
作者&投稿:咸亚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

沿着路直走用英语这样说:Go straight along the road。


直走的英文翻译是go straight,读音:[ɡəu streit] 。

go straight英 [ɡəu streit] 美 [ɡo stret] v.笔直走,正直做人。

go straight的用法示例如下:

(1)Go straight ahead and you'll walk into it.


(2)You go straight down this road.


(3)He would leave his job and go straight home.



straight用于空间时,指某物是“直地,直线地,笔直地”; 用于时间时,可表示“立即地,马上”; 用于方向时,可表示“方向准确地,正确地”。

straight引申可表示说话方式是“直截了当地”; 用于比喻时可指为人处世时“坦诚地”。也可指人的眼睛或思维“清楚地”。


straight可作形容词也可作副词适用,副词straightly很少见,不过有时与honestly连用作为短语honestly and straightly,表示“诚实正直地”。

Go straight down the road continuously.

用英语翻译几个句子: 先沿着这条路直走,你的右边是服装展和银行。_百...
First go straight along this road, your right is the fashion show and bank.Come to a crossroads, then turn right.Go along this road.You find the library?In the face of the bank and the library, the CD store next to the library.You can find CD shop?

在十字路口左转然后直走的英语翻译:Turn left  at the crossing and go straight。学习英语在中学课程中是比较重要的,在学习中要注重语法、熟练各类词汇、充分练习、学会利用网络、不断积累。一、英语学习要注重语法、熟练各类词汇。例如:在十字路口左转英语翻译语法和词汇是必要的。英语的总体要求...

一、日常英语:直走然后右转 1、Go straight ahead, then turn right.直走然后右转。2、A Excuse me, do you know where the Beijing Grand Hotel is?A 打扰了,请问你知道北京贵宾楼怎么走吗?B Yes, it’s that way. Straight ahead.B 是的,那条路。一直走就到了。A Straight ahead?A ...

1. 沿着这条路直走,然后向左转。Walk straight down this road and then make a left turn.2. 请注意,原句中的“这条路”指的是前文提到的特定道路,因此在改写时应确保上下文的连贯性。3. 若前文已提及具体方向或目的地,可以在改写时加入这些信息,以增加指示的明确性。例如:“沿着阳光大道...

在第一个十字路口左转英语:Turn left at the first intersection;双语例句 1、直走,在第一个十字路口左转。它要穿过一家公园。Lily: Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads.2、直走,在第一个十字路口左转。它要穿过一家公园。Go straight and turn left at the first crossroads.3...

七下U2英语语法 怎么说在……路上直走到……路
Just go along Mengzhuiwan Street to ShuanglinStreet或Just go down Mengzhuiwan Street to ShuanglinStreet比较合适些

“沿……往前直走”的可以用英语短语表达为go straight along。例句:Go straight along this road and you can see a cafe(沿着这条路往前直走可以看到一家咖啡馆)。

Walk straight on and turn left at the first crossroad after XX Hotel until you reach our office building at the end.

1.Go straight on请直走。2.Turn left.请向左转3.Turn right.请向右转。4.Turn left and go straight on.向左转后请往前走。5.Turn left at the first crossing.请在第一个十字路口向左转。6.Cross the br

如东县18440433378: 沿……路直走怎么用英文表示?沿北京西路直走怎么用英文表示?猛然忘了= = -
缑幸华威:[答案] Go straight along the ……road

如东县18440433378: 直走用英语怎么说 -
缑幸华威: 直走的英文翻译是go straight,读音:[ɡəu streit] . go straight英 [ɡəu streit] 美 [ɡo stret] v.笔直走,正直做人. go straight的用法示例如下: (1)Go straight ahead and you'll walk into it. 一直走,你就走到了. (2)You go straight down this road. ...

如东县18440433378: 沿着这条路直走用英语怎么写 -
缑幸华威: Go down along this road.

如东县18440433378: 继续沿着这条路直走用英语怎么说 -
缑幸华威:[答案] go straight along /down the road

如东县18440433378: 沿……路直走怎么用英文表示? -
缑幸华威: Go straight along the ……road

如东县18440433378: 沿着这条街直走用英语怎么说 -
缑幸华威: go straight along this street

如东县18440433378: 沿着某街道行走用英语怎么说?主要是沿着和直走那个在前 -
缑幸华威:[答案] 你问的应该是go straight down the street吧~ 补充:go straight笔直前行go down 往城中心前行go along沿……前行

如东县18440433378: 直走,,用英语怎么说 -
缑幸华威: go straight 英 [ɡəu streit] 美 [ɡo stret] v.笔直走,正直做人 1、We just go straight up the Bristol Road我们就沿着布里斯托尔大道直走.2、Passengers with hand luggage can go straight to the departure gate to check in there. 携带手提行李的乘客...

如东县18440433378: 我向前直走能不能说成I go straight -
缑幸华威: 向前直走的短语表达就是词组“go straight”.但是你要翻译的这句话因为时态不确定,所以没办法直接翻译出来.如果是“我正在向前直走”,可以翻译为“I am going straight”,如果是“向前直走”这个动作是发生在过去,则“go”要用过去时,整个句子就是“I went straight”.

如东县18440433378: 沿着这条路一直走下去用英语怎么说快 -
缑幸华威:[答案] walk straight along the road

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