
作者&投稿:况券 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


星期一,走在放学回家的路上。看到一个中一得同学正吃着雪糕 ,突然撞到了前面几个学长,把他们其中一个的衣服给弄脏了.
Monday, I was on my way home, and I saw one first year junior high school student was having an ice cream, but suddenly he crushed into few seniors, and ruined one's coat in them
And then the guy noticed that his coat was ruined, then he scolded the young student
男孩儿见那人发怒了,委屈地向学长道歉.可是学长却拽住了男孩的头发,把自己衣服上的脏东西往小男孩儿的嘴上擦。男孩儿吓得放声大哭,学长见状,一把扯下衣服,扔在了地上,对准小男孩儿的鼻子就是一拳,将小男孩儿打的鼻血直流.此时我忍无可忍了,冲过去推开那个学长.生气的说:他只是不小心而已,你们有必要打他吗?他比你们小呢! 那个学长嚣张地说:口气不小,别以为你大我们就不敢下手,劝你走开,别在这儿碍事!
(简单一点的……)the boy said 'sorry' but the senior punched him, the boy bled, I saw all this happened and I went to make them separate, I said:'He is just careless, why do you have to hit him? he is younger than you', but then he started to scold me too
这下我更气愤了!大声的职责他们. 围观的人也越来越多,都在指责那个学长的不是.那个学长被惹火了,伸手也想给我一拳.我躲过去了 ,告诉他说:你……你,太过分了!我到学校去揭发你!“好了,算了,兄弟们,走!今天真扫兴……”他们夹着尾巴灰溜溜地走了。
I was angry by his language, so I kept telling him it is wrong, he tried to hit me too, but I dodged the punch, people started to come closer, so they went away
看看身后这位男孩,已泪流满面。我帮他止住了鼻血 ,送他到医院去,然后通知了学校和他的家长
Then I looked at the crying boy, I helped him stop the bleeding and took him to the hospital, and then I informed his teacher and parents

Financing is refers for the payment surpasses the cash to buy which loans but adopts the currency transaction method or for obtains the currency method which the property but gathers capital to adopt. The enterprise in the production management process, can because each kind of reason need to use the massive funds, like the expanded service scale, prepares for construction the new project, the annexation purchases other enterprises, as well as makes up the loss and so on. But our country at present the enterprise financing existence main question is the bank is not willing to make loans, but also has is in the capital market is flooding the large amount fund, this is the majority enterprise always complains the financing difficulty.
This article mainly introduces our country enterprise financing the procedure as well as the existence question

Today, I want to talk about something of emergencies. Let’s set up three topics, the first one is: why is it important to help people you don't know when they are in distress? The Second one is: what is the result to ourselves if we do not help other people, even if they are strangers? And the last one is: why is it important to help people without expecting anything in return?
Ok, the first one: do you think that it is important to help people you don't know when they are in distress? Of course - yes. Suppose you are in distress and someone gave you the help, then you will be able to get off the trouble things and start the good life. …..
Then, let’s move to the second topic: what is the result to ourselves if we do not help other people, even if they are strangers? If we are the strangers and ……
The last topic starts, why is it important to help people without expecting anything in return? In my opinion, it is……


上面那个明显是不够字数撑够5分钟 而且很多语法都不够纯正 用我这个吧 这个稍微深一点 不过内容绝对充实 如果觉得长了 你自己稍微剪切一下 我想这个口语考试一定很重要吧 考前多练练 这就不会有问题了

An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life, property or environment. Most emergencies require urgent intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation, although in some situations, mitigation may not be possible and agencies may only be able to offer palliative care for the aftermath.
While some emergencies are self evident, such as a natural disaster that threatens many lives, many smaller incidents require the subjective opinion of an observer, or affected party in order to decide whether it qualifies as an emergency.
The precise definition of an emergency, the agencies involved and the procedures used, vary by jurisdiction, and this is usually set by the government, whose agencies are responsible for emergency planning and management.
Dangers to life
Many emergencies cause an immediate danger to the life of people involved. This can range from emergencies affecting a single person, such as the entire range of medical emergencies including heart attacks, strokes, and trauma, to incidents that affect large numbers of people such as natural disasters including tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and mudslides.
Most agencies consider these to be the highest priority of emergency, which follows the general Western school of thought that nothing is more important than human life.
Dangers to health
Some emergencies are not immediately threatening to life, but might have serious implications for the continued health and well-being of a person or persons, although a health emergency can subsequently escalate to be threatening to life.
The causes of a 'health' emergency are often very similar to the causes of an emergency threatening to life, which includes medical emergencies and natural disasters, although the range of incidents that can be categorised here is far greater than those that cause a danger to life, such as broken limbs, which do not usually cause death, but immediate intervention is required if the person is to recover properly.

