
作者&投稿:宋官 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

求 关于一篇 校园生活或者友谊 的二人 英语对话 十五句左右
正文:A:How did you spend your time in school?你的校园生活是如何度过的?B:I did some part-time job when there was no class, what about you?除了上课以外,我还利用休息时间去打工。你呢?A:I learn something else myself in the leisure time.我除了在学校上课以外还自学一些其他的...

校园情景英语对话篇1 张:Hello,everybody! 赵章周:Hello,lisa! 张:What do you think about college life? 你们觉得大学生活怎么样? 章:My life in this college is very busy. I join many activities in my spare time . I make friends with everyone whom I meet.Over class,I often play basketball...

关于校园生活的英语口语对话 校园生活在我们的学习生涯中占了很重要的一部分,下面是我整理的关于学校生活的.英语口语,希望能帮到大家!两点钟在学校门口等你去游泳 Jim:We are free this afternoon. Let’s go swimming, shall we?今天下午我们没有课,我们游泳去,好吗?Mary:That’s ...

急求一篇4~5分钟的两个人的英语对话(关于大学生活中你学到了什么) O...

求用英语对话的形式写关于我的大学生活,对话能持续3分钟左右。_百度知 ...
Eric和Patty是好朋友,也是大学同学。他们中午一起吃饭,聊起了校园生活。Professor: In this first part, we will learn how to ask what classes someone is taking.Patty: Hi Eric! Are you having fun at college?Eric: Yes, it's great. How many classes are you taking?Patty: I'm ...

我非常赞同你,在我上高中的时候,我很向往美好的大学生活。我的大学生活忙碌但是有意义,你可以看到,研究带给我知识,学生活动提高自己,图书馆改变了我的视野,其他的事情让我独立。章:Do you have any show? 你们有参加什么表演吗?张赵周:No!没有! 章:What impressed me most is New Ye...

...两个人是同学关系,对话内容足够两个人对话一分钟至两分钟,_百度知 ...
生活过得怎么样,凯特?不错吧? 还不错,谢谢。不过我对复习有点厌倦了。你呢?相当好,谢谢。我的考试现在已经全部结束了,所以我可以稍稍放松一下。今天下午我要去看足球赛,只 噢,她很好。只是一直很忙。噢,我想我该走了。比赛3:30开始,再见!给我分哦!!!努力!祝你成功 ...

【校园生活英语对话】Gary:I've almost finished today's task. I gotta go home and have a good sleep. Oh, I haven't got enough sleep since the beginning of this semester.今天的任务差不多完成了。我得回家好好睡一觉。自从这个学期开始,我就没有好好睡过觉。May:Me too. The college entrance ...

John: So, what do you think you’ll do after school?Mary: I’m not really sure. Maybe, I’ll go into the army.John: What? Do you want to kill people?Mary: Don’t be silly. The army isn’t just about killing the enemy. There are research and development areas,m...

A:你的校园生活是如何度过的?How did you spend your time in school?B:除了上课以外,我还利用休息时间去打工。 你呢?I did some part-time job when there was no class, what about you?A:我除了在学校上课以外还自学一些其他的知识。I learn something else myself in the leisure ...

康视17348429922问: 有关校园生活的英语情景对话,2分钟左右,2个人的,每个人10句左右 -
诸暨市复方回答:[答案] John:So,what do you think you'll do after school?Mary:I'm not really sure.Maybe,I'll go into the army.John:What?Do you want to kill people?Mary:Don't be silly.The army isn't just about killing th...

康视17348429922问: 求两到三分钟校园英语情景对话两个人的对话,场景在校园里选,可以是公园 操场 图书馆 寝室 教室 路上 餐厅 等校园的建筑.话题不限 越新颖越好 适合我们... -
诸暨市复方回答:[答案] How many students in this University It has total 8 college and more than 8000 students,of which the International Business ... I know.What item do you intend to participate in A:What do you think this life B:I do not think it is the same as I expected.I still can...

康视17348429922问: 求一份与校园生活学习有关的双人英语对话,两个人是同学关系,对话内容足够两个人对话一分钟至两分钟,语法无错误,句型不要太简单,也不要太复杂,... -
诸暨市复方回答:[答案] A:Hello,Kate! Fancy meeting you here1! Working again,are you? B:Yes,I've got to,if I want to pass all the exams. A:How's life,Kate?All right? B:Yes,not too bad,thanks.I...

康视17348429922问: 急求关于大学生活的英文对话!两个人!五分钟!校园话题!谢谢!! -
诸暨市复方回答: 这个自己想啊! Suggestion (only suggestion! Don't copy!) Hi, XXX. I want to talk about the University life with you. First, I want to talk about our teacher first. The teacher that I like most is ......... He/She is our .............( Subject ) teacher. I have three ...

康视17348429922问: 大学生活二人英语对话 -
诸暨市复方回答: A: What did you do today?(你今天干嘛了?)B: I went shopping at the mall.(我去购物中心逛街了)A: What did you buy?(那你买了什么?)B: I wanted to buy a dress, but did not.(我原来想买条裙子的,可结果没买.)A: Why?(为什么?)B: Well, they didn't hav

康视17348429922问: 2人英语情景对话 我的大学生活 2分钟左右 -
诸暨市复方回答:[答案] Oh. Have you finisherd listing your study preferences? 你选完了是吗? BYes, I have. 选完了. AGood. So, which is your top ... I want to be important and help people. 好吧.医生这个职业很重要,不是吗?我是说,健康是我们所拥有的最重要的财富,不...

康视17348429922问: 急求!!!关于大学生生活的英语2人对话~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!拜托!! -
诸暨市复方回答: A:What is your feeling toward your life in university? B:It's wonderful.I have made lots of friends here and learned to take care of myself well. A:Well, can you learn knowledge all by yourself? B:Of course not. The knowledge is from all areas....

康视17348429922问: 英语情景对话要求两人的对话 时间5分钟左右 内容是在校园两个好朋友谈论 -
诸暨市复方回答:[答案] B:hey,what are you doing here? A:oh hello.i'm listening to music. B:I see.what kind of music do you like? A:I like pop music.Because it is modern,and is related to people's everyday life.Pop music is popular among young people. B:but Pop music,does ...

康视17348429922问: 求大学英语口语对话~要两人的对话~每人10句~关于在大学生活的内容~ -
诸暨市复方回答:[答案] a: i'm so upset now.. b:why? Anything bad happened? a:no,..it's just...college life is not like what i've pitcured. i con't get used to it. it was so much better in highschool. besides, i'm home sick right now. b:come on. don't think about it that way! college life ...

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