
作者&投稿:产仪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

一个人过去和现在的对比 英语作文 80词 急啊!!!
写作思路:可以先介绍一下自己的过去就是以前的自己是什么样的,然后再说一说现在的自己有什么样的变化等等。正文:In the past, my room was very messy and miserable, but I refused to clean it up. Now, I began to take the initiative to clean it up. Ha ha, to tell you the ...

父母的过去和现在英文介绍范文如下:My parents has been changed a lot in the past ten years in terms of lifestyle,language custom and their appearance。First,they used to work late at night to meet the deadline。Now they prefer to get up early and work at daytime。Second,n ...

写作思路:通过现在与过去的对比,描述出不同的地方。短文如下:I was short and slim three years ago.三年前我又矮又瘦。Now I'm tall and strong.现在我又高又壮。I was not allowed to go outside to meet people before.我以前不允许出去见别人。Now I can go to my friends' party...

写作思路:可以运用对比的手法来写出学校以前和现在的区别,比如以前的篮球场很小,而现在的篮球场非常的宽敞等等。正文:When you walk around our school, you can see various flowers and trees everywhere. At the same time, you can smell the taste, breathe fresh air. It's a nice place ...

学校的过去和现在 英语作文
而现在我们的学校,跟以前的比起来,可以说是天壤之别。整齐漂亮的教学楼;课程加了许多,像美术、品德、英语等趣味课程;一大片绿油油的草地,红色的塑胶跑道,足球场、篮球场。各种健身器材,这就是我们活动娱乐的场所。All kinds of pens, pencils, cartoon stationery boxes, put into the "blue ...

我不敢相信这是我高中的最后一年。在过去的几年里,我和学校都发生了很大的变化。我记得我第一天走进这所学校时,大门是敞开的,但现在外面有更多的保安。基本要求 英文书写应符合书写规范,英文字母要写清楚、写整齐、写美观,字母的大小和字母之间的距离要匀称。书写应做到字形秀丽漂亮,通篇匀称和谐。

英语作文有关以前和现在的比较如下:In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home .I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects.But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects .I have received a good grade.In the future I will be better ...

大家好 我的名字叫KELLY .我很友好、诚实。我擅长英语和数学。 我爱上网、玩电脑网络游戏、看电视 和旅游。我也喜欢打乒乓球。我经常和朋友们在周末打乒乓球,长大了我想当一个乒乓球运动员。最喜欢在海边看着海鸥自由自在的飞翔,因此在夏天我经常去海边。白色是我的最爱。因为我觉得白色是纯洁的...

失去了淡然的微笑, 多了忧愁。 现在的我不象从前, 忘记了世界上原来还有快乐, 只记得前所未悲伤。 现在的我和从前判若两人, 失去的比拥要多。 曾经我恨上过爱,那时的朋友太多,难免有矛盾,向着这边,那边翻脸;向着那边,这边别扭。要是两边都不要,就一起翻脸。我总是顾及的太多,本以为朋...

In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home . I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects. But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects . I have received a good grade. In the future I will be better because I have confidence .I ...

储炊18339367087问: 有关现在和过去的英语短文 -
通化县首乌回答:[答案] 主要是讲述现在和过去的变化,基本符合您的要求. In the recent years,the economy of city develops quickly.In the past,people lived in a low house,the students studied in an old school,the farmers planted crops with the help of farm animals.Nowadays,the...

储炊18339367087问: 写自己过去和现在的变化的满分英语作文 -
通化县首乌回答:[答案] 写自己过去和现在的变化的满分英语作文:The change of my lifeMy life has changed a lot in the last few years.I used to be shy and with very little confidence,because I was not learning too well in school...

储炊18339367087问: 英语作文,介绍过去和现在人们的生活变化1以前人们的通信方式是写信,现在的电话和email2以前人们上学骑自行车,现在是坐地铁3以前人们都是听收音... -
通化县首乌回答:[答案] The Changes We have many changes in our daily life from the past. We used to write letters to communicate,but now,we can simply call others or send them e-mails.It is both fast and convenient.In the past,people went to school by bike,yet now,we ...

储炊18339367087问: 一篇写过去和现在的英语作文 -
通化县首乌回答:Nowadays,many families have only one child. In the past,the children used to go to school alone. They did housework by themselves at home. When they grew up,they could work hard and do well. But now things are different.The children are taken to...

储炊18339367087问: 英语作文:过去生活和现在生活作对比 要用到 be different from 大约70词 -
通化县首乌回答: Changes in my hometown My hometown has changed a lot.In the past the streets were dirty but they are quite clean now.And today's hometown is rather different from that of the pastfor example,the traffic was terrible in the past,but it's safe now.In a ...

储炊18339367087问: 写一个你熟悉的人,写写他的过去和现在.英语作文 -
通化县首乌回答: having long been living in this alley, i know almost everyone here. it is, however, the housewives that i usually see in the daytime, the rest being either out working as family providers or away in school. all these housewives are kind and considerate. ...

储炊18339367087问: 英语作文,谈论自己过去和现在的变化谈论自己过去和现在的变化的作文 -
通化县首乌回答:[答案] 跟今天六级作文考试题目一样.Names (高分版)Asked about which symbol can represent one's identity,the first answer occurring to most people,I believe,should be their names.Bingo!Every single person owns a particular name,which uniquely refers...

储炊18339367087问: 过去和现在的英语作文 -
通化县首乌回答: i used to have some difficulties in english learning and i felt really disappointed. in the past, i can not spend some time in reviewing the lessons and felt tired when i returned home. however, i feel it is interesting to learn english now. i go to study in ...

储炊18339367087问: 描写自己过去现在将来的英语作文. -
通化县首乌回答:[答案] In the past I was lazy and did nothing but watch TV at home .I was often late for school and was weak in many subjects.But now i am diligent and do well in many subjects .I have received a good grade.In the future I will be better because I have confidence...

储炊18339367087问: 谁能帮我写一篇关于过去和现在的英语作文啊?
通化县首乌回答: My hometown, which is in the south of ** Province, is a very beautiful village. It lies on the east bank of a small river, surrounded by green mountains, In the past my hometown was poor, and people led a hard life. They couldnt afford to send their ...

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