1.帮助那些你不认识而又处于痛苦中的人们 为什么很重要?
3.帮助别人而不祈求(从他们那儿)得到回报 为什么很重要?

I really want to help them but don't know their times of trouble .Even though they are strangers, we should also help them world will love all help
By helping people don't expect they suffered any return for this but their obligations just everyone as they received no returns have unselfish dedication

翻译 急!急!急!

她一只手拎着一个垃圾袋,另一只手拿着一个钉了一个钉子的尖头木棍。祝你学习愉快! (*^__^*)请及时采纳,多谢!


急急急!!! 翻译汉语
AD), is the imperial court for旌表Li and Prince Edward礼部尚书Taibao,武英殿scholar Xu stand. Xu乙丑Jiajing in the Ming Dynasty (AD 1565) jinshi for Jiajing, Longqing, North Korea, the Sydney three Wanli, Hiroyuki emperor "Gahan families of equal pay."有汉字的我是在翻译不了!

doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌手 why not president, be a dreamer 为何不是总统,做个梦想家 you can be just the one you wanna be 你想做谁就做谁 police man, fire fighter or a post man 警察,消防员或者邮递员 why not something like your old man 为何...

英文:1. Personal income tax Calculation := Gross taxable wages paid-personal reference to the social security part-1600 Personal income tax * = taxable wage rate-Susuankouchushu 2. Pay period : monthly from 1 to 31 (on the 30th)3. Payroll Day Wages usually on the 28th of ...

寡人之于国也 原文:梁惠王曰:“寡人之于国也,尽心焉耳矣。河内凶,则移其民于河东,移其粟于河内。河东凶亦然。察邻国之政,无如寡人之用心者。邻国之民不加少,寡人之民不加多,何也?”孟子对曰:“王好战,请以战喻。填然鼓之,兵刃既接,弃甲曳兵而走,或百步而后止,或五十步而后止...

高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
1.我们有一只幸福的家庭.We have a happy family.2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll ...


急急!求在线翻译,越准越好 中译英
1 I'll have him stand up.2 I will let him out.3 My father was a doctor.4 because he likes to help others.5 because this is her dream 6 I want to be a chef.7 because I like to cook (以上绝对正确)

芦溪县17710923817: 急急急、英语翻译作文 -
辛齿启脾: This is my friend Maria, 14 years old. She is studying in Apple Tree School in Australia. Maria is with big eyes and black curly hair, She like dressing in red, reading, pop music and chatting online.

芦溪县17710923817: 写一篇英语作文 急急急,,,翻译如下 -
辛齿启脾: 以下是根据你题目的要求,我刚刚写好的,已复查过几遍,没有语法和拼写错误!Good luck to you ! There are many rules and regulations in our school, most of which are reasonable and beneficial, because they can help us to form good habits ...

芦溪县17710923817: 急急急,英语作文翻译
辛齿启脾: Lee Ming had an car accident last Monday That day, Lee Ming got up late, he didn't have any breakfast and cycling to school He rode faster and faster because he doesn't want to be late for school, when he reach a turning, he saw a car crashing ...

芦溪县17710923817: 英语作文加翻译,急急急! -
辛齿启脾: My Favorite Day My favourate day is Sunday.Because I can go to the zoo,there are lively, animal acrobatics, you can see goats walk on the rope,tigers jump through fire tightropes and monkeys ride bicycles,... How wonderful it is! That's why I like Sunday.

芦溪县17710923817: 翻译成英语作文,急急急!!!
辛齿启脾: A boy goes to school by bike, he was careless, did not look right, all of a sudden, a car over hit the boy, the boy fell on the ground, the person in the car out under him, and reported to the police, the police came, criticized the boy, the boy was to blame.

芦溪县17710923817: 急急急!英语作文
辛齿启脾: Tomorrow is Saturday,student will go to the Western Hills Park and climbing mountaint. Gather at the school gate at 8 : 30. We will take the bus to the Western Hills Park ! Everybody should caution, Take your personal belongings. Wish you a pleasant journey

芦溪县17710923817: 急急急.英 语作文
辛齿启脾: In learning English class, first of all, we must focus on energy, listening carefully. Appear not understand the place to be active and ask the teacher for advice. Second, meet key, main points in time, should do not understand the place after class ...

芦溪县17710923817: 急急急 英语作文
辛齿启脾: Dear LiuTao,I am sorry to hear you don`t understand English classes and you can`t sleep the night before an English exam. But don`t worry, boy. Do you want to improve your English? First, you must listen carefully in your English classes . Next, you...

芦溪县17710923817: 英译汉作文急急急!!!
辛齿启脾: last.sunday,my.parents.and.me.went.to.park.to.see.the.animals.my.favourate.animal.is.monkey.because.their.very.cute,

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