令人欢迎的是,国际上已经认识到了科学行为不端正在越来越多地广泛分布。3、more and more 英文发音:[mɔː(r) ənd mɔː(r)]中文释义:越来越多 例句:More and more old people have capital tied up in a house.越来越多老年人的资金全让房子给套牢了。

wrap up有多少种意思?
2、意思是圆满完成时例句 Well, Parker's hoping that the Spurs can draw from previousexperience and wrap up the series away in Miami.帕克希望马刺可以借鉴先前比赛经验,在迈阿密圆满完成季后赛。3、意思是穿得暖和时例句 In cold weather you should wrap up well.天气寒冷时,你应该穿得暖和...

round up是什么意思
4、Mr.Obama also reassured pro-immigrant groups he has no intention of trying to round up and deport those who are in the country illegally.奥巴马总统也使那些先前居住在美国的移民放心,他没有意图围捕非法居住在这个国家的移民或是驱逐出境。round 美[raʊnd]英[raʊnd]。n....

指加入组织、团体等,也指与他人一同做某事,或去某人那里与其呆在一起或做某事。〔例证〕He has made up his mind to join the army.他决意去参军。attend v. [正式]参加,出席 〔辨析〕多指出席会议、参加学术活动、听课等。〔例证〕How many people attended the meeting?多少人出席了会议?

一、over 英 [ˈəʊvə(r)] 美 [ˈoʊvə(r)]prep.(表示方向)越过;(部份或全部覆盖)在…上面;由于;(表示论及)关于 adj.过去的;外面的;在上的;上级的 1、Scatter the tomato over, then dress the salad.把西红柿散放在上面,然后给色拉加...

在有关石油专业词汇里见过,是个短语,为well bore deanup ,意为洗井。另在学术论文里经常有使用,如Spatial beam deanup of a Nd:YAG laser operating at 1.06 mm with two-wave mixing in Rh:BaTiO3;又如EPA-supervised deanup, mainly by removing soil, is on hold pending further ...

drove up in front of the house and honked.我车开到屋子前面然后按喇叭。 hard and you will be successful.努力,你就会成功。 首赞 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 链接http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/528378419055253405\/answer\/4342335705 微博 扫一扫 收起 用户 ...

then subsidiary risk identifiers may be specified. It is not possible to deduce the hazard class(es) of a substance from its UN number: they have to be looked up in a table.The hazard classes and their divisions are:Class 1: Explosives Division 1.1: Substances and articles whi...

壬独17679096327问: end up,end up with,end up in,end with请说明用法和区别?分别举例. -
邓州市复方回答:[答案] end up with后面的宾语是其主语的一部分,而end up in后面的宾语是其主语(一件事情、一个活动等)的结果.: end up 结束,告终 例句与用法:1.The people who design America's nuclear bombs believe believe they helped win the Cold War.But ...

壬独17679096327问: end up in是什么意思?并用end up in造句 -
邓州市复方回答: end up in 在...中结束end up with后面的宾语是其主语的一部分,而end up in后面的宾语是其主语(一件事情、一个活动等)的结果.: The meeting ended up with a song.(a song是主语The meeting 的一部分,即歌曲之后整个会议结束). Their effort ended up in failure(failure是主语Their effort 的结果).

壬独17679096327问: end up in 和 end in区别 -
邓州市复方回答: End in 是以xx告终的意思,如end in failure,是以失败告终的意思.End up with/in是最终得到了xx的意思,如end up with a new friend,是最终得到了一个新朋友的意思.

壬独17679096327问: end up with/in/doing 区别 -
邓州市复方回答: 其实问题不应该这样问,with、 in、 doing 只是end up 的不同搭配.end up 的意思是结束,后跟with表示以什么结束,其后可跟任何名词;后跟in一般表示后面要接一个地点名词 如end in prison;而doing则表示end up后面可以接一个动名词 如end up dancing(停止跳舞)

壬独17679096327问: end up end up with end with end up in end in -
邓州市复方回答: 没有太大的区别. end up 和 end up with 的区别只在于后者需要跟具体的结果(名词或动名词形式) end with 不是固定搭配,with 表伴随,标示随着……而结束 end up in 也不是固定搭配,只是end up 加了个in而已,in 标示结束的地点 end in 就更不是固定搭配了,end 做不及物动词价格借此而已. 而end 和end up 的区别,主要在于语义,后者更加强调结果而已.语法上都是接受的.一般很少见end up单独出现,往往后接with紧跟具体结果.如果是选择或完型的话 我猜这道题选B.顺便问一下你几年级?

壬独17679096327问: 关于end up的所有语法
邓州市复方回答: end up (以…)结束;最终成为[变得];最后处于 end up in 以……告终,以……为结局;以..状况而告终 end up with 用..来结尾,以..来结束 end (up) with 以……结束 end up as 最后成为;最后成了,最后是

壬独17679096327问: end up end up with end with end up in end in的区别 -
邓州市复方回答: end with /end in 都可翻译为以...结束. 但区别就在这里:end up with +句子中主语的一部分. 如:The party we had ended up with a music. 而end in+事情发展的结果.

壬独17679096327问: end up in和end up with的不同点end up in和end up with的不同要便于记忆,讲清楚点, -
邓州市复方回答:[答案] end up in 在...中结束 end up with sth以...告终/结束,即sth是最后一部分end up with +句子中主语的一部分. The party we had ended up with a music. end up in+事情发展的结果. eg: The team ended up in a vit...

壬独17679096327问: end up/end in/end up with 好像都是以...而结尾、告终的意思? -
邓州市复方回答: 建议去买一本牛津高阶双解词典,上面讲解得很全面的.大概是:end in sth : have sth as its tip or ending 以某事物作为末端或结尾 ,后只接名词.end up :reach or come to a certain place, state or action, esp by a lengthy route or process 到达或来到某处, 达到某状态或采取某行动(尤指经一长路程或过程),后只接表状态的词或词组.end up with则是end up的特殊用法,通常用于 end up with+sth/sb+状态.

壬独17679096327问: end - endupwith和endupin的区别?结果和状态什么区别?
邓州市复方回答: 没在网上搜,在这给您归纳一下~ end with /end in 都可翻译为以...结束. 但区别就在这里:end up with +句子中主语的一部分. 举个例子:The party we had ended up with a music. 而end in+事情发展的结果. eg: The team ended up in a vitory.

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