
作者&投稿:薄君 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

go along this street turn left at the crossing and you will be there if you walk ahead

翻译成英语是:Startfromhome,turnleftfirst,gostraightahead,turnrightagain,gostraighttothetrafficlightsandgostraight,thenturnrightandgostraighttoschool.重点词汇 出发setout; startoff; startfrom; proceedfrom; depart 直走gostraighton 右拐turnright 红绿灯trafficlight; trafficsignal; trafficlights 路口...

A Trip Without Plan 一场说走就走的旅行 双语例句:人生,需要一场说走就走的旅行。Life, you need to go on a journey.记住,你和我,有一场说走就走的旅行。 。Remember, , you and me, there's a journey to go.人生不可能是一场说走就走的旅行,但心怀远方的人,一定要时刻做着说...

Time,pleasemoveslowly 说走就走的旅行,英文翻译:Everyonecangoonatripatanytime.也可以是:ATripWithoutPlanTrip。提前走,Leaveearly 走英语怎么说的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于说走就走的旅行用英文怎么说、走英语怎么说的信息别忘了在本站进行查找哦。

您好,前面直走然后右转我觉得可以这么说;Walk along the road,and turn right.这样就可以了呢。

我从家里直走,然后向右拐,然后在直走就到了黄麻布总站 I went straight from home, then turned right, and then I went straight to the hongma station

直走用英语怎么说 直走的英文翻译是go straight,读音:[ɡəu streit] 。go straight英 [ɡəu streit] 美 [ɡo stret] v.笔直走,正直做人。go straight的用法示例如下:(1)Go straight ahead and you'll walk into it.一直走,你就走到了。(2)You go straight down this ...

直走再向右转就可以到达 用英语表达 翻译如下:Go straight and turn right, you can get there.

错了一个单词,应该是Go along this street and turn right at the second crossing.

首先右转直走到图书馆,然后直走到公园左转就到了。 英语是
Turn right and go straight to the library , and then go straight to the park, then turn left at the park.可能你已解决,但还是采纳一下 O(∩_∩)O谢谢

皇彭13334709090问: 一直走就到了用英语怎么说一直走就到了一直走路口就到 -
冠县葡萄回答: 翻译如下 一直走就到了 Go straight ahead and you'll walk into it.

皇彭13334709090问: 走:单个字怎么翻译英文的? -
冠县葡萄回答: 我们走! Let's go. 我们走走吧. Let's have a walk.

皇彭13334709090问: “开心就好!有空多出去外面走走!”英语怎么说? -
冠县葡萄回答: nothing is better than happy..go out for a walk if you have spare time

皇彭13334709090问: 走走了五分钟的路程用英语怎么说 -
冠县葡萄回答: 走走了五分钟的路程 For five minutes.走走了五分钟的路程 For five minutes.

皇彭13334709090问: 路程的英语怎么写 -
冠县葡萄回答: distance 但比如你想说,10分钟的路程,一般英文也会讲,10 minutes' walk/drive. 表一种位移:distance moved

皇彭13334709090问: 向前走五米停住,转左走一米停住就到.用英语怎说 -
冠县葡萄回答: Straight ahead for 5 meters, then turn left for 1 meter, and that's it.

皇彭13334709090问: 请到花园走走英文怎么写 -
冠县葡萄回答: Please go to the garden. 请到花园走走

皇彭13334709090问: 帮我翻译一句话、
冠县葡萄回答: I traveled alone, dining, around, from time to time 包对!

皇彭13334709090问: 我真是很喜欢在镇上到处走走英语翻译, -
冠县葡萄回答: 我真是很喜欢在镇上到处走走 【I really like to walk around the town】

皇彭13334709090问: 从我家直走三分钟,然后左转就到学校了用英语怎么说 -
冠县葡萄回答: Walk straight for three minutes from my home,and then turn left. (You will see)The school is right there.

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