
作者&投稿:枞柯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In recent years, there are many changes in my home town.No matter the environment,the traffic,or even the city image.All these changes are improve the city view and commercial value.And it is our residents' honour.As a whole, to the changes of our city,the advantages far ...

求英语作文 现在进行时、一般过去时、一般将来时的作文!

现在的我不比以前的我 2. 作文《以前的我与现在的我》800字 急 生活是一本大《百科全书》,它告诉我们什么是亲情,什么是友谊,什么是成功……是它给予我们勇气,给予我们快乐,给予我们美好…… 以前,我总认为作文好写极了,当我第一次写作文,才知道写好一篇作文并不是我想象的那么简单。在作文课上,老师经常为...

what I have said!!汉语:在过去,我曾是一个淘气的男孩,我不听从父母,老师和我所有的亲戚,我不喜欢上学,我讨厌做家庭作业和家务,所以我又有一个称谓叫做懒男孩。但是现在,由于年龄的增长,我明白了很多人情世故,作为一个子女和一个学生,我们有义务去听从家长和老师的,我将做到我所说的 ...


失去了淡然的微笑, 多了忧愁。 现在的我不象从前, 忘记了世界上原来还有快乐, 只记得前所未悲伤。 现在的我和从前判若两人, 失去的比拥要多。 曾经我恨上过爱,那时的朋友太多,难免有矛盾,向着这边,那边翻脸;向着那边,这边别扭。要是两边都不要,就一起翻脸。我总是顾及的太多,本以为朋...

In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home . I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects. But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects . I have received a good grade. In the future I will be better because I have confidence .I ...

未来只会把过去和现在尘封在那无尽的记忆里,人生终将继续,挫折也必将连绵不绝,面对挫折,我会笑着迎接,未来的我会在那无尽的挫折中成长,谋生,我相信,通过我的努力,我的坚强,我必然会在那水泥地般的人群中长出属于我的红宝石,闯出自己的一片天。 未来我会用坚强作为自己的座右铭…… 过去与现在的作文 过去与...

开始把自己的全部精力、大部分时间都投入到了学习中。 …… 这一年中,有多少经历是不会再有的;这一年中,有多少时光是不会再现的;这一年中有多少情感是不会再拥有的,让我记住过去,让过去永远留在我们心里,直到老去、死去…… 珍惜现在 还记得那部电影《2012》吗?影片讲述了2012年,...

schools and high school in Jianning county.十年前,建宁县是一个贫困县,只有几条街道和主要道路,没有太多的高层建筑,你看不到很多车辆跑在街上,有没有很多中学。但现在,有很多新的和大的道路,有相当多的车辆在新的道路和街道跑,建宁县有很多高楼大厦,有几个新的中学和中学建宁县。

商陆15971801597问: 写自己过去和现在的变化的满分英语作文 -
恩平市己酮回答:[答案] 写自己过去和现在的变化的满分英语作文:The change of my lifeMy life has changed a lot in the last few years.I used to be shy and with very little confidence,because I was not learning too well in school...

商陆15971801597问: 英语作文,以“过去的我和现在的我”为题 -
恩平市己酮回答:[答案] my name is mary,now i.m very outgoing,but i used to be quite,so i don,t have maryfriend,i,m very ionly.I usedto have iong hair and Ilike play football.Time go by,now I like swimming and play the piano,I think it,s beautiful.My friend side people sure change....

商陆15971801597问: 关于过去和现在的自己的比较,英语作文,60词左右 -
恩平市己酮回答:[答案] In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home .I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects.But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects .I have received a good grade.In the future I will be better because I have confidence...

商陆15971801597问: 怎样写英语作文;以前的自己和现在的我 -
恩平市己酮回答:[答案] 句式——i used to be……(坏的)now i am much more(比较级) in the past,i am ……but now i make some changes like……,参考如下文《我习惯的改变》A volume is wide the lawn which can dash about wildly, ...

商陆15971801597问: 关于我以前是什么样现在是什么样的写一篇60字英语作文 -
恩平市己酮回答:[答案] my name is mary,now i.m very outgoing,but i used to be quite,so i don,t have maryfriend,i,m very ionly.I usedto have iong hair and Ilike play football.Time go by,now I like swimming and play the piano...

商陆15971801597问: 英语作文,谈论自己过去和现在的变化谈论自己过去和现在的变化的作文 -
恩平市己酮回答:[答案] 跟今天六级作文考试题目一样.Names (高分版)Asked about which symbol can represent one's identity,the first answer occurring to most people,I believe,should be their names.Bingo!Every single person owns a particular name,which uniquely refers...

商陆15971801597问: 以 这就是我 写一篇80字的英语作文,要求;1以前的我 2现在的我 -
恩平市己酮回答:[答案]I' m the only one in all of creation2) who has my set of abilities.Oh,there will always be somebody who is better at one of the things I'm good at,but no one in the universe can reach the quality of...

商陆15971801597问: 描写自己过去现在将来的英语作文. -
恩平市己酮回答:[答案] In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home .I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects.But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects .I have received a good grade.In the future I will be better because I have confidence...

商陆15971801597问: 写一篇现在的我和3年前的我的变化的英语作文带翻译 -
恩平市己酮回答:[答案] I have changed a lot in the last two years.About two years ago,I was just a pupil.I was not as tall as I am now.And as I grow up,... 在过去,我有几句话的女孩/男孩.但现在我很有趣,外向和运动.这种变化特性使我目前的课堂变得受欢迎.我的老师认为我是...

商陆15971801597问: 我要一篇英语作文,要写五年前的我,现在的我和五年后的我,大约200个词吧,注意是英语,十分迫切. -
恩平市己酮回答:[答案] five years ago ,i'm nine years old .i played tabble tennis everyday ,i thought it's very interesting .and today,i'm older than before .i play basketball now .and i have a pet dog.in five years .i'm a ...

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