
作者&投稿:赞茅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

unit 7 1,医生建议说,有压力的人要学会做一些新鲜有趣,富有挑战性的事情,来发泄负面情绪.1,Doctor suggest that people who have pressure should learn to do some new, interesting and challenge matters to let off.2,那个学生的成绩差,老师给他布置了更多的作业,而不是减少作业量.2,That ...

For example 3 pits are the armyheadquarters, unexpectedly has lacked a most essential character -...The Li piedmont hot spring spurts wells up, the scenery beautiful isvaried, swims place of the

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Now that we are in the 99 meters Li Fu bowing Taiwan, where we can see is building among the 99 meters Li Fu, also known as Amitabha, the Western Paradise is the world leader. "Wuliangshoujing" said: He had homes throne monk, after five catastrophe, the Foundation ...

the Tangshan municipal transportation facility construction speed could not follow the volume of traffic far the fast growth, but in the path plan design, the construction process lacked the reasonable traffic engineering design, caused the path construction work non-science plan, the develo...

Only in the Late Post-Classic era did the great Maya cities develop into more fortress-like defensive structures that lacked, for the most part, the large and numerous plazas of the Classic.[edit] Building materialsA surprising aspect of the great Maya structures is their lack of many ...

I had tried my best, but failed as I was lacked of experience in sales. After that, Mr. Li made comments to each of us. About one hour later, the result came out. Three of us were eliminated. This was not cruel but materialistic. December 1st, 2009 Sunny After three days rest, ...

bulletin board system (BBS), to describe fans of former Chinese soccer player Li Yi, who were infamous for using dirty language, or people using the Internet as a platform to bemoan their unsatisfactory career and life. But later diaosi came to mean a "loser" who lacked good ...

For example 3 pits are the armyheadquarters, unexpectedly has lacked a most essential character -command! Moreover the Qin weapon deeply buried in 2000 still tomaintain sharply, (after analyzed its surface to have 0.01mm thechromic oxide layer), in was far has not sent plain-text telegram ...

Dear Lihua:In your last email you said that you will apply for a job in a foreign company.But you lacked of confidence,because this job need the English level of applicant is well.And your English is not so good as they demand.Don't worry.You can inprove it from now on....

They were diffrent lovers—Wen li who had cleanliness was a effeminacy and self-will girl who have beening eager to get both romantic marriage and love knew nothing about the real marriage.But Tong zhi is a humourous, broad-minded and hot-blooded man but lacked of sentiment,whe...

朝储18365677639问: 设A,B是数域P上两个n阶矩阵,A^n=B^n=0,但A^(n - 1)不等于0,A^(n - 1)不等于0.证明A与B相似.谢谢啦 -
成县伊捷回答: 如果可以用Jordan标准型, 那么方法很直接.由A,B幂零, A,B都只有0特征值. 特征值为0的r阶Jordan块是r次幂零的.A^(n-1)非零, 说明A有大于n-1阶的Jordan块, 于是A只有一个n阶Jordan块.B也同样, 于是A,B有相同的相似标准型, 二者相似....

朝储18365677639问: 华硕 M2N68 - AM SE怎么设置BIOS开机不用按F1
成县伊捷回答: 开机按Delete键进入BIOS,进入后,移到Main(左上角第一个), 下面有一个Legacy Diskette A,把{1.44M,3.5 in}调成{Disabled},然后按F10回车 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 不好意思 早上没看完题目. 去检查下你硬盘...

朝储18365677639问: 设计一个同步22进制计数器,用VHDL语言,帮帮忙吧兄弟们!!!!! -
成县伊捷回答: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity count_22 is port(clk,reset:in std_logic; ten_put:out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); one_put:out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)); end entity; architecture art of count_22 is ...

朝储18365677639问: If Michael Jordan has an average of 29 points per game after 100 games, howmany pints does he need -
成县伊捷回答: 29*100=290030*(100+50)=4500(4500-2900)/50=32

朝储18365677639问: 若n阶方阵A的特征值全为1,求证:A与所有的A ^k相似.求具体解法 -
成县伊捷回答: 设J是幂零的k阶Jordan块, 对0 ≤ i ≤ k, 可知r(J^i) = k-i, 而对i > k, 有r(J^i) = 0. 于是, 当B是幂零的n阶Jordan标准型, 对0 ≤ i ≤ n-1, 可知r(B^i)-r(B^(i+1))就是B中阶数不小于i+1的Jordan块的个数. 因此B中各阶Jordan块的个数完全由r(B^i)决...

朝储18365677639问: 开机嘟的一声出现华硕标志(华硕主板)然后嘟一声出现红三角,F2就可以进系统了? 怎么回事?
成县伊捷回答: 应该是BIOS设置错误,看看是否光驱或者硬盘的设置有误,恢复BIOS看看,至于说20秒后才能进BIOS,LZ可以试试给主板放电,最后主板LOGO就在BIOS里面关掉,找到LOGO的单词,选择禁用就可以了

朝储18365677639问: 演〈X战警3〉中那个会穿墙的女孩子是谁?哪有她的照片 -
成县伊捷回答: 艾伦·佩姬 Ellen Page饰Kitty PrydeX战警3/变种特攻3 X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) 水果硬糖 Hard Candy (2005) 嘴对嘴 Mouth to Mouth (2004) Wilby Wonderful (2004) 我宰了一只鬼I Downloaded a Ghost (2004) Homeless to Harvard: The Liz ...

朝储18365677639问: NIKE JORDAN F2F II XDR 和Ts Supernatural Commander KG那双好,本人前锋位置,中投内线强打皆可!外场! -
成县伊捷回答: F2F 2 主打的是耐磨 但是脚感一般吧Ts Supernatural Commander KG 主打的是新天足的鞋底 全面包裹的脚感...

朝储18365677639问: 矩阵的Jorda标准型和特征多项式的关系是什么,有谁能告诉我吗 -
成县伊捷回答: “特征值无重根的矩阵,它的特征多项式和极小多项式是不是一样的” 是“roots of minimal polynomial that cannot be determined in terms of the radicals” 这只是说明这个矩阵的特征值无法用系数的有限次四则运算和开方来表示 一般来讲一元五次方程没有“求根公式”(在上述意义下),所以五阶或更大的矩阵的特征值也没有这样的根式解”一个矩阵的jordan标准型根极小多项式有什么关系“ 你先把单个Jordan块的极小多项式搞清楚,这个问题大致就明白了 当然,极小多项式不需要域扩张,而且只要有限步就能算出来,但Jordan标准型不行

朝储18365677639问: 开机提示找不到Normliz怎么办 -
成县伊捷回答: 楼主不必担心,到正规网站下个Normliz.DLL文件复制到c:\windows\system32 目录下就可以了.如果无法正常进入系统,可以在别的机器上下载好Normliz.DLL,复制到U盘上,启动损坏的机器,连上U盘, 按Ctrl+Alt+Del 呼出任务管理器 在新建...

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