急求帮我用deal with、worry about、be worried about、agree with、worrying about这几个单词造句 感谢

作者&投稿:殷勤农 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
worry about 和 be worried about 有什么区别~

be worried about 中 worried 是形容词
be worrying about 中 worry 是动词,用了进行时,表示:正在担心
worry about 中worry 是动词
He is worried about his son .他为儿子担心。
He is worrying about his son .他正担心他的儿子。
He worries about his son. 他为儿子担心。

3)worry about和be worried about都表示“对……担心,忧虑”。
这里是be worried about sb是一个词组表示担忧某人的意思

I'll deal with the children later.孩子们的事由我以后去处理。
Do you worry about pollution?你担心污染的问题吗?
I think we should be worried about the values that are nurturing the new generation.我想我们应该对培育着下一代的价值理念感到担忧
I wish I could agree with you.我真希望能与您意见一致。
They are worrying about how to cope with protests.令他们忧虑的事情是如何应对抗议行为。

i can't deal with such things like these
don't worry about me
she's been worried about me for ten years
i can't agree with you any more
i'm worring about you all night long

deal with :How can i deal with these difficulties?
worry about:Don't worry about me,i just go out for a while.
agree with:although this is a good idea but i don't agree whih him.
be worried about:your parents are very worried about you

长宁县13015979487: 急求帮我用deal with、worry about、be worried about、agree with、worrying about这几个单词造句 感谢 -
计尝骨炎: I'll deal with the children later.孩子们的事由我以后去处理.Do you worry about pollution?你担心污染的问题吗?I think we should be worried about the values that are nurturing the new generation.我想我们应该对培育着下一代的价值理念感到担忧 I wish I could agree with you.我真希望能与您意见一致.They are worrying about how to cope with protests.令他们忧虑的事情是如何应对抗议行为.

长宁县13015979487: 关于deal with 和 do withdo with 前面用what .这个我能理解.例如 what wo do with .但为什么deal with 前面要用how 例如 how to deal with ...而不是用what? -
计尝骨炎:[答案] 你上这个网址自己去看看吧!

长宁县13015979487: 求带deal的词组,200个~~ -
计尝骨炎: No deal! 不赞成!不同意! Deal with 与…打交道,交往了 shady deal 黑交易 deal cards 发牌

长宁县13015979487: 急求英语短语造句!用1.study for a test 2.deal with 3.take notes 4.make up 4个短语造4句完成时的句子 用1.vocabulary list 2.have a conversation with 3.look up ... -
计尝骨炎:[答案] 1.I have studied for a test for 2 month.2.I've dealt with that company for ten years.3.I have taken notes on my notebook for last lesson.4.I have made up a detailed practice schedules 1I forgot to stu...

长宁县13015979487: 急啊 帮帮忙啊 deal with ,do with 表“处理”时有无被动 -
计尝骨炎: deal with 比较正式而且deal with 是一个过程 处理应该是过程而不是结果,一般用这个 done with 表示处理完成 是一瞬间的动作,明白了吗

长宁县13015979487: 英语、有关do with、deal with的两个句子帮我看下
计尝骨炎: 第一句错误. do with 常与连接代词 what 连用,而 deal with 常与连接副词 how 连用,如: 1 . I don't know how they deal with the problem . (= I don't know what they do with the problem . )我不知道他们如何处理这个问题. 2 . He is easy to ...

长宁县13015979487: 急求两篇篇一百字英语作文,题目“how to deal with anger ”和"hamfuiness of fake commodities"能够有很多得分点的! -
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计尝骨炎: 1. what 因为在deal with 的后面,是deal with 的宾语,所以用what引导的从句作宾语.意为:我们两个都得找到自己的方式来应付生活丢给我们的东西.(就是只生活中遇到的磨难啦)2.这句子说得真别...

长宁县13015979487: dealing with和deal with 表示“有关”这一意思时有什么区别,可混用吗? -
计尝骨炎: 词组deal with 处理;涉及;做生意 前者是动名词短语表示主动或正在进行,后者是原形. 求采纳

长宁县13015979487: do you know - ---- - such problems -
计尝骨炎: 答案是what to do with,或how to deal问题出在do和deal上do是及物动词,deal是不及物动词,所以,do with缺宾语,用what引导,deal是不及物动词,不缺宾语,用how引导

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