
作者&投稿:花弦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

She is behaving in a safety-duty-neglecting and frivolous way.给你一些其它例子:A car-washing place freedom-loving people gun-toting gangsters film-going teenagers (注意这个词是约定俗成的,go是不及物动词所以film不是宾语)air-traveling public (又一个约定俗成的,travel是不及物动词)...

安装系统时出现的设置inspe cting您的计算机的硬件configaration_百度...

Lastly, they add that cleaning restroom will teach the students a lesson about understanding, appreciating and respcting the work of cleaner. With so many different oponions from students, I believe that a vote should take place to make the final decision.参考资料:原创回答团 ...

Don't turn left here.She hasn't got a football.My hobby is collcting toy cars.There is Chinese dancing in Chinatown.

Today, I want to talk about something of emergencies. Let’s set up three topics, the first one is: why is it important to help people you don't know when they are in distress? The Second one is: what is the result to ourselves if we do not help other people, even if...

1,Both of my oral English and listening ability are improved by attending your classes. What's more, I have learned that we should learn to listen to others while comunicting and should open our eyes and mind to treat our life. In schools, we not only try our best to ...

【译文】I love my job as a teacher, with tennis being my major. I have a thirst for further development in the profession, and that's why I'm applying for admission to The Hong Kong Institute of Education , which is famed in the area of education.I sincerely hope that my...

Research on the the technology for evidence collection of computer crimes Abstract:With the advent of information age, computers have greatly changed our lives. Meanwhile, computer crime tend to become the new trend of criminal offence. This thesis carries out research and analysis on ...

求一篇英语作文 !!急!!!
murmuring to beg. What a hand! It is a seamy, shriveled hand. The wrinkles in his skin are stretching, twisting and in tersecting. Dirt fills the grooves. In front of him lies an dilapidated bowl with only a few coins in it. Believe it or not, it is more and ...

a lot during the past decades. However, those changes have brought some troubles at the same time. Most youngs welcome those changes because it bring them a modern life. Suzhou is the most beautiful city I have ever been to . I'm expercting the next visit.【英语专业翻译】...

孛柯13284336981问: 一些英语作业,别给偶乱填Passage 2Acting is such an over - crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person thinking of going ... -
下陆区恩泽回答:[答案] 6.A(第一句便指出“从事这个行业的人实在太多,对于一个想要走上舞台的年轻人的唯一忠告便是:放弃这种想法”) 7.B(although the chances of his becoming famous are slim,It is very hard work indeed,the hours are long and the salary is tiny,But ...

孛柯13284336981问: 在线求指导:阅读理解 Ac 阅读理解      Acting is such an overcrowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person thinking of ... -
下陆区恩泽回答:[答案] 1-4.ADDD

孛柯13284336981问: 有哪位高人会做的,请指教小弟,不胜感激!Passage 2Acting is such an over - crowded profession that the only advice that should be given to a young person ... -
下陆区恩泽回答:[答案] 6.A(第一句便指出“从事这个行业的人实在太多,对于一个想要走上舞台的年轻人的唯一忠告便是:放弃这种想法”) 7.B(although the chances of his becoming famous are slim,It is very hard work indeed,the hours are long and the salary is tiny,But ...

孛柯13284336981问: such的用法such怎么用修饰什么 -
下陆区恩泽回答: such的用法: 一、such修饰单数名词时,放于不定冠词a(an)之前,若名词前有one,no,any,some,all,many等修饰时,such放在这些修饰词之后. 二、such位于句首时,句子须倒装,谓语动词的单复数根据其后的名词决定. 三、在such…that…,...

孛柯13284336981问: such so very real的区别 -
下陆区恩泽回答: 1、such后面主要是修饰名词.即:such+a/an+adj.+n.或a/an+such+adj.+n..如果名词是不可数名词或复数名词,则不可以用不定冠词a或an.如:①He has such a beautiful bike. We all go to see it.②It's a such fine day. We al want to go to fly a ...

孛柯13284336981问: so和such的用法 -
下陆区恩泽回答: so + 形容词+a/an+名词 such +a/an+ 形容词+名词 such + 形容词+名词的复数/不可数名词 so +many/few +名词的复数 so + much/little+不可数名词 表示多和少 只能用so 不用such so+主语+谓语 表示的确如此 so+谓语+主语 表示某人也是这样 用于一种事情的表示方法 so it is with...=it is the same with... 用于俩种以上的事情的表示方法 不定代词/数词+such+冠词 such 开头句子要倒装 还有在定语从句中 so such 与as/that的搭配 欢迎再问哟

孛柯13284336981问: such与as的不同 -
下陆区恩泽回答: such与so的区别与用法 such与so的意思都是“如此,这样”.但两者用法根本不同,与what和how引导的感叹句相类似.1、such后面主要是修饰名词.即:such+a/an+adj.+n.或a/an+such+adj.+n..如果名词是不可数名词或复数名词,则不可以...

孛柯13284336981问: 跪求应为高手解题! -
下陆区恩泽回答: 6.A Acting is such an "over-crowded" profession7.B the chances of his becoming famous are "slim"8.D A film producer happened to catch sight of her one morning "waiting at a bus stop"9.D And within A few weeks she was "playing the leading part" opposite one of the most famous actors of the day.10.D 蓝色的月亮看到的几率无限接近0

孛柯13284336981问: such后接名词要不要加a或an -
下陆区恩泽回答: such 后面如果是单数可数名词,那么必然是要用a或者an的;如果是复数可数名词或者不可数名词,自然a或者an都不用.

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