
作者&投稿:衅君 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

are you going to have a picnic on sunday?
I saw her name in the newspaper yerterday afternoon
can you tell me the way to the museum?
will you please give me an envelope and some paper ?

1、They had a chat in the sitting-room after dinner.
2、My favourite holiday is Halloween.
3、He pointed to the woman beside him.
4、The teachers and the students are getting very excited.
5、The glasses are in the box now.

e pointed to the woman beside him
4、the teachers and the students are getting very excited
5、 the glasses are in the box now

Don't turn left here.
She hasn't got a football.
My hobby is collcting toy cars.
There is Chinese dancing in Chinatown.

Dont turn left here.

1、前后左右,东西南北。qian hou zuo you,dong xi nan bei 2、我是小学生。wo shi xiao xue sheng 3、小红在扫地。xiao hong zai sao di 4、小猫爱吃鱼。xiao mao ai chi yu 5、明天要远足。ming tian yao yuan zu 6、我爱学语文。wo ai xue yu wen 7、金木水火土。jin mu shui hu...


雨后的黄昏,山(朗润)了许多,我呼吸着(湿润)的空气,清清(喉咙),卖弄着(嘹亮)而(宛转)歌喉,(酝酿)着黄晕的静默,花儿(欣欣然)展开她的繁华,小草也来赶趟儿,一个个都竖起(嫩嫩)的头,我(呼朋引伴) ,高兴极了。

1、谁在干什么 2、谁为谁干什么 3、谁带谁干什么 4、什么时候,谁在什么地方做什么 5、什么时候,谁在什么地方怎么样的做什么 了解句意,正确使用标点符号 1、句中见到:真、呀、多么、啊、极了….用感叹号“!”2、句中见到:怎么、哪里、呢、吗、是不是、为什么、多少、几…..用问号“?...


It was in the street that I met her father.补充:2. It is not until + 被强调部分 + that ...该句型也是强调句型。主要用于强凋时间状语,译成汉语”直到...才...”,可以说是 not ... until ... 的强调形式。It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I ...

连词成句就是把顺序错乱的词语依据逻辑关系重新排列,组成一个意思完整且通顺的句子。第一步是找到主语。第二步就是找谓语动词 。并列关系连词:和、跟、与、既、同、及、而、况、况且、何况、乃至等。承接关系连词:则、乃、就、而、便、于是、然后、至于、说到、此外、像、如、一般、比方、接着...

应该是 We sell those pants for only 38 dollars.only 要放在 38 dollars 前面 强调性语气: 仅 38 块钱。那些裤子只卖38块 (即很便宜)句子 We sell those pants only for 38 dollars 有歧义:仅仅那些裤子卖 38 块,(其他的裤子不是38 块。)希望帮到了你。我是加拿大人,前海外英语老师...

答案是Fido is drinking water now. 菲多正在喝水。连词成句答题要领:找出主语。主语一般是名词(人名)和代词,这里是Fido,名字第一个字母大写很明显。找出谓语动词。is drinking(正在喝) 这是现在进行时的结构,drinking的原形是drink,它是及物动词,后面可以带宾语。找出宾语。宾语和主语一样一般是...

1、连词成句:我们学过的主要的句式有 (1)谁(什么)是什么。 关键:看到是就要想到这个句式。(2)什么像什么 (3)谁(什么)怎么样。 看到“多么”“真”这样的词语,就要引起注意,标点符号用感叹号 (4)谁干什么。这句句子可以引申出多种句子:谁在哪里干什么。在哪里,谁干什么。...

永红区17263627221: 如何完成英语连词成句 -
刀炉盐酸:[答案] 连词成句是我们经常会遇见的题型,很多学生往往很头疼这种题型,看着几个凌乱的单词感觉无从下手,其实只要掌握了规律,这种题型做起来还是很容易的. 要想做好这种题型,首先应该知道构成句子的结构,小学阶段我们主要学的句子结构是: ...

永红区17263627221: 英语连词成句 -
刀炉盐酸: 1.There will be a TV show about flowers tonight. 2.You should take a rest and have some medicine. 3.Here are some clothes for our fashion show. 4.Can you help me fly the kite? 5.The toilet is between the bank and the pet shop. 6.There are some ...

永红区17263627221: 初二英语连词成句50句尽量多点 -
刀炉盐酸:[答案] 一. 直接连句  of,at,stay,look,home,pictures,Beijing Opera,I,and. _____________________________________________...  from,father,where,his,is? 二. 根据汉语意思连句 连词成句 1. 我们全家都对音乐感兴趣. My family,music ,be interested in __...

永红区17263627221: 英语连词成句 China,side,people,drive,in,on,the,right(,)英语连词成句China,side,people,drive,in,on,the,right(,)( .) -
刀炉盐酸:[答案] In China,people drive on the right.

永红区17263627221: 英语连词成句的顺序是什么 -
刀炉盐酸:[答案] 最好能记住简单句的五种基本类型和各种从句的结构.一般是:主语+谓语(动词充当)+宾语+地点状语+时间状语

永红区17263627221: 英语连词成句
刀炉盐酸: 1、at, a football game, past ,there's, a quarter, four There's a football game at a quarter past four.2、students,lesson,and,his,are,cooking,Mr,having,a,Liu(?) Are Mr Liu and his students having a cooking lession? 3、how,spend,sister,his,doer,...

永红区17263627221: 英语连词成句
刀炉盐酸: 1.He does not skate so often as he used to. 2.We have not heard from Tom for a long time. 3.The young man dived into the sea and saved the girl's life.

永红区17263627221: 英语连词成句 -
刀炉盐酸: 1、is Janet a bus catching Janet is catching a bus.2、sun the dry makes water Sun makes the water dry.3、look at let's book thisLet's look at this book.

永红区17263627221: 英语连词成句
刀炉盐酸: 1. The boy likes to play with his little friends.2. Let's go to the zoo to see pandas.3. We had a great summer vacation in July.4. When should your brothers go home?5. Mary spent a lot of time cleaning the house.

永红区17263627221: 英语连词成句的技巧 -
刀炉盐酸:[答案] 初一阶段英语学习中的连词成句是很必要的,它可以让学生初步了解英语句子的构成,为学生正确运用英语句子打好基础.这是学生由单个单词的学习向句子学习的过渡.也是教师由词汇教学向句子教学的过渡. 连词成句一种题型有...

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