
作者&投稿:仇由凯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

现在完成时能与before 搭配么
We've e to help. 我们已经提供了帮助。 现在完成时用not来表达否定形式。当有not出现的时候,have可以和not组成缩写,但是此时不能和前面的代名片语成缩写。 She hasn't spoken to him. 她还没和他说过话。 We've not spoken with her. 提问的时候,have需要被提到句首。 Have you seen Matthew? 你见过马...

The letter E is commonly used for electromotive force.通常用E这个字母表示电动势。③在作条件、方式或方法状语的介词短语中,介词有时转译成动词。如:But even the larger molecules with several hundred atoms are too small to be seen with the best optical microscope.但是,即使有几百个...

(1) 感官动词和一些使役动词的不定式的主动形式要省去to但在变成被动语态后需要加上to能这样用的动词或动词词组有make have let see hear notice listen to watch等。 如:We often see him act like that. He is often seen to act like that. 我们常常看到他那样做。 (2)在can't help buthave nothing...

2. Ask questions. People love to talk about themselves (okay, except for people like you), so ask questions. Come up with a list before you leave the house, i.e., How did you get into that line of work? Where did you go to school? Have you seen the new Brad Pitt ...

5.There is sufficient evidence to show that 。 6.According to statistics proved by 。, it can be seen that 。 (七)开篇 1.Many nations have been faced with the problem of 。 2.Recently the problem has been brought into focus. 3.Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic. 4....

...see, watch ...这些动词后的不定式做宾补to要省略么??
We often hear her sing this song. 我们经常听到她唱这首歌。Did you notice her leave the house? 她离开屋子你注意到了吗?注意:1. 这里所说的感觉动词主要包括see, hear, observe, notice, feel, watch等。但是它们用于被动语态时,其后的不定式必须带to。如:The woman was seen to enter ...

n. 腿 vi. 用脚走路 The breaking of his right leg made him walk on crutches only.他右脚的折断使他只有靠拐杖走路。二、break 英 [breɪk] 美 [breɪk]v. 打碎;折断;违背;解决;中断;透露;变弱;锐减;结束 n. 破裂;休息;中断;急冲;好运 To frighten the dog, ...

英语被动语态定义 结构 对应例句
e.g. They chose Tom captain.被动句:主语(原宾语)+谓语+原宾语补足语 e.g. Tom was chosen captain.【注】如主动句中宾语补足语是不带to的不定式,变成被动语态后要加to e.g. I saw him go to the church.He was seen to go to the church.被动语态的用法 英语中,何时情况下才...

The cafe doesn't use volunteers, but pays its staff to ensure consistency in its service. It doesn't take donations and doesn't want to be seen as a charity. Mr. Wilson says when people start to know other people around them, (7) they realize they're not that different and whatever...

2). It’ s hard to measure his ability when we haven’ t seen his work. 没有见过他的作品, 很难估计他的能力。 [重点用法] measure A by B 用B衡量A sth. measures 2 metres by 4 metres 某物长4米宽2米 measure sb. for a suit = make a suit to sb’ s measure 给某人量身做一套衣...

华阙17851018957问: be seen 后接 to do 还是原形????谢谢
长顺县长清回答: to do 这些词如果是原型是+do的,变为被动语态的时候就是+to do

华阙17851018957问: be seen doing和be seen to do的区别 -
长顺县长清回答: be seen doing和be seen to do的区别为: 一、指代不同 1、be seen doing:看见正在做... 2、be seen to do:看见做了... 二、用法不同 1、be seen doing:see的基本意思是指一般视觉意义上的“看见”,也可指有意识地“观察”,引申可表示...

华阙17851018957问: be seen 后面是to do吗?谢谢 -
长顺县长清回答: 不一定 也有可能是doing

华阙17851018957问: 一道初中英语语法题!be + 过去分词(例如:seen)+ to do /doing sth 都是被看见做某事,但是它们有什么区别,什么情况下用 to do 什么情况下用doing -
长顺县长清回答:[答案] to 是被动语态是要补回的 正常语态是不需要to的 所以可以这样理解: see + do /doing sth see + do是目睹全过程,see + doing是在半途目睹的 其他的hear等词也是同样理解

华阙17851018957问: 当被选答案中同时出现be seen to do ,be seen doing.应该选哪个? -
长顺县长清回答: 那要看具体情况了,如果强调“被看到'正在做某事'”用be seen doing; 如果强调“被看到'经常或者做了某事'”, 用be seen to do. 例如: He was seen playing computer games at 8:00 this morning. (强调8点钟他正在玩电脑游戏) He was seen to play compupter games every Saturday morning.(强调他每周六都玩电脑游戏)

华阙17851018957问: be seen doing ,be seen to do ,be seen do,这三中用法都存在吗?区别是什么? -
长顺县长清回答: 从没见过be seen doing 和be seen do,老师们既没说过它们是否存在,也没提到过,可能也是因为对自己不够确信不能误人子弟.只需要记住be seen to do就够了,这是一般被动语态动词的用法.除了sound ,feel,look,smell,taste等几个感官动词没有被动语态之外,一般的动词都有be+动词过去分词+to do something 的用法

华阙17851018957问: be +found、noticed、seen 后面是不是用to do? -
长顺县长清回答: 表示感官动作时,后面也经常跟doing,表示 被 发现/看到/注意到/ 时 **正在**做某事 比如: she was seen playing piano yesterday.昨天她弹钢琴被看到了.即她被看到时**正在**弹钢琴

华阙17851018957问: be seen do 还是 be seen to do -
长顺县长清回答: be seen do

华阙17851018957问: be seen to do 和be seen doing 的用法 -
长顺县长清回答: 不定式一般表示一次性发生的动作,现在分词着重表示动作正在进行或发生.如:He was seen to slip into the room.He was seen playing football then.

华阙17851018957问: be seen to do和doing有神魔区别 -
长顺县长清回答: be seen doing表被看到正在做某事;be seen to do 表被看到做某事(不表进行) He was seen to read a book He was seen reading a book

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