
作者&投稿:璩味 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用自己喜欢的几种水果切好.加上沙拉...沙拉有酸.与不酸. 沙拉可自己制做. 沙拉制法 . 打蛋器一个.2个蛋.二两白沙糖.1.5斤色拉油...蛋糖同 时放在皿器里.用打蛋器.打溶糖.然后.边打边慢 慢加油.少少的慢慢加.打到面糊状便可.要酸.加点白 醋 ...

1. Wash the fruits 2. Cut into pieces 3. Serve on a plate 4. Put the topping\/favour

How to make fruits salad?It is hot in the room, I don’t want to have my lunch. So my mom decides to make fruits salad for me.At first, clean all the fruits. You can choose some fruits you like to eat. I have an apple, a pear, a tomato, a carrot, a dragon ...

B: Err... it is really fresh, special and delicous!翻译:How to make a Greek salad 如何做希腊沙拉 A: This evening I will make you a Greek salad for dinner.今天晚饭我要为你做一道希腊沙拉。B: Greek salad? I've never heard of that. 希腊沙拉?我可从来没听说过呀。A: I ...


...的 英语作文 How to make a fruit salad 怎样做一个水果色拉...
How to make a fruit salad To make a fruit salad, you should wash some kinds of fruit first. If you prepare to use apples or pears, you should peel them. Cut all the fruit into pieces and put all the pieces in a big bowl. Add some salad cream and some sugar into the...

英语作文:水果沙拉 字数:120
you weren't eat finished,you also need put it to your fridge.你也可以放一些冷饮在里面,但是如果你不要吃许多的话,你可以放一些在冰箱里。I think you can make some fruit salad,put it in the fridge,eat it two or three days.我想你可以做一些水果沙拉,放在冰箱里吃上两三天。

Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy food.People like to eat it after dinner or between meals .How to make it ? It is quite easy ,only takes you three steps :First ,you go to chicken, clean and cut all kinds of furits you like to eat. For example ,kiwi ...

沙拉用英语是salad。salad作为名词,是可数名词,基本含义除了“沙拉”之外,还有“生吃的蔬菜色拉”、“拌有肉、鱼、奶酪等的混合色拉”、“与面食、豆类等一起食用的蔬菜色拉”等意思,复数形式为salads。例句:1、All main courses come with salad or vegetables.所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。2、The ...

水果沙拉做法 做法 1.把嘎啦果梨和桃洗净。2.去皮分别切成小块。3.加入适量的沙拉酱。搅拌均匀。4.黄瓜用削皮刀削成大片。5.把黄瓜片围成圈,接口固定好。6.把搅拌均匀的水果沙拉放入黄瓜圈中即可。用果皮装饰一下很漂亮吧。小贴士 水果沙拉原料要选新鲜水果,水果切后装盘,摆放时间不宜过长,...

鄢林19780015392问: 叙述你制作水果沙拉的过程,英语作文60个单词(1)Wash different fruits and peel (剥皮)(2)Cut them andn mix them up (混合)(3)Add salad ... -
冷水滩区磺苄回答:[答案] Today ,I did a fruit salad by myself.First:wash different fruits and peel them.I used two apples、two bananas、 one watermelon and a pineapple.Second:Cut them and mix them up.I put them on a glass plate. Third:Add salad cream and stir .Finally:enjoy it...

鄢林19780015392问: 求一篇写制作水果沙拉过程的英语作文,要用到“First,Next,Then,Finally"80词左右 -
冷水滩区磺苄回答:[答案] First,I need to wash these fruits .Next,I need to peel these fruits.Then I need to cut them into small pieces.I put them into a big bowl.I add some sauces into the bowl.I use a pair of chopsticks to stir them.Finally,I add some cheese in the bowl.How delicious ...

鄢林19780015392问: 用英文写一篇如何做水果沙拉的短文 -
冷水滩区磺苄回答: Ingredients Pineapple Cubes Strawberries Seedless Grapes any berries (我用e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333234323637strawberry) Apple Banana rasin salad sauce or can use orange juiceDivide the pineapples cube and ...

鄢林19780015392问: 帮忙写一篇关于制作水果沙拉的英文作文~!拜托拜托~! -
冷水滩区磺苄回答:[答案] Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy food.People like to eat it after dinner or between meals .How to make it It is quite easy ,only takes you three steps : First ,you go to chicken,clean and cut all kinds of furits you like to eat.For example ,kiwi berry ,...

鄢林19780015392问: How to make a fruit salad?初2英语作文.带翻译、 -
冷水滩区磺苄回答:[答案] 这个嘛.让我试试 I like fruit salad,i also know how to make it. first,i cut some fruit in to pices,then,i put all of them in a ball,last but not least,i put some salad on it. It smells brilliant! 我喜欢水果沙拉,当然我也知道怎样做. 我先拿出一些水果,然后切成一片...

鄢林19780015392问: 做水果沙拉的英语作文 -
冷水滩区磺苄回答:[答案] Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy food.People like to eat it after dinner or between meals .How to make it It is quite easy ,only takes you three steps :First ,you go to chicken,cl...

鄢林19780015392问: 叙述你制作水果沙拉的过程,英语作文60个单词 -
冷水滩区磺苄回答: Cut them and mix them up、 one watermelon and a pineapple: enjoy it. First;m so happy: wash different fruits and peel them. Third:Add salad cream and stir . I used two apples! It tastes very delicious and I'、two bananas. Second,I did a fruit salad by myself. Finally. 不是用翻译器翻译的 希望能帮到你Today . I put them on a glass plate

鄢林19780015392问: 水果沙拉(英语)用英语写一篇短文,叙述制作水果沙拉的全过程,词数70左右peel ut 剥去...的果皮 mix 混合 stir 搅拌 salad cream 沙拉奶油This is how to ... -
冷水滩区磺苄回答:[答案] This is how to make a fruit salad.First,we need an apple,a pear,20 grapes,an orange and two bananas.Then wash the apple,pear and grapes,and peel the orange and bananas.Cut them into small pieces and p...

鄢林19780015392问: 能不能写一篇制作水果沙拉的过程 英文作文 150字以上 非常急!谢谢 -
冷水滩区磺苄回答: Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy food.People like to eat it after dinner or between meals .How to make it ? It is quite easy ,only takes you three steps : First ,you go to chicken, clean and cut all kinds of furits you like to eat. For example ,kiwi ...

鄢林19780015392问: 怎样制作水果沙拉80单词左右的英文作文朋友来到你家你需要制作一道水果沙拉招待他们并用英文记下制作的过程80单词左右 -
冷水滩区磺苄回答:[答案] Fruits salad is a kind of tasting and healthy food.People like to eat it after dinner or between meals .How to make it ? It is quite easy ,only takes you three steps : First ,you go to chicken, clean and cut all kinds of furits you like to eat. For example ,kiwi ...

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