
作者&投稿:荤茅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

财政局家属楼 用英文表达 翻译如下:The family dormitory buildings of Finance Bureau.重点词汇释义:财政局local bureau of finance; Finance Bureau 家属楼:family dormitory building; Family wings

river 这个单词是什么意思?
n.Abbr. r.,R.,riv.(名词)缩写 r.,R.,riv.A large natural stream of water emptying into an ocean, a lake, or another body of water and usually fed along its course by converging tributaries.河,江,水道:一条巨大的天然水流,注入海洋、湖泊或另一水域,而且常沿其水道由汇聚的...

begin怎麼读。 began怎麼读。
begin怎麼读。 began怎麼读。 begin  基本词汇  英 [bɪ'ɡɪn]     美 [bɪ'ɡɪn]     v.开始;著手 began  基本词汇  英 [bɪ'ɡæn]     美 [bɪ'ɡæn]     v.开始;著手(begin的过去式)怅怎麼读...

river 就是小河 江河的意思

chop; veteran ;crop 这几个英语怎么读?
[英] [ˈvɛt(ə)r(ə)n][美] [ˈvɛdərən]n.老手; 退伍军人 [例句]A veteran of two world wars.经历过两次世界大战的老兵。[变形]复数:veterans crop 谐音:科老迫 [英] [krɒp][美] [krɑp]n.作物; 庄稼; 平头; 嗉囊; ...

come home 有点飘 a place nearby的歌手 fall again-kenny G 轻音乐 never be the same RNB too serious too soon 新泽西 好听 keys to my heart 克雷格的 很好听 strawberry letters akon 的 还是好听 blow me a kiss - deepside 不是很激烈的RNB believe-很经典的 valder ...

many读法:英 ['menɪ] 美 ['mɛni]释义:1、pron. 许多;许多人 2、adj. 许多的 3、n. (Many)人名;(法)马尼 例句:1、They lighted the temple with many candles.他们用许多蜡烛照亮这个寺庙。2、In the zoo we saw many monkeys running round in the cage.我们在动物园...

or talk in a low v(oice ),we can also hear the ringing.Some drivers have accidents for u( ) cell phones while d(driving ).Worst of all,some students who can't p(pay ) their phone bills do something illegal to get money.So,are cell phones r( really ) help?

英语started to refer to Jan as Queen of Takotna怎么翻译?
‘Ah,’ quoth he, as soon as the bike started, ‘a blown cylinder head gasket.’ 车一启动,他就说: “啊,汽缸盖垫圈压碎了。I started to chop furiously, the dry wood riving and splintering under the axe.我开始拼命地劈起来,那干燥的木头在我的斧头下顿时裂成了碎片。A fuel ...

臧晴18126319274问: 用arrived in或arrived at填空:They ( ) a village in the evening and lived there.请告诉我为什么? -
芝山区复方回答: 你好!这个空填【arrive at】 arrive是到达,抵达的意思 共有两个短语: arrive in ,和,arrive at arrive in+大地方,比如America, Beijing arrive at+小地方,比如 bus stop, school, town 这句话是:他们晚上到达村子并且住在那儿.village,村子,是小地方,所以用【arrive at】 希望能够帮到你!如有不懂可追问!!

臧晴18126319274问: arrive in a small town还是arrive at a small town?
芝山区复方回答: 用at .当到达大城市时用in,如: arrive in Shanghai 当到达小地方时,用at,如:arrive at the station

臧晴18126319274问: 【送分题】arriving at the bus stop,he found a lot of people's wating there -
芝山区复方回答: a lot of people's 在这里肯定是错的,因为found是谓语,a lot of people 是宾语,waiting there是宾补.不属于所有格形式的逻辑主语.宾语和宾补本来就是逻辑上的主谓关系,根本没必要加什么所有格形式的逻辑主语. 后一句的my coming with u.属于典型的物主代词作逻辑主语的用法.

臧晴18126319274问: 用arriving at造三个完全不同的高级句子.英语课要
芝山区复方回答: We will be arriving at the airport on time. He began arriving at school but was late for his class later. I am arriving at destination as planned.

臧晴18126319274问: We are - -----------ji nan next week. A.arriving at B.arrive in C.arriving in D.arrive at -
芝山区复方回答: 选C,首先应该用arriving,这些移动性的动词用be+doing这种形式时是现在进行时态表示将来意味;然后是后面的介词,到达某地应该加at或者in,而到达大的地方用in,到达小的地方用at,如airport

臧晴18126319274问: I have arrived to the company.这句对吗 -
芝山区复方回答: 和arrive搭配的介词只有at和in两个,arrive in是在大地方 arrive at是在小地方 company是小地方所以用arrive at

臧晴18126319274问: Arriving at the bus stop, - __ - waiting there.? A) a lot of people were B) he found a lot of peopleArriving at the bus stop, - __ - waiting there.?A) a lot of people ... -
芝山区复方回答:[答案] 选B 前后主语保持一致 都是he

臧晴18126319274问: Arriving at a bus stop the bus pulling away just a few minutes ago is quite annoying. -
芝山区复方回答: A Arriving at a bus stop是伴随状态,做状语,不去看他 就是不定式做主语,主干是to find the bus pulling away is quite annoying 一到汽车站,缺发现汽车刚刚离开,真是很沮丧

臧晴18126319274问: on arriving at his office,he picked up the phone -
芝山区复方回答: 第一种表达方式正确.因为 on/upon 这种用法是把 on/ upon 视为介词,后面只能加名词/代词/动名词形式.此时 on/ upon 并不是连词,不能加 he arrived at his office 这种从句哦.

臧晴18126319274问: 新概念英语第二册第33课的语法重点 -
芝山区复方回答: 【New words and expressions】 生词和短语 ★darkness the darkness:在没有光线的情况下 ★explain v.explanation n.Could you give me an explanation?interpret:强调翻译,语言之间的解释 interpretor ★coast河岸(两边比水面...

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