
作者&投稿:闵狡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

有关生活英语情景对话篇1 A: Can we have dinner togethet?-起吃晚饭可以吗?G: Sorry, I'II have to rush to my English class after work.对不起,下班了我得赶紧去 A: Ok, then how about tomorrow?好吧,那明天怎么样?G: I'm terribly sorry that my classes are scheduled from ...

在英语学习中,阅读能力是学习者发展其它语言能力听、说、写、译的基础。阅读能力的高低,不仅决定了学习者获取知识和资讯的水平,而且在一定程度上也反映出学习者综合运用英语的能力。我整理了生活常用情景英语对话,欢迎阅读!生活常用情景英语对话篇一 助理: Manager, there is a meeting you need to ...

英语情景对话 在电影院的.公园的.音乐会的.急.在线等.
Anson:Hi,Ben!Where are you going now?Ben:I am going to the cinema.Anson:What is on today?Ben:Cats and dogs.Anson:I saw it yesterday. It tells a story about a fight between cats and dogs.Ben:Sounds interesting.Anson:Yes. In fact, it is wonderful. All the actous in the...

求一个动物的 英语情景对话
the zoo and look at the panda. Why not go with me?我想去动物园瞎逛逛看看熊猫.你要不和我一起去?凯茜: Sure. I like panda,it`s so cute.好的.我很喜欢熊猫.熊猫太可爱了.罗拉: OK. I'll meet you at the university gate in half an hour.好的.那我们半小时后学校门口见.

2人英语情景对话 我的大学生活 2分钟左右
Oh. Have you finisherd listing your study preferences?你选完了是吗?BYes, I have.选完了.AGood. So, which is your top choice?你的选课单上,哪门课排第一位?BMedicine. In my country, that certainly has great prestige.医学课.我们那里医生很有名.AI see. Which subject did you ...


跪求一篇长的英语情景对话 有关大学生活的!!

给你写一个。是从路上偶遇开始的 1:1さんじゃない?久しぶり~2:あっ、久しぶりだね、元気?1:おかげさまで元気だよ、2さんは?2:うん、元気だけど、最近忙しくて。。。1:试験のこと?2:もうすぐ试験だからっていうのもあるけど、サークルも结构忙しくて 1:サークルは...

在来园、离园、进餐、起床等活动中,为孩子播放与情景相一致的轻音乐,营造愉快氛围。(2)接受幼儿的情绪 每位教师都希望幼儿在园快乐,但孩子总有不愉快甚至愤怒、担心和恐惧的时候。情绪有积极、消极之分,但无正确、错误之说。教师要善于观察,对情绪波动的幼儿,要通过抚摸、拥抱、对话、转移注意力...

生活 职业 母婴 三农 互联网 生产制造 其他 日报 日报精选 日报广场 用户 认证用户 视频作者 日报作者 知道团队 认证团队 合伙人 企业 媒体 政府 其他组织 商城 手机答题 我的 老师,我想请你帮忙写个关于大学生活刚开学的内种段子或者情景对话  我来答 1...

歹国13867713236问: 有关校园生活的英语情景对话,2分钟左右,2个人的,每个人10句左右 -
九龙坡区金康回答:[答案] John:So,what do you think you'll do after school?Mary:I'm not really sure.Maybe,I'll go into the army.John:What?Do you want to kill people?Mary:Don't be silly.The army isn't just about killing th...

歹国13867713236问: 求两到三分钟校园英语情景对话两个人的对话,场景在校园里选,可以是公园 操场 图书馆 寝室 教室 路上 餐厅 等校园的建筑.话题不限 越新颖越好 适合我们... -
九龙坡区金康回答:[答案] How many students in this University It has total 8 college and more than 8000 students,of which the International Business ... I know.What item do you intend to participate in A:What do you think this life B:I do not think it is the same as I expected.I still can...

歹国13867713236问: 以学校生活为中心写一段英语对话 -
九龙坡区金康回答: My schoool life is busy and fantastic. First, we have four classes in the morning and three in the afternoon. We have to get to school before 7:30 because we have a morning class. Second, I like my school life because teachers and my classmates ...

歹国13867713236问: 5人的英语情景对话,有关学校生活的5个人之间的对话,谈论的是有关在学校的生活, -
九龙坡区金康回答:[答案] In this conversation, Sally Fraser, a Human Resources officer for a medium-size hotel on the West coast, is interviewing Victoria Jones for a position as night manager. Sally: I see from your resume t...

歹国13867713236问: 求两到三分钟校园英语情景对话 -
九龙坡区金康回答: How many students in this University It has total 8 college and more than 8000 students, of which the International Business Institude is the best famous. A: Do you know our school with hold the Games next Saturday B:Yes, I know. What item do you ...

歹国13867713236问: 学校生活的英语对话怎么写 -
九龙坡区金康回答: Tom: "Hi mom, how are you?" Tom's mom: "I am fine. How was school?" Tom: "Oh, I had a great time. The food there was great although I did not like the way they cook potatoes. The teachers are all very kind except the maths teacher, he ...

歹国13867713236问: 大学校园中所发生的事情为话题用英语写情景对话 -
九龙坡区金康回答:[答案] 原创: A: hey, 'sup man? B: hi! how 'u doin? A: great for sure, u okay? B: yeah. 'u got plans this holiday or nah? A: ohh I've got bad news, that guy told me about your activities and I'm afraid that I have to stay at campus 'cause I've got some community&...

歹国13867713236问: 求一份与校园生活学习有关的双人英语对话,两个人是同学关系,对话内容足够两个人对话一分钟至两分钟,语法无错误,句型不要太简单,也不要太复杂,... -
九龙坡区金康回答:[答案] A:Hello,Kate! Fancy meeting you here1! Working again,are you? B:Yes,I've got to,if I want to pass all the exams. A:How's life,Kate?All right? B:Yes,not too bad,thanks.I...

歹国13867713236问: 关于校园的英语情景对话(同学与同学之间),两分钟的口头对话.急~~ -
九龙坡区金康回答: Scene:Classroom in the school Lina said out loud:The first is easier, is to calculate the question, please think Two 10 and two 4, addition, subtraction, how to arrange to make the final result is equal to24? Joanna:I have to answer, Lina.Very simple....

歹国13867713236问: 2人英语情景对话 我的大学生活 2分钟左右 -
九龙坡区金康回答:[答案] Oh. Have you finisherd listing your study preferences? 你选完了是吗? BYes, I have. 选完了. AGood. So, which is your top choice? 你的选课单上,哪门课排第一位? BMedicine. In my country, that certainly has great prestige. 医学课.我们那里医生很...

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