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水果沙拉 英语
This is how to make a fruit salad.First, we need an apple, a pear, 20 grapes, an orange and two bananas. Then wash the apple, pear and grapes, and peel the orange and bananas. Cut them into small pieces and put them on a plate. Then add some salad cream, a little ...

First cut the fruits into slices,put them into a bowl and mix with the salad dressing。

怎么做水果沙拉,超级鸡肉汉堡?用英语说,谢谢作业,急啊!帮帮忙拉!_百 ...
你要的是步骤吗?OK 做水果沙拉的 step1 peel the bananas apples and oranges 2 put the fruits in a bowl 3 put in a cup of yogurt 4 mix it all up 5 eat fruit salad 超级鸡肉汉堡的 step1 cut up the chicken cabbage and tomatoes 2 put it into the bread 3 pour the jam into...

B: Err... it is really fresh, special and delicous!翻译:How to make a Greek salad 如何做希腊沙拉 A: This evening I will make you a Greek salad for dinner.今天晚饭我要为你做一道希腊沙拉。B: Greek salad? I've never heard of that. 希腊沙拉?我可从来没听说过呀。A: I ...

以水边冲边用手压牛腩,将血水挤出直到没有血水出来,沥干置于一旁; 3.锅内放入沙拉油,中火爆香姜蒜后加入牛腩不停拌炒,陆续加入辣豆瓣酱、酱油,使牛腩上色、辣味出现; 4.在锅中加入高汤,以略为盖过牛腩为准,并将蕃茄、红白萝卜、八角、葱、冰糖、卤包加入汤中,大火煮开捞除泡沫,转...

then we in the sitting room chatting while doing the game. We had a good time together. Is a special day.南希的朋友在上个星期天来我家玩,他送给我一个很大的洋娃娃,我们先吃了水果沙拉、汉堡等食物,接着我们在客厅里一边做游戏一边聊天。我们在一起玩得很开心。真是特别的一天。

For making fried rice, first, we put some oil on a cooking pan. Then, we wash the vegetables such as tomatoes and corns and cut them into small squares. Turn the heat on and add the vegetables into the pan when it is hot. After that we add rice in it and cook them ...

is dumplings,so I will make dumplings and fruit salad for her.译文:今天是周末,我想给家人做一顿晚饭。现在我在厨房做饭。我喜欢牛肉,所以我给自己煮了牛肉面。我爸爸在书房读报纸,我为他准备了番茄羊肉面。我妈妈在客厅看电视,她最喜欢的食物是饺子,所以我会给她准备饺子和水果沙拉。

沙拉用英语是salad。salad作为名词,是可数名词,基本含义除了“沙拉”之外,还有“生吃的蔬菜色拉”、“拌有肉、鱼、奶酪等的混合色拉”、“与面食、豆类等一起食用的蔬菜色拉”等意思,复数形式为salads。例句:1、All main courses come with salad or vegetables.所有主菜都配有色拉或蔬菜。2、The ...

Salad Dressing: * 3\/4 cup light mayonnaise * 1\/4 cup milk * 2 tbsp poppy seeds * 2 tbsp raspberry vinegar * 1\/3 cup granulated sugar

箕仁13925301229问: 英语作文:水果沙拉 字数:120 -
阳曲县七子回答:[答案] The fruit salad水果沙拉The fruit salad is made of what you want to do.水果沙拉是由什么而做的,那是你说的算的.Looks like bananas,apples,pears,cucumbers,melons,meats,and so on.I like fruit salad very muc...

箕仁13925301229问: 四年级英语作文:水果沙拉 -
阳曲县七子回答: Fruitssaladisakindoftastingandhealthyfood.Peopleliketoeatitafterdinnerorbetweenmeals.Howtomakeit?Itisquiteeasy,onlytakesyouthreesteps:First,yougotochicken,cleanandcutallkindsoffuritsyouliketoeat.Forexample,kiwiberry,pear,peach,tomato,...

箕仁13925301229问: How to make a fruit salad?初2英语作文.带翻译、 -
阳曲县七子回答:[答案] 这个嘛.让我试试 I like fruit salad,i also know how to make it. first,i cut some fruit in to pices,then,i put all of them in a ball,last but not least,i put some salad on it. It smells brilliant! 我喜欢水果沙拉,当然我也知道怎样做. 我先拿出一些水果,然后切成一片...

箕仁13925301229问: 初二英语作文关于做水果沙拉的60字 -
阳曲县七子回答: Making salads are actually very easy. Now, please follow me and we will make a wonderful fruit salad. First, prepare fruit: apples, pears, bananas and a watermelon. Also, we need to get ready a bowl, a teaspoon and a cup. Last, we should have ...

箕仁13925301229问: 水果沙拉(英语)用英语写一篇短文,叙述制作水果沙拉的全过程,词数70左右peel ut 剥去...的果皮 mix 混合 stir 搅拌 salad cream 沙拉奶油This is how to ... -
阳曲县七子回答:[答案] This is how to make a fruit salad.First,we need an apple,a pear,20 grapes,an orange and two bananas.Then wash the apple,pear and grapes,and peel the orange and bananas.Cut them into small pieces and p...

箕仁13925301229问: 用英文写一篇如何做水果沙拉的短文 -
阳曲县七子回答: Ingredients Pineapple Cubes Strawberries Seedless Grapes any berries (我用e799bee5baa6e79fa5e98193e58685e5aeb931333234323637strawberry) Apple Banana rasin salad sauce or can use orange juiceDivide the pineapples cube and ...

箕仁13925301229问: 英语作文 水果沙拉用两个苹果,两个桔子,四个香蕉,a bnttle of peach some grapes salad dressing做题开头 wash the grapes -
阳曲县七子回答:[答案] Before you call him a man How many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand How many times must the cannonballs fly Before they are forever banned The answer,my friend,is blowing in the wind The answer is blowing in the wind ...

箕仁13925301229问: 求英语作文你喜欢吃水果沙拉吗?怎么做一份水果沙拉呢?请你写一篇短文,简单介绍制作一份水果沙拉的过程.40词左右 -
阳曲县七子回答:[答案] I like salad very much.First,you need a contener.Next you must prepare some fruit,then cut it.Maybe you will need some jam or leben to sprinkle,and mix it.Now,salad is ok!

箕仁13925301229问: 帮我写一篇英语作文,水果沙拉味道鲜美,请根据提示,描述制作水果沙拉的全过程.(1材料苹果、梨、葡萄、香蕉(2去皮,切成小块,装进盘子里(3加沙... -
阳曲县七子回答:[答案] Recently,I am very interested in making fruits salad,for its delicious flavour and simple procedure.And now I will explain how to make it in the following way: Firstly,you need select material.Apple,pear,grape and banana are needed during the procedure. ...

箕仁13925301229问: 英语作文:水果沙拉 字数:120 -
阳曲县七子回答: before you call him a man how many seas must a white dove sail before she sleeps in the sand how many times must the cannonballs fly before they are forever banned the answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind the answer is blowing in the wind ...

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