
作者&投稿:正蚀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

求助 英文翻译--菜谱,谢绝翻译器!
一、 新菜、特色菜推介 Special Dishes Recommendations 1益盛盐焗鸡 YiSheng Baked Salted Chicken 2羊肚菌六宝汤 Morel with Six Treasures Soup 3红烧乳鸽皇 Braised Pigeonneau in Brown Sauce 4鲍汁扒网鲍 Stewed Amidori in Abalone Sauce 5冰糖木瓜雪蛤 Steamed Forest Frog with Papaya in Rock...

The village Beihutou is located on its northern shore. Several miles up, River Xiaojiaqi flows into Lake Jingbo: here you used to come across two old log-cabins in a deep valley at the foot of a mountain. We held a meeting in February 1936 in one of them. I was told that it is ...

SUBORDER:Monorrhina(Uni-Snouters),(Foot-Walkers部分:行人),原始部落:Archirrhiniformes Snouter(类型),家庭:Archirrhinidae sens. Snouters迟到(原始的),Archirrhinos 1属(原始Snouters:适当的),一个种类。Archirrhnos haeckelii(Haeckel很原始Snouter)是唯一一个活生生的代表原始Snouters。*它...

and some are y_ellow___. We can see a hill behind the park, too. At the foot of the hill we can see a r_iver___. There are some boats on it. Children like to go there. It is Monday today. There are many young Pioneers in the park. Some are walking...

高分求关于普希金的一些知识 最好有学过俄语的大人
Although lacking the heightened, poetic passion of Shakespeare's tragedies, Boris excels in the "convincingness of situation and naturalness of dialogue" at which Pushkin aimed, sometimes using conversational prose, sometimes a five-foot iambic line of great flexibility. The character of the ...

2.He ___ (go) to school on foot every day.3. ___ you ___ (find) your science book yet?4.If it ___ (be) fine tomorrow, I’ll go with you.5.She doesn’t like the children ___ (play) in the room.6.The students ___ (read) English when the teacher came in...

能在今天22点给此篇文言文翻译的 加分给至100分!过今晚22点的就别发...
刘祎之,字希美, 常州晋陵人。祎之年轻时候与孟利贞、高智周、郭正一都凭借文章有名,号称“刘孟高郭”,一起在昭文馆当值。上元年间,祎之与元万顷等人一起被招进宫中,评定编次一千多篇新书。高宗又秘密地参与决断当时的政事,来分宰相的权力。、,当时人称他为“北门学士”。祎之的哥哥懿之,...

晚更新世古东京湾浅海底栖古生态学——一个具障壁岛适度遮蔽的海湾_百 ...
Chion kiusiuensis和Gomphina neastartoides一般在上三角洲前缘发现,具较高分异度的软体动物组合产生在下三角洲前缘环境,特别是在不稳定的中三角洲前缘环境,Mactra chinensis很丰富。同样地,深潜穴的蛤蜊类Raetapellicula小群体发现在同一环境中。蛤蜊类,例如Pseudocardium sachalinensis和Tresus keenae在较老的古东京湾...

许宽15219821871问: chinese femdom house slave -
江东区威氏回答: Chinese femdom house slave中国女主人的奴隶

许宽15219821871问: 1.China has set foot - _ - B.on -
江东区威氏回答:[答案] A.宇宙空间是广大而虚无的,所以用in.

许宽15219821871问: Chinese++++foot+++++is+++++so++++++different+++++++from+++++British++++foot的中文怎样
江东区威氏回答: 中式食物与英式食物有区别.

许宽15219821871问: ...举例来说,当有人临近自己的晚年生活,我们说:“The black bull has trod/trampled on his foot”;当有人制造麻烦时,我们说:“He is a bull in a china ... -
江东区威氏回答:[答案] In China,the bull is a symbol of selfless dedication and hard work.When we praise a person we can say "niu".When the stock market is constantly rising,we call it a bull market.So in China,the bull is on behalf of a commendatory meaning. While in ...

许宽15219821871问: how about trying Chinese food?和how about Chinese foot?的意思有什么不同? -
江东区威氏回答:[答案] how about trying Chinese food?意思是尝尝中国菜怎么样?是询问别人想不想吃中国菜 how about Chinese food?意思是中国菜怎么样?是询问别人对中国菜的看法 所以两个句子的意思完全不一样

许宽15219821871问: I'd(完全形式)China(形容词)visit(名词)travel(现在分词)different(反义词)write(同音词)there(同音词)me(复数)they(宾格)feet(单数)
江东区威氏回答: i would chinaes visitor travelling difference right three mines them foot

许宽15219821871问: cook chinese foot的翻译 -
江东区威氏回答: 你好,应该是cook Chinese food , 烧中国菜******************************************************************************************************* ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,金山精锐老师很高兴为你解答*******************************************************************************************************

许宽15219821871问: 中国+中国=棒8 - 棒=71 -
江东区威氏回答: 棒8-棒=71 可以得出 棒=7 中国+中国=78 中国=78÷2=39 中=3 国=9所以最后 中=3 国=9 棒=7

许宽15219821871问: 牙齿+刷子 脚+球 床+房间 太阳+眼镜 这些组成的英语单词是?{分开2个加在一起} -
江东区威氏回答: tooth+brush=toothbrush牙刷foot+ball=football足球bed+room=bedroom卧室sun+glasses=sunglasses墨镜希望我的回答对你有帮助~

许宽15219821871问: 冠词a an分辨技巧 -
江东区威氏回答: 分辨用定冠词the还是用不定冠词a/an 总规则:特定用the不特定用a/an ?所谓的"特定":如 I have a book. 这句话只说明"我有本书",至于这本书是什么书,是此书彼书,是英语书数学书这句话都没有说明,所以是"不特定"的. 而如果你...

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