
作者&投稿:侯南 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. a keen musical sense 敏锐的音乐感 2. We are not too keen on complicated mechanism.我们对复杂的机械装置不太感兴趣。3. We await your telegraphic reply with keen interest.急切盼你方电复。4. We are not too keen on complicated mechanism.我们对复杂的机械装置不太感兴趣。5. We ...

It's fun to watch the cartoons. 看动画片很好玩儿。have trouble with sth,He has trouble with his final exams, because he had little revision.他期末考有大麻烦了,因为他很少复习。be tired of,I'm tired of eating noodles for breakfast everyday.我每天早餐吃面条吃烦了\/吃腻了。get ...

2018-10-30 描写一个人的经历
asking questions that embarrassed his teachers. 临摹句子2:As an adult, he hustled his way into the entertainment business, writing theme songs for classic cartoons like Inspector Gadget and Heathcliff. 提炼出句型:As an adult, X hustled\/worked his way into Y, doing Z. 造句示范:...

1、问:Do you always do this?你们每次都是这样干的吗?答:Yes, we have always been doing this. 是的,我们一直是这样干的。2、问:Does he always have lunch at school? 他总是在学校吃午饭吗?答:No,he doesn't. 不,他没有。3、问:Do you sometimes watch cartoons? 你有时看...

阅读写景文章时,要注意把握以下几点:①注意感受作者遣词造句的表达效果;②注意分析文章的表达顺序;③体会作者的思想感情。同时要在阅读写景文章时进行语言、方法的积累。1、给下列加点字注音。(5分)戛然而止( jiá ) 硕果( shuò ) 伴和( hè ) 步履( lǚ ) 雕琢( zhuó )2、把文中画“___”的句子改为...

【分析】1) programs显然是与后面的the cartoons,TV shows and films有关,所以,将programs译成“方法”不合上下文。应改译为“节目”。 2) 孤立地看young patients,完全可译“青年病人”,但是,下文即出现了the care of ill children,显然,这里的young patients有其特定的所指,似可译“小病人”。 此外,原译漏译...

I love you more than he does.我爱你胜过他爱你。An economic recession now seems more than likely.现在看来,经济衰退的可能性相当大。"About income, I think most people deserve more than what they get."谈到收入,我想大多数人都应得到比他们现在得到的更多些。He was aware, more than...

他一拳砸在我鼻子上。来自《权威词典》2. his bruised and bloodied nose 他沾满血的青肿的鼻子 来自《权威词典》3. a bulbous red nose 蒜头红鼻子 来自《权威词典》4. fashionistas who are slaves to the latest trends 被潮流牵着鼻子走的赶时髦者 来自《权威词典》5. Cartoons showed the ...

急求好点的牛津小学英语 6a Unit7单元的好教案,最好是上过公开课用过...
3) 讨论结束后,学生在本子上选一组进行笔头造句,教师根据学生的速度和准确程度评出前三名。 4) Do exercises in Workbook P. 51.学生先将题目看一遍,然后边看图边答题,最后选择个别同学站起来交流答案。 Step 3 Dialogue1)T: You’re very happy at games. And Jim’s family are very happy at Christmas...

词典:卡通片。释义:n. 卡通动画;动漫图书(cartoon的复数)v. 画漫画(cartoon的三单形式)变形:单数 cartoon。常用搭配:animated cartoon 动画;卡通片 cartoon network 卡通频道;卡通电视网 cartoons造句如下:1、The TV shows kids' cartoons on Saturday mornings.这个电视台在每周六早晨播放儿童...

真眉17524098562问: 用sb like to do sth and do sth sb like doing sth a -
察布查尔锡伯自治县依替回答: She likes to play balls and fly kites.The boy likes to run and jump.My mother likes watching TV and making cake.I like reading story books and watchi...

真眉17524098562问: 小学英语培训语法
察布查尔锡伯自治县依替回答: 【小学英语语法知识点汇总】1.人称代词主格:I we you she he it they宾格:me us ... (b) 动词过去式:肯定句:I watched cartoons.She visited the zoo.一般疑问句:Did you ...

真眉17524098562问: 用简单的英语解释下列句子``?1,Their room is bigger than ours.2,Finally,he got a job drawing cartoons for films.是要你用简单的英语解释``?不是翻译成中文``! -
察布查尔锡伯自治县依替回答:[答案] 1 他们的房间比我们的房间还要大. 2最后,他找到一份为电影绘卡通画的工作

真眉17524098562问: ...is_____ - ______the supermarket.在第二个拐弯处向左拐._____ - ______at the second turning.孩子们喜欢看动画片.The children_____ - ______cartoons.... -
察布查尔锡伯自治县依替回答:[答案] 他们在重庆玩得很开心.They__have____ ___fun___in Chongqing.图书馆在超市的对面.The library is___across___ ___from___the supermarket.在第二个拐弯处向左拐.__Turn____ ___left___at the second turning.孩子们...

真眉17524098562问: 英语以前和现在对比的句子.写变化,要复合句. -
察布查尔锡伯自治县依替回答: 你的例句有点问题... When I was five, I liked watching cartoons, but now I like eating candies.The city was very small five years ago, but now it is big and modern. My sister played the piano when she was 6, but now she plays chess. I loved you five years ago, but now I feel nothing about you.

真眉17524098562问: 下列句子哪些是从句?并指出是什么从句?快点!!
察布查尔锡伯自治县依替回答: so they keeping hunting for new means of expressing their feelings other than words 是结果状语从句,(但是不知道你这个句子中间so 前面是什么符号,英语中的符号对判断从句很重要,如果是逗号这就是个结果状语从句,如果是句号就不是) 你的符号不清楚所以后面的也难判断

真眉17524098562问: 朴有天英文简介,50分!!!!急!!关于身高年龄国籍主要电视之类
察布查尔锡伯自治县依替回答: Chinese Name: Park Yu Chun Name: Pu Yuqian ( Korea ID name ) Korean: ... He also loved to watch cartoons, Fans sometimes as a gift to him, he likes most is" one piece...

真眉17524098562问: 高一5句中译英③
察布查尔锡伯自治县依替回答: 1、I bought a set of new stamps, Italy; their printing technology is still the traditional 2.Snoopy 50 years ago, is the ages comic masterpiece.3、There is no strict training and want to win the race is not possible.4、As a means to express our ...

真眉17524098562问: 请问一下,雅漾的活泉水喷雾之后还需使用爽肤水吗?
察布查尔锡伯自治县依替回答: 既然是喷雾就是喷雾,只是镇定作用没有保湿效果,还是需要另外用爽肤水的.喷完之后轻拍把多余的水又纸擦掉再拍爽肤水.

真眉17524098562问: 不想和老公做爱怎么办?
察布查尔锡伯自治县依替回答: 先找到自己的心理毛病,是不是心里排拆你老公,如果你没有情人的话,那么这是不正常的表现,这样会伤害你老公的自尊和你们夫妻之间的感情的.所以你一定要慢慢地改变这一想法,想想你们的幸福时光,想想做爱时的美好,还有和你老公谈谈,我觉得这种事是两人的事,所以两人坦白一点交流,让他在做之前,先做好前戏,让你放松一点,我想慢慢会好起来的.

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