
作者&投稿:爱新觉罗邹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

有关校园生活英语对话一 A:Peter, which club do you want to join?皮特,你想加入哪个俱乐部?B:I haven't decided yet. What about you, Andy?我还没有决定。你呢,安迪?A:I am a member of the basketball club. Do you want to join us?我是篮球俱乐部的成员。你要加入我们吗?B:B...

校园情景英语对话篇1 张:Hello,everybody! 赵章周:Hello,lisa! 张:What do you think about college life? 你们觉得大学生活怎么样? 章:My life in this college is very busy. I join many activities in my spare time . I make friends with everyone whom I meet.Over class,I often play basketball...

We are free this afternoon. Let’s go swimming, shall we?今天下午我们没有课,我们游泳去,好吗?Mary:That’s a good idea.好主意。Jim:When and where shall we meet?几点钟在哪儿见啊?Mary:Let’s make it two o’clock at the school gate. Is it OK?两点...

-Excuse me.I am a stranger here. Could you please introduce me the shcool?-Sure.It is my pleasure. I would every like to show you our school.-Oh! You are every kind. Thank you every much. And my name is XXX. What is your name?-XXX. Nice to know you.-Me too.-...

求 关于一篇 校园生活或者友谊 的二人 英语对话 十五句左右
正文:A:How did you spend your time in school?你的校园生活是如何度过的?B:I did some part-time job when there was no class, what about you?除了上课以外,我还利用休息时间去打工。你呢?A:I learn something else myself in the leisure time.我除了在学校上课以外还自学一些其他的...

【校园生活英语对话】Gary:I've almost finished today's task. I gotta go home and have a good sleep. Oh, I haven't got enough sleep since the beginning of this semester.今天的任务差不多完成了。我得回家好好睡一觉。自从这个学期开始,我就没有好好睡过觉。May:Me too. The college entrance ...

求用英语对话的形式写关于我的大学生活,对话能持续3分钟左右。_百度知 ...
Eric和Patty是好朋友,也是大学同学。他们中午一起吃饭,聊起了校园生活。Professor: In this first part, we will learn how to ask what classes someone is taking.Patty: Hi Eric! Are you having fun at college?Eric: Yes, it's great. How many classes are you taking?Patty: I'm ...

H:我以为你已经适应这的生活了。J: I think I know why you're so homesick today. It’s Junior Parents Weekend. The sight stirs up your feelings.J:我想我知道为什么今天你这么想家了。今天是大学三年级学生双亲周,你触景生 情了。L: You speak right to my heart. I was much ...

College life 张:Hello,everybody! 赵章周:Hello,lisa!张:What do you think about college life? 你们觉得大学生活怎么样?章:My life in this college is very busy. I join many activities in my spare time . I make friends with everyone whom I meet.Over class,I often play ba...

A:你的校园生活是如何度过的?How did you spend your time in school?B:除了上课以外,我还利用休息时间去打工。 你呢?I did some part-time job when there was no class, what about you?A:我除了在学校上课以外还自学一些其他的知识。I learn something else myself in the leisure ...

祖芳17323708976问: 编一个英语对话关于学校生活的一两句话就好 -
松北区胆舒回答: A, the scenery is good B, yeah, or education foundation,

祖芳17323708976问: 有关校园生活的英语情景对话,2分钟左右,2个人的,每个人10句左右 -
松北区胆舒回答:[答案] John:So,what do you think you'll do after school?Mary:I'm not really sure.Maybe,I'll go into the army.John:What?Do you want to kill people?Mary:Don't be silly.The army isn't just about killing th...

祖芳17323708976问: 求两到三分钟校园英语情景对话两个人的对话,场景在校园里选,可以是公园 操场 图书馆 寝室 教室 路上 餐厅 等校园的建筑.话题不限 越新颖越好 适合我们... -
松北区胆舒回答:[答案] How many students in this University It has total 8 college and more than 8000 students,of which the International Business ... I know.What item do you intend to participate in A:What do you think this life B:I do not think it is the same as I expected.I still can...

祖芳17323708976问: 求一份与校园生活学习有关的双人英语对话,两个人是同学关系,对话内容足够两个人对话一分钟至两分钟,语法无错误,句型不要太简单,也不要太复杂,... -
松北区胆舒回答:[答案] A:Hello,Kate! Fancy meeting you here1! Working again,are you? B:Yes,I've got to,if I want to pass all the exams. A:How's life,Kate?All right? B:Yes,not too bad,thanks.I...

祖芳17323708976问: 以学校生活为中心写一段英语对话 -
松北区胆舒回答: My schoool life is busy and fantastic. First, we have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. We have to get to school before 7:30 because we have a morning class. Second, I like my school life because teachers and my classmates ...

祖芳17323708976问: 学校生活的英语对话怎么写 -
松北区胆舒回答: Tom: "Hi mom, how are you?" Tom's mom: "I am fine. How was school?" Tom: "Oh, I had a great time. The food there was great although I did not like the way they cook potatoes. The teachers are all very kind except the maths teacher, he ...

祖芳17323708976问: 急求关于大学生活的英文对话!两个人!五分钟!校园话题!谢谢!! -
松北区胆舒回答: 这个自己想啊! Suggestion (only suggestion! Don't copy!) Hi, XXX. I want to talk about the University life with you. First, I want to talk about our teacher first. The teacher that I like most is ......... He/She is our .............( Subject ) teacher. I have three ...

祖芳17323708976问: 急求:四人英语对话讨论学校生活!大概每人六句左右!急!急!急! -
松北区胆舒回答: A: I really like the school life. It's so peaceful and so fun. look, we spend all our time on the campus, we go to class, we eat here, we have fun together, we rest together. really very wonderful .

祖芳17323708976问: 5人的英语情景对话,有关学校生活的5个人之间的对话,谈论的是有关在学校的生活, -
松北区胆舒回答:[答案] In this conversation, Sally Fraser, a Human Resources officer for a medium-size hotel on the West coast, is interviewing Victoria Jones for a position as night manager. Sally: I see from your resume t...

祖芳17323708976问: 求两到三分钟校园英语情景对话 -
松北区胆舒回答: How many students in this University It has total 8 college and more than 8000 students, of which the International Business Institude is the best famous. A: Do you know our school with hold the Games next Saturday B:Yes, I know. What item do you ...

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