
作者&投稿:席发 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

前怀19232797591问: 英语选择 Which of the following four statements about advertising is correct? -
白银市尼扎回答:[选项] A. ,Advertising is usually free. B. ,Advertising has no identifiable sponsor. C. ,Advertising is nonpersonal communication. D. ,Advertising communicates no information.

前怀19232797591问: 6. Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has - ____ - the quality of the programs.A. lessened B.declined C.affected -
白银市尼扎回答:[答案] 选B 这句话翻译为 批判者认为 大量广告的植入 .了电视节目质量. 应该是 下降了 降低了. a:减少 b 下降 c 影响的

前怀19232797591问: 一道英语选择填空After graduation ,he( )jobs.求啊啊啊 ~! advertising B.has been advertising for advertising to D,has advertising on 麻烦解释下原因... -
白银市尼扎回答:[答案] 绝对不能选B 绝对不能 用现在完成进行时 因为如果用完成时 after 应改成since

前怀19232797591问: 被动语态的用法表格 比如过去式被动语态用have+been+过去分词 -
白银市尼扎回答: 被动语态的各种时态 A 一般现在时,构成:“am/is/are+过去分词”.Most paper work is now done by compter. 现在大多数文书工作都是由电脑完成的. B 一般过去时,构成:“was/were+过去分词”.We were all moved to tears by th ...

前怀19232797591问: Mail or gifts posted by companies to customers____advertisingA. are another another选哪个?为什么?那和or 没有关系吗?A+or+ B不是就近原则吗? -
白银市尼扎回答:[答案] B 补充:another 就很清楚了呀,是单数

前怀19232797591问: The company has spent a large sum of money______volunteers_______a volunteer manager. -
白银市尼扎回答:[选项] A. advertising; as well as B. advertising for; and C. to advertise; as well as D. to advertise for;and

前怀19232797591问: 希望英语中的文章advertising作文 -
白银市尼扎回答: Advertising Advertising gives useful information about which products to buy. But modern advertising does more than give news about products and services. Today's advertisements, or ads, try to get consumers to buy certain brands.Writers of ...

前怀19232797591问: ...have space on your shelf for another. But if you see ads about a new cereal that is your extra - tasty and has a free prize in the box you may want it. Advertising ... -
白银市尼扎回答:[答案] 答案:B;A;D;A

前怀19232797591问: ...success of online advertising        C.the important role of online advertising in our daily life        D.the fact that online advertising has ... -
白银市尼扎回答:[答案] BDBA

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