
作者&投稿:钮郝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1。 CAS no. (number): 不是危险品而已, 而是所有的化学品都有的一个编号, 便于数据库的查找。

CAS registry numbers are unique numerical identifiers for chemical compounds, polymers, biological sequences, mixtures and alloys. They are also referred to as CAS numbers or CAS RNs.

Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society, assigns these identifiers to every chemical that has been described in the literature. The intention is to make database searches more convenient, as chemicals often have many names. Almost all molecule databases today allow searching by CAS number.

As of Nov 2, 2005, there were 26,901,696 substances in the CAS registry — the current number is published here. About 4,000 new numbers are added each day.

CAS registry number is separated by hyphens into three parts, the first consisting of up to 6 digits, the second consisting of two digits, and the third consisting of a single digit serving as a check digit.

2。 UN no. 才是危险品特有的。 运输都要有这号码。
UN numbers or UN IDs are four-digit numbers that identify dangerous goods hazardous substances and articles (such as explosives, flammable liquids, toxic substances, etc.) in the framework of international transport. Some hazardous substances have their own UN numbers (e.g. acrylamide has UN2074), while sometimes groups of chemicals or products with similar properties receive a common UN number (e.g. flammable liquid, not otherwise specified, have UN1993). A chemical in its solid state may receive a different UN number than the liquid phase if their hazardous properties differ significantly; substances with different levels of purity may also receive different UN numbers.

UN numbers range from UN0001 to about UN3500 and are assigned by the United Nations Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. They are published as part of their Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, also known as the Orange Book. These recommendations are adopted by the regulatory organization responsible for the different modes of transport.

NA numbers (North America), also known as DOT numbers are issued by the United States Department of Transportation and are identical to UN numbers, except that some substances without a UN number may have an NA number. These additional NA numbers use the range NA8000 - NA9999.

Associated with each UN number is a hazard identifier, which encodes the general hazard class and subdivision (and, in the case of explosives, their compatibility group). For instance, the hazard identifier of acrylamide is 6.1 and the one of cigarette lighters is 2.1. If a substances poses several dangers, then subsidiary risk identifiers may be specified. It is not possible to deduce the hazard class(es) of a substance from its UN number: they have to be looked up in a table.

The hazard classes and their divisions are:
Class 1: Explosives
Division 1.1: Substances and articles which have a mass explosion hazard
Division 1.2: Substances and articles which have a projection hazard but not a mass explosion hazard
Division 1.3: Substances and articles which have a fire hazard and either a minor blast hazard or a minor projection hazard or both, but not a mass explosion hazard
Division 1.4: Substances and articles which present no significant hazard
Division 1.5: Very insensitive substances which have a mass explosion hazard
Division 1.6: Extremely insensitive articles which do not have a mass explosion hazard
Class 2: Gases
Division 2.1: Flammable gases
Division 2.2: Non-flammable, non-toxic gases
Division 2.3: Toxic gases
Class 3: Flammable liquids
Class 4: Flammable solids; substances liable to spontaneous combustion; substances which, on contact with water, emit flammable gases
Division 4.1: Flammable solids, self-reactive substances and solid desensitised explosives
Division 4.2: Substances liable to spontaneous combustion
Division 4.3: Substances which in contact with water emit flammable gases
Class 5: Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides
Division 5.1: Oxidizing substances
Division 5.2: Organic peroxides
Class 6: Toxic and infectious substances
Division 6.1: Toxic substances
Division 6.2: Infectious substances
Class 7: Radioactive material
Class 8: Corrosive substances
Class 9: Miscellaneous dangerous substances and articles


美国化学会的下设组织化学文摘社(Chemical Abstracts Service,简称CAS).该社负责为每一种出现在文献中的物质分配一个CAS编号,这是为了避免化学物质有多种名称的麻烦,使数据库的检索更为方便.

CAS登录号是美国化学文摘服务社(Chemical Abstracts Service ,CAS)为化学物质制订的登记号,该号是检索有多个名称的化学物质信息的重要工具。是某种物质(化合物、高分子材料、生物序列[Biological sequences])、混合物或合金的唯一的数字识别号码。格式 一个CAS编号以连字符“-”分为三部分,第一部分有2...

1。 CAS no. (number): 是所有的化学品都有的一个编号,便于数据库的查找。2。 UN no. 才是危险品特有的。 运输都要有这号码。

重点监管的危险化学品名录 (2013 年完整版 )序号 化学品名称 别名 CAS 号 1 氯 液氯、氯气 7782-50-5 2 氨 液氨、氨气 7664-41-7 3 液化石油气 68476-85-7 4 硫化氢 7783-06-4 5 甲烷、天然气 74-82-8 (甲烷)6 原油 7 汽油(含甲醇汽油、乙醇汽油)、石脑油 8006-61-9 (汽油)...

1。 CAS no. (number): 不是危险品而已, 而是所有的化学品都有的一个编号, 便于数据库的查找。CAS registry numbers are unique numerical identifiers for chemical compounds, polymers, biological sequences, mixtures and alloys. They are also referred to as CAS numbers or CAS RNs.Chemical...

“CAS号”:Chemical Abstract Service的缩写,是美国化学文摘社对化学品的唯一登记号,是检索化学物质有关信息资料最常用的编号。“主要的燃爆危险性分类”:根据《化学品分类和标签规范》系列标准(GB30000.2-2013~GB30000.29.2013)等国家标准,对某种化学品燃烧爆炸危险性进行的分类。2、除列明的条目...


