
作者&投稿:梅伟 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

急求帮我用deal with、worry about、be worried about、agree with...
I'll deal with the children later.孩子们的事由我以后去处理。Do you worry about pollution?你担心污染的问题吗?I think we should be worried about the values that are nurturing the new generation.我想我们应该对培育着下一代的价值理念感到担忧 I wish I could agree with you.我真希望能...

动词(v.)→形容词(adj.) 动词后面加ed,以e结尾的动词则直接加d,表示被 ...
及物动词加了ed后,准确来说是变成了分词,此类分词可修饰名词,与形容词功能一样,所以在刚刚接触时,不少老师都会这样说,以便理解。比如:delight-delighted, excite-excited, fright-frightened, interest-interested, move-moved, please-pleased, surprise-surprised, worry-worried等等。这类词通常用于...

B.动词末尾字母是e的,在e后直接加d. 例如: like—liked live—lived dance—danced C.重读闭音节,末尾只有一个子音字母的,先双写这个子音字母,再加ed. 例如: s—sped drop—dropped plan—planned D.以子音字母加y结尾的词,要先变y为i再加ed. 例如: study—studied carry—carried worry—worried E.不规...

teenager ['tiːnˌeɪdʒə] 青少年 normal['nɔːrml]正常的 unless[ən'les] 除非,如果不 certainly ['sɜːrtnli] 当然,肯定 wallet['wɑːlɪt] 皮夹,钱包 worried ['wɜːrid] 担心的,烦恼的 angry ['æŋɡri] 生气的,发怒的 careless ['kerləs] 粗心的,不...

He looked worried 这句话为什么有两个动词过去式

2.he drank some coffee before going to bed , so he stayed (awake)and couldn't fall asleep for a long time .3.our team beat theirs and we were all (excited)about that look so (worried). what has happened ?i have lost my new bike .5.i will (miss)my parents...

i am very worried a___ my e-friend
about be worried about 担心 第一时间为你解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

in BRIT, usually 英国英语通常用 underground, tube2.(穿越马路、铁路的)地下通道,地下人行道Asubway is a passage underneath a busy road or a railway track for people to walk through.subwaye.g. The majority of us feel worried if we walk through asubway.大多数人在走地下通道时都...

英语中什么时候用ING形式,什么时候加 to do,什么时候保持原形?
1、使用ing形式 be后的动词常用ing形式;介词后面常用ing形式,如:be worried about doing sth.(担心做某事);be excited about doing sth.(对做某事感到兴奋)等;另外,有些动词后面的动词一定要用ing形式,如:enjoy,finish,practise,miss等。2、使用to do 一部分动词后面要搭配to do结构,如...

第一,后面加able,afford-affordable;以e结尾的动词则去e加able,love-lovable:表示具有此性质、特点或属性。 第二,后面加ed,scatter-scattered;以e结尾的动词则直接加d,use-used:表示被动性的属性或特点。 第三,不规则的动词则必须记忆,记住其过去分词形式规律不大,意义同上。 第四,后面加ing,run-running,die-...

漕嘉17327451686问: be worried about 后面能跟that 从句么 -
池州市熙蒙回答: be worried that ... 这里接从句be worried about ... 这里接名词

漕嘉17327451686问: be worried that... 还是 be worried about that... -
池州市熙蒙回答: 正确:be worried that.../be puzzled why... 错误:be worried about that... (介词后不接 that-从句,若接,则略去 that,故上一行的结构正确.) 没错,但英语为母语的人几乎不用:be puzzled about why (一般用成第一行的结构.)

漕嘉17327451686问: worry 要接that从句一定要是sb be worried that吗,能不能是sb worry that -
池州市熙蒙回答: 不一定是sb be worried that,也可以是sb worry that Most people worry that bad things will happen if they say something.“大多数人担心,如果他们说什么的话,可能会发生不愉快.And some analysts worry that innovation at too fast a pace could prove distracting.同时,有些分析师担心,创新的步子过快会导致不够专注.

漕嘉17327451686问: worry和worried的用法!!!半小时后用!!!! -
池州市熙蒙回答: worry是动词,worried是形容词,be worried about或者be worried to do sth是两个形容词性的搭配,意思一样,表示担心什么事情,区别只在于be worried about后面跟名词,至于be worried doing sth,没见过.

漕嘉17327451686问: worry about 和 be worried about 有什么区别 -
池州市熙蒙回答: be worried about 中 worried 是形容词 be worrying about 中 worry 是动词,用了进行时,表示:正在担心 worry about 中worry 是动词 例如: He is worried about his son .他为儿子担心. He is worrying about his son .他正担心他的儿子. He worries about his son.他为儿子担心.

漕嘉17327451686问: I'm worried about 等于什么 -
池州市熙蒙回答: be concerned about care about

漕嘉17327451686问: 请大家帮忙分析这句话中“worried that”的结构 -
池州市熙蒙回答: worried that 是一个状语从句.整句话的意思是: 他对于返回到约会世界有点担心,(原因是)害怕他已经失去了和女人之间的“触觉”. 例句:Asked (When he was asked) what had happened, he lowered his head. 当他被问问题的时候,他低下了头. Frightened (=Because / As she was frightened) by the tiger, the girl didn't dare to sleep alone. 因为害怕老虎, 这个女孩不敢单独睡觉. 有问题请追加~

漕嘉17327451686问: I am worried that he can't do it. 中that引导的名词性从句做什么成分?(定语?宾语?同位语?还是...) -
池州市熙蒙回答: 楼主好,是宾语从句.

漕嘉17327451686问: I worry about you和I'm worried about you
池州市熙蒙回答: worry about等同于be worried about 没什么区别. worry不能作形容词,它只有动词和名词用法.I worry about you.中的worry用做不及物动词 worrid才是形容词,主要用法有be worried about 和be worried that+从句. 例I am worried that something bad had happended to him.

漕嘉17327451686问: 英语语法问题. be worried about 和 worry abou -
池州市熙蒙回答: 类似的用法还有terrify about和be terrified about

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