
作者&投稿:淡弘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Building up confudence is tough job in life.
2. He built up his confidence through teachers' encouragement.
3. You must build up your confidence before you work things out.
4. Can you help me build up my confidence?
5. She helped his bother buiid up his confidence.
6. The teacher's encouraging words built up his confidence again.
7. Is it hard to build up confidence?
8. You can see the importance to build up your confidence,
9. What can build up your confidence?
10. Sucess in little things can help build up one's confidence/


1. His Nanny raised him up.
2. Who raised you up?
3. Raising a child up is not an easy job.
4. He raised his hands up.
5 What do you mean by raising up?
6. How to raise up a bird?
7. Try to raise up a bird and then you will understand your parents.
8. Are you gonna raise up the kid?
9. Who will raise up a loved child?
10. Don't let me raise him up.

1. Never treat your work with a negative attitude.
2. A positive attitude is a key to sucess.
3. A positive attitude means you never give up hope.
4. A negative attitude is nothing but harmful.
5. Negative attitudes will destroy a person.
6. You should try to grow a positive attitude to life.
7. Bosses do not like persons with a negative attitude.
8. How to grow a positive attitude?
9. Do you used to positive attitudes or negative one?
10. You treat life with a nagative attitude and so will the life to you.

1. Pets are fobidden to to get in.
2. It's forbidden to park here.
3. Smoking forbidden please.
4. Nobody is forbidden to do nice things.
5. Gaming is forbidden here.
6. Have you ever been to Forbidden City?
7. Playing games in forbidden during working hours.
8. Speaking loud is forbidden in hospitals.
9. The forbidden apple is a story.
10. Have you ever read the forbidden apple in the Bibles?

Will you go on any field trip for the summer?
Will you play balls with your cousin?
Will you go swimming in the pool?
What does the cloud look like?

1. a keen musical sense

2. We are not too keen on complicated mechanism.

3. We await your telegraphic reply with keen interest.

4. We are not too keen on complicated mechanism.

5. We must maintain keen vigilance at all times.

6. Her novel shows her keen insight into human character.

7. I am not very keen on travelling by air.

8. Peter is a keen footballer in his spare time.

9. producing a physical sensation of cutting or piercing; keen

10. She showed a keen interest in the new research.

就是热衷的意思.on sth or on doing sth.,你可能打错了
I'm keen on cartoons. I'm keen on yoge.

1. 人生的意义在于奉献而不在于索取,如果你是一棵大树,就洒下一片阴凉;如果你是一泓清泉,就滋润一方土地;(如果你是一颗星星,就带来一丝光明。)2. 如果大地的每个角落都充满光明,谁还需要星星?(如果人生中每次选择都一帆风顺,谁还会需要坚强?)3. 什么样的年龄最理想,鲜花说,开放的年龄...


i think you have a typo at the third sentence b\/c i have no idea what you are trying to say there... as for the other sentences, i'll try my best but i have no idea what grade 9 english in china is like.Disclaimer: -_- the following senetences are based off of m...


4. He was falling down on the floor at the time.5. I had fun on the school trip.6. My sister asks me to open the door.7. Tom stops playing the piano. Because her mother asks him to take a bath.8.I walk in to the library in silence.9. The car accident took ...

高手造句: 1、“我希望帮助那些不擅长的人提升这方面的素养,从高手那里获得养料,”他说。 2、但是,软件开发高手需要考虑每个人引入的所有已知与未知的变量,做出他们力所能及的推测。 3、伸展运动对于那些跑步高手来说更为重要,因为随着我们变老会失去一些软组织的弹性,而我们需要更努力的去...

大肚能容,容天下难容之事;开口便笑,笑世间可笑之人。顶真 用前文的末尾作下文的开头,首尾相连两次以上,使邻近接的语句或片断或章节传下接,首尾蝉联,这种修辞手法,叫做顶真,又叫顶针或联珠。运用顶真修辞手法,不但能使句子结构整齐,语气贯通,而且能突出事物之间环环相扣的有机联系。作用:总...

