
作者&投稿:在秀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Where’s the bathroom? I need to go number 2.厕所在哪里啊?我得上个大号了。Number 2 :大号 Hey man, I need to take a dump.兄弟,我想拉屎。Take a dump :拉屎 I have to visit the john.我得去茅房了。John: 厕所\/茅房 I need to poop\/defecate\/shit now.我现在想拉屎。Poop...

Where’s the bathroom? I need to go number 2.厕所在哪里啊?我得上个大号了。Number 2 :大号 Hey man, I need to take a dump.兄弟,我想拉屎。Take a dump :拉屎 I have to visit the john.我得去茅房了。John: 厕所\/茅房 I need to poop\/defecate\/shit now.我现在想拉屎。Poop...

Where’s the bathroom? I need to go number 2.厕所在哪里啊?我得上个大号了。Number 2 :大号 Hey man, I need to take a dump.兄弟,我想拉屎。Take a dump :拉屎 I have to visit the john.我得去茅房了。John: 厕所\/茅房 I need to poop\/defecate\/shit now.我现在想拉屎。Poop...

Where’s the bathroom? I need to go number 2.厕所在哪里啊?我得上个大号了。Number 2 :大号 Hey man, I need to take a dump.兄弟,我想拉屎。Take a dump :拉屎 I have to visit the john.我得去茅房了。John: 厕所\/茅房 I need to poop\/defecate\/shit now.我现在想拉屎。Poop...

Where’s the bathroom? I need to go number 2.厕所在哪里啊?我得上个大号了。Number 2 :大号 Hey man, I need to take a dump.兄弟,我想拉屎。Take a dump :拉屎 I have to visit the john.我得去茅房了。John: 厕所\/茅房 I need to poop\/defecate\/shit now.我现在想拉屎。Poop...

Where’s the bathroom? I need to go number 2.厕所在哪里啊?我得上个大号了。Number 2 :大号 Hey man, I need to take a dump.兄弟,我想拉屎。Take a dump :拉屎 I have to visit the john.我得去茅房了。John: 厕所\/茅房 I need to poop\/defecate\/shit now.我现在想拉屎。Poop...

Where’s the bathroom? I need to go number 2.厕所在哪里啊?我得上个大号了。Number 2 :大号 Hey man, I need to take a dump.兄弟,我想拉屎。Take a dump :拉屎 I have to visit the john.我得去茅房了。John: 厕所\/茅房 I need to poop\/defecate\/shit now.我现在想拉屎。Poop...

Where’s the bathroom? I need to go number 2.厕所在哪里啊?我得上个大号了。Number 2 :大号 Hey man, I need to take a dump.兄弟,我想拉屎。Take a dump :拉屎 I have to visit the john.我得去茅房了。John: 厕所\/茅房 I need to poop\/defecate\/shit now.我现在想拉屎。Poop...

英语中上大号是what's the word for?
Where’s the bathroom? I need to go number 2.厕所在哪里啊?我得上个大号了。Number 2 :大号 Hey man, I need to take a dump.兄弟,我想拉屎。Take a dump :拉屎 I have to visit the john.我得去茅房了。John: 厕所\/茅房 I need to poop\/defecate\/shit now.我现在想拉屎。Poop...

1、鼻屎:Booger,Pick one's nose 就是抠鼻子、挖鼻孔的意思。例句:There's a huge booger hanging out of your nose! 有一个大鼻屎挂在你鼻子外面!2、眼屎:Sleep\/ eye discharge,“眼屎”这个词在英文当中其实没有一个固定的专有名称,sleep除了睡觉之外也有“眼屎”的意思,eye discharge就...

向泰18315963701问: 小便大便 英语怎么说 -
阳谷县欣畅回答: 大便 excrement to defecate feces你的大便里有血或粘液吗? Be there any blood or mucus in your stool? 便秘有困难的、不完全的或不经常从肠道排泄干燥且硬的大便 Difficult, incomplete, or infrequent evacuation of dry, hardened feces from the ...

向泰18315963701问: 拉大便用英文怎么说? -
阳谷县欣畅回答: Pulls the bowel movement

向泰18315963701问: 英语大便怎么说?好象叫pupu -
阳谷县欣畅回答: 一般是用 to make(或 have)a bowel movement 或 to take a shit.如果看病,医生常问:「Do you have regular bowel movement?」(大便正常吗?)(说得斯文些,就是「大肠在转动」)此外,还有其他的说法: to defecate =to discharge...

向泰18315963701问: 英语翻译我想要去大便.用英语说是:I would like to poopoo. -
阳谷县欣畅回答:[答案] 当然不对啦 应该是I want the bowel movement.

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