丙酸是一种受公安部门管制的危险化学品,根据《危险化学品安全管理条例》进行管理。它的中文名称是丙酸,英文名包括Propionic Acid (AS)、Propanoic acid 和 Carboxylic acid C3。该化学品的CAS编号为79-09-4,其化学式为C3H6O2,分子结构式为CH3CH2COOH,相对分子质量为74.08。丙酸是一种无色澄清的油...

六氢吡啶:危化品真相与储存运输指南六氢吡啶:危险化学品的特性 六氢吡啶,一种无色至淡黄色的透明液体,以其CAS号110-89-4和UN2401的身份,被归类为第8类腐蚀性物质,这意味着它具有潜在的化学危险性。在处理和运输时,必须格外小心,以确保安全。GHS危险性标签 遵循联合国全球化学品统一分类和标...

属于危险化学品,编号21008 UN号 1972。《危险化学品安全管理条例》第三条 本条例所称危险化学品,是指具有毒害、腐蚀、爆炸、燃烧、助燃等性质,对人体、设施、环境具有危害的剧毒化学品和其他化学品。液化天然气是天然气经压缩、冷却至其沸点(-161.5℃)温度后变成液体,通常液化天然气储存在-161...

丹凤县15256782055: 危险化学品的cas.nd.un号等分别是何意思? -
剑帝补佳: http://www.ccebbs.com/forum/dispq.asp?lid=59320 http://emuch.net/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=185665

丹凤县15256782055: 危险化学品品名编号的CN号和UN号各是什么意思? -
剑帝补佳: 危险货物编号:又称危规号、CN号(China DG Number,DG即Dangerous Goods),是《GB 12268-2012危险货物品名表》的危险货物编号.《危险化学品名录2012》的危险货物编号与此类同.该编号由5为阿拉伯数字组成.第1位数表示该危...

丹凤县15256782055: 化学品CN号码什么意思 -
剑帝补佳: CN号是2012版《危险化学品名录》中对危险货物的编号,如“空气[压缩的]”,其CN号为“22003”;UN号是联合国《关于危险货物运输建议书》中对危险货物的编号,如“空气[压缩的]”,其UN号为“1002”.个人简单理解为CN号是中国版本的危险货物编号,UN是国际版本的危险货物编号(请批评地接受).

丹凤县15256782055: 用化学危险品un编号怎么查cas号 -
剑帝补佳: UN编号不一定能查到cas#,有些UN编号对应的是一类危险品,例如UN3077/UN3082指的是环境危害物,所以这些UN编号查不到CAS#.如果该UN号对应的是一种物质,例如硫酸 UN1830 Sulphuric acid/8/Ⅱ,那么你可以用运输专用名来查CAS#.

丹凤县15256782055: 危险化学品名录里的UN号指的是什么? -
剑帝补佳: UN是United Nation的缩写.UN号是联合国《关于危险货物运输的建议书》对危险货物制订的编号. 具体的查询可以参考国家安监局发布的《危险化学品名录》(2002年版)

丹凤县15256782055: 危险化学品档案中的UN和CN具体指什么? -
剑帝补佳: UN:联合国危险化学品货物编号 CN:中国自己的编号

丹凤县15256782055: 怎么判断一个化工产品是危险品还是普货,需不需要做危包证?? -
剑帝补佳: 化学品都有MSDS,正确完整的MSDS有16项,第十四项是运输信息,有UN.NO和危险品类别,说明该货物属于危险品;有时候中文品名查询并不是很准确,最好用英文品名、CAS.NO查询,相比较准确;常用网站如西格玛、sciencelab等,也可以在搜索引擎输入准确的英文品名,+空格MSDS,看看国外网站有没有类似的MSDS.像吡唑醚菌酯中文通用一些的品名叫百克敏,UN3077 CLASS 9 9类危险品;毒死蜱 UN2811 CLASS 6.1;吡虫啉 UN3077 CLASS 9.

丹凤县15256782055: 哪里能查到最全面的化学产品的UN NO和CAS NO -
剑帝补佳: CAS号能从Chemicalbook 或者emolecules 还有阿拉丁,一般都有MSDS,上面有许多信息.阿拉丁上面还能看到价格.UN号是危险化学品才有的,可以参考国家安监局发布的《危险化学品名录》,一般化合物的MSDS上也有.

丹凤县15256782055: 危险化学品品名编号的CN号和UN号各是什么意思?CN号是我国危险货物编号?UN号是联合中危险品编号? -
剑帝补佳:[答案] 危险货物编号:又称危规号、CN号(China DG Number,DG即Dangerous Goods),是《GB 12268-2012危险货物品名表》的危险货物编号.《危险化学品名录2012》的危险货物编号与此类同.该编号由5为阿拉伯数字组成.第1位数表示...

丹凤县15256782055: 危险品包装上的UN号含义 -
剑帝补佳: 相对于危险品而言的,国际运输中危险品都有对应的UN号码及危险品等级.根据不同的等级与UN号来申请舱位,所有危险品配载出运都需要提供危报证及性能单. 上面列明了危险品等级及UN号,联合国危险品编码 一般不同危险品包装,都要...

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