
作者&投稿:朝宜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

美味的,可口的意思。delicious基本意思为美味的,可口的,形容词性。派生词有deliciously(副词,可口地)和deliciousness(名词,美味)。例句:Traditional Spanish food is delicious and its specialities are worth searching out.传统的西班牙食品美味可口,其特色菜肴值得寻访。

区别:一、含义不同。1、delicious指的是能让感官很愉悦的东西, 特别是味觉和嗅觉。The fried chicken is delicious.这炸鸡味道鲜美。另外delicious还有"令人愉快的, 令人高兴的"意思, 如 a delicious sense of humor 2、tasty强调的只是味道,好吃。Lacking flavour or zest; not tasty.乏味的缺少...

“delicious”的中文翻译是“美味的”。扩展知识 以下是关于“delicious”的详细解释。1.delicious定义 delicious是一个英语单词,形容食物口感好、美味可口的特征。除了用于描述食物,有时也可以用来形容其他东西如音乐、电影等体验令人非常愉悦的情境。2.delicious的近义词和反义词 delicious的近义词包括tasty、...

delicious什么意思 delicious怎么造句呢
1、delicious,adj.美味的; 可口的; 芬芳的; 令人愉快的; 令人开心的; 宜人的;2、[例句](1)These mushrooms would make a delicious side dish.这些蘑菇将会是一道美味的佐菜。(2)Can I have another piece of the delicious cake?我能不能再吃一块那可口的蛋糕?

delicious的比较级是more delicious。释义:adj.美味的;可口的 短语:Delicious Proposal 美味美爱;甘旨美爱 例句:She served us a delicious lunch.她招待我们吃了一顿可口的午餐。近义词:delectable 释义:adj.美味的;令人愉快的 短语:Delectable Dining 美味餐饮 delectable morseks 味道鲜美的食品 ...

delicious与yummy的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、指代不同 1、delicious:美味的。2、yummy:很好吃的。二、用法不同 1、delicious:delicious的基本意思是指某道菜或某种食品尝起来“味道可口”或“闻起来很香”。用于修饰食物以外的事物时,往往译为“令人开心的”“怡人的”等。2、...



delicious意思是美味的。真题例句:1、The food is so delicious that you don't need much of it to make you happy.这食物太美味了,你不需要太多就能让你开心。2、Lucky for them, Takotna is famous for its delicious fruit pies.幸运的是,塔克哈纳以其美味的水果馅饼而闻名。3、In the ...

美味的:delicious 怎么读?
delicious 形容词 a.英音:[di'li??s]美音:[d?'l???s]1.美味的;香喷喷的 The fried chicken is delicious.这炸鸡味道鲜美。2.妙的,有趣的 He has a bag of delicious stories.他有许多好听的故事。名词 n.1.(大写)金香苹果,红香苹果[C]Red Delicious 红色有黄纹的芳香苹果 Gold ...

屠烁13527885842问: 变为感叹句:The food was very delicious. - _ - __ - __ - it was!同意句转换:How was Sports World? - _ - __ - Sports World? -
馆陶县润洁回答:[答案] What delicious food What was

屠烁13527885842问: 英语翻译It makes people could taste it close to home that is many delicious food from all different parts of the world.总觉得不顺.我是觉得宾语太长了,才用it替... -
馆陶县润洁回答:[答案] It enables people to enjoy near home a lot of delicious food from all parts of the world.

屠烁13527885842问: 英语 The Chinese food is ( ) delicious food in the world? -
馆陶县润洁回答:[选项] A. the most B. the more C. most D. the funniest

屠烁13527885842问: ...time you drop your hamburger into your ice cream or your cooked potatoes into your chicken soup,don't worry!Some of the most delicious foods in the world ... -
馆陶县润洁回答:[答案] 任务一:A.根据She thought that the chocolate would meltin the oven她认为巧克力会融化在烤炉里.A化为水.B化为冰.根据实际及语境可知,答案是A.任务二:(1).break it into little pieces.(2).the pie...

屠烁13527885842问: find two synonyms related to the given word below for example small =tiny little1. very - ____ - _______2.good - ___ - _____3.enormous - __ - ______4.... -
馆陶县润洁回答:[答案] 1.very、fairly、quite、rather、pretty2.good、fine、nice、well3.enormous,colossal,huge,immense,tremendous,giganticmammoth,prodigious,titanic,massive,gargantuan 4.delicious、delicate、palatable、toothso...

屠烁13527885842问: Healthy Food Or Delicious Food的英语作文!(提示:有各种各样的食品,例如:快餐,辣食品,甜食品等,你最喜欢什么食品?我们每天应该持那些食品才... -
馆陶县润洁回答:[答案] There are all kinds of foods in the world.Which one is healthier,the Chinese food or the western food?Different people have different choices. Some people like the Chinese food.Firstly,the Chinese food contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables.It is rich ...

屠烁13527885842问: beijing D___ - is very famous in the world,because it is very delicious. -
馆陶县润洁回答:[答案] beijing Duck____ is very famous in the world,because it is very delicious. 北京烤鸭世界闻名,因为它很美味.

屠烁13527885842问: 英语翻译I had my first chocolate bar at five.I'll never forget the delicious,comforting taste.It was World WarⅡ.I lived in a small town in Europe when the Russian ... -
馆陶县润洁回答:[答案] 应该是不限于一个词吧 很多地方都没法填一个词 31 moved 32 a hurry 33 afternoon 34 There was 35 allowed 36 who was 37 took 38 took her 39 were left on 40 already 41 lonely 42 made a living 43 ...

屠烁13527885842问: “吃遍天下美食”英文怎么说 -
馆陶县润洁回答:[答案] 作为一个长句可以说 Tasting delicious food all over the world. Tasting delicious dishes all around the world. 如果简单作为一个标题的话,可以说 Tasting delicious around the world.

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