
作者&投稿:段命 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

6.令我们吃惊的是,那家公司几乎所有的员工都卷入那个案件。(involve)To our great surprise, nearly all the employees in that company were involved in that case.7.他们的第一次谈话最后成了他们合作的开始。(prove to)The first talk between them proved to the beginning of their cooperation...

such as 和 for example 和i.e. 的区别
such as 和 for example 两个短语都可以表示“例如”,但含义及用法不同。l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。如:Many people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢...

mess的形容词messy也很常用,主要有两层意思,可以指事物凌乱,也可以表示问题棘手。我们来看一个例句:John had been through a messy divorce himself. 约翰自己也经历过一次十分棘手的离婚。、More often than not things that lead to happiness involve some pain.带来幸福的事情往往也会伴随着痛苦。

选哪个,请给出原因。A.involving,that B.involved,that C.invovled,w...
B 第一空要用involve的过去分词形式,做后置定语,意思为有关的,牵扯在内的.于是这句话就可以这样看There is a new problem (invoveled in the popularity of private cars )road conditions need to be improved.可以先不看括号里的东西,因为它只是一个后置定语,修饰problem.第二空用that,是做...

牵连 [involve]百姓有罪,皆案之以法,其缘坐则老幼不免。――《隋书·刑法志》(5)又如:缘坐(连坐。因牵连而获罪);缘累(牵累)(6)沿着;顺着 [along]缘之以方城。――《荀子·议兵》末技游食之民,转而缘南畮,则畜积足。(南畮,泛指农田;畮,通“亩”。)――汉·贾谊《论积贮疏》缘溪行,...

don't b econcerned


一般过去式 以e结尾的动词在词尾+d,如什么单词。
1、bake-d (烘烤过)Freshly baked apple pie makes a tasty dessert.新烤的苹果派是很可口的饭后点心。2、care-d(在意过)She will care for the children while I am away.我不在的时候,她会照顾那些孩子。3、file-d(入档过)Would you please take a seat while I look into our file?...

such as 和 for example 和i.e.的区别
(2)for example一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例,作插入语,可置于句首、句中或句末.如:For example,air is invisible.例如,空气是看不见的.He,for example,is a good student.例如,他就是个好学生.(3)i. e..源于拉丁语,是id est的简略形式.其意思就是“那就是说,换句话说”,等同于...

1.observered 2.referring 3.exported 4.suitable the hope of 6。particular 7.I came across用过去时 8。avoid 9。with the help of 10.charges 11.involve 12.access

招婷18411137962问: be involved in的意思是什么? -
自治区直辖县级行政单位万适回答: be involved in和involve in的区别为:含义不同、用法不同. 一、含义不同 involved in 释义:被包入,被卷入漩涡. 2.involve in 释义:使参与,陷入或牵扯到. 二、用法不同 involved in 用法:be involved in 是被动含义,含义是:被牵...

招婷18411137962问: be involved in和involve in有区别吗 -
自治区直辖县级行政单位万适回答:[答案] 在意思上大致相同,请参考以下用法: sb be involved in sth sb involve sb in sth或sb involve in sth 皆可

招婷18411137962问: be involved in有几种含义 -
自治区直辖县级行政单位万适回答: be involved in包括中,被卷入中;涉及到,卷人,陷入参与,从事 to be heavily involved in sth.:在很活跃 be involved in sth:涉及到谋事 例句: 1.Conclusion HPV may be involved in the development of some SCCL. 结论HPV感染可能与部分肺...

招婷18411137962问: be involved in中文是什么意思
自治区直辖县级行政单位万适回答: be involved in 英[bi: ɪnˈvɔlvd in] 美[bi ɪnˈvɑlvd ɪn] [词典] 卷入; 涉及,专心; [例句]She wants to be involved in every area of your life. 她想参与入你生活中的方方面面.

招婷18411137962问: be involved in 与be involved with有什么区别 -
自治区直辖县级行政单位万适回答: 区别如下:1. be involved in 包含在...; 与...有关; 被卷入; 专心地(做)2. be involved with 涉及 3. in后面的是个大的范围.4. with后面是某种事物,是独立的. 短语: 5. be actively involved in 活跃参与 6. To be actively involved in 积极地...

招婷18411137962问: involved 和be involved in的区别是什么?我是指中文意思有什么不同. -
自治区直辖县级行政单位万适回答:[答案] involved adj. 1.卷入的;陷入的;有牵连的 2.参与的,参加的 3.有关的,受影响的 4.纠缠的;混乱的;难处理的;复杂的 5.难理解的,难懂的;晦涩的 6.(财政上)困难的 be involved in vt. 牵涉,牵连,使卷入;使陷入(麻烦、困境等)

招婷18411137962问: 英语翻译be involved in 应该翻译成参与还是重视啊 -
自治区直辖县级行政单位万适回答:[答案] be involved in 有参与,专心,所以翻译成专心更贴切. 现在(今天)的父母(家长)对海则教育更专心了.(同以前相比)

招婷18411137962问: be involved in 与be involved with的区别 -
自治区直辖县级行政单位万适回答: be involved in 包含在...; 与...有关; 被卷入; 专心地(做)be involved with 涉及 前者是说明你对某件事情或活动的参与,后者更强调你对某个团体的加入 拓展资料:1. involve是英语词汇,读音 [ɪn'vɑlv],解释为牵涉等.2. 牵涉,牵连,使卷...

招婷18411137962问: be involved in与be involved with有什么区别? -
自治区直辖县级行政单位万适回答: 区别如下:1. be involved in 包含在...; 与...有关; 被卷入; 专心地(做)2. be involved with 涉及 3. in后面的是个大的范围.4. with后面是某种事物,是独立的. 短语: 5. be actively involved in 活跃参与 6. To be actively involved in 积极地...

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