1.让我们都来发挥兢兢业业的精神,本着哀兵必胜的意志来努力 2.她喜欢打扮,愿意有朋友,可是这都不过是一些小小的、哀而不伤的、青春的游戏。(这句是老舍先生写的,我很喜欢就直接抄上来了)3.这封信却是骈四骈六的,足有三千多字,写得异常的哀感顽艳。4.旧社会,每逢水灾战乱,人民就被迫...

求日语高手。日语造句 帮忙汉译日一下
6.忙碌的时候客人来了造成我的工作没有完成 忙しいとき、お客さんが来たせいで、私の仕事ができませんでした。7.昨天我被雨淋了 昨日私は雨に濡れられました。8.今天早上在公交车上被踩了脚 今朝バスで足を踏まれました。9.这个展览会是由JC企划公司举办的 この展覧会はJC企画会社に...

litter是vi.If you litter again,I'll throw you away.

西峡县15315082344: 英语高手来造句 -
竺残脂清: 展开全部1. a keen musical sense敏锐的音乐感 2. We are not too keen on complicated mechanism.我们对复杂的机械装置不太感兴趣. 3. We await your telegraphic reply with keen interest.急切盼你方电复. 4. We are not too keen on ...

西峡县15315082344: 求英语高手帮我造句1、Henry在Hilltown School读书2、他周一到周五要上学 3、他每天都做运动4、他每天都吃水果和蔬菜 5、他每年度假两次6、他每周只上... -
竺残脂清:[答案] Henry studies at Hilltown SchoolHe goes to school from Monday to FridayHe does sports every dayHe eats fruits and vegetable every dayHe goes on holiday twice a yearHe surfs the Internet once a week

西峡县15315082344: 英语高手来造句
竺残脂清: 这是一个加连接词组成长句的练习,有很多可行的做法,例如: I was digging in the garden because I lost a gold ring. I searched everywhere and dug up the garden. I did not find it but found a valuable old coin instead.

西峡县15315082344: 英语高手来!用关联词造句! -
竺残脂清: My book is just the same as yours. I have to take 2 hours to finish my homework. I'd like to help you make some foods. Please to help me with my Math!

西峡县15315082344: 英语造句,英语高手来!

西峡县15315082344: 英语高手来造句,初一水平,不能太难的句子 -
竺残脂清: 1.I really like math2.I often play basketball after school3.I like watch TV too4.拼错了吧 5.I either do well in English6.I read some books about science7.I learn Chinese very well8.China has long history9.Some people want to travel around the world10.I often chat with my friends after lunch

西峡县15315082344: 英语高手来帮忙造句
竺残脂清: 1.One cannot put back the clock. 2.We were cut off in the middle of our conversation. 3.The goal of retting is to bring about decomposition of the pectin. 4.We've got to slow down. 5.Do not be in two minds when you are doing one thing. 6.I caught a ...

西峡县15315082344: 英语造句,英语高手来回答,分别用下面的四个句型造句at the approach of make approaches to sb.take a new approach to a problem make an approach to -
竺残脂清:[答案] The day is getting longer at the approach of summer. 夏天临近白天变的越来越长了 Children should learn how to make approaches to strangers. 小孩子应该学者如何跟陌生人打交道. The professor takes a new approach to a problem. 教授对一个问题提...

西峡县15315082344: 高手来造句,英语1.主语+consider+it+宾语补足语+d
竺残脂清: 1.只有主语+consider+it+宾语补足语+to do没有+doing She considers it impolite to talk while eating. 她认为边吃边说话是不礼貌的 I consider it wiser not to criticize the report. 我想还是不批评这个报告为妙

西峡县15315082344: 英语高手来造句
竺残脂清: I invited a friend to dinner in an expensive restaurant.We had a good meal.After the meal,we were asked for the bill,but I didn't have enough money.So I borrowed some money from my guest.

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