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old造句 问题: old怎么造句?
4. My father is fifty years old.我的父亲五十岁了。5. I had a fine old time.我玩得非常愉快。

2、He was abandoned by his father when he was three months old 他3个月大的时候被父亲遗弃了。3、She loved the big old house 她喜欢这幢古老的大房子。4、He took a bunch of keys from the pocket of his old corduroy trousers.他从破旧的灯芯绒裤子口袋里掏出一串钥匙。5、The old r...

He is old.他年纪大了。This is an old tree.这是一棵老树。

1、The old lady fondled her cat as it sat beside her.老妇人抚摸着蹲在身边的小猫。2、He invited me to his home to talk over old times.他邀我到他家里去聊聊过去的事。3、The cupboard was stuffed with old fishing tackle.小橱里塞满了旧的钓鱼用具。4、Public opinion was against ...

1.Don't play favorites with your old team.不要偏袒你的旧团队。2.That it connects me with old friends.它让我和老朋友保持联系。3.The old ways are dying fast.老的思维方式就快要完蛋了。4.Mcclellan was thirty-four years old.麦克莱伦此时年仅34岁。5.This will undermine the old ...

英语 old 一词不止一个意思,常用的有"年老的",可造下面的句子: I saw an old man crossing the street.表示具体年龄, I am fifteen years old.表达" 旧, 陈旧的", This suitcase is getting pretty old now.表达"过去的,从前的", Things were different in the old days....

this old t-shirt was put on the modern.希望我的答案对你有用,你的支持和采纳将是我前进的动力!谢谢!

一、old的比较级older,造句如下:1、Children lose their innocence as they grow older.儿童随着年龄的增长而失去其天真。2、I'm older and wiser after ten years in the business.在商界混了十年之后,我变得老成聪明了。3、The older people had stopped being neighbourly to each other.老年...

old造句 1、He is a very old friend of mine。(他是我一个很老的朋友。)2、She looks young, but she is already in her late fifties。(她看起来很年轻,但她已经快60岁了。)3、The old town is rich in historical and cultural heritage。(这座古镇拥有丰富的历史文化遗产。)

old ,five,How,He’s,friend,is,you 怎么造句?
连词成句:How old is your friend?He’s five.你的朋友多大了?他五岁了。

任潘19783179163问: 英语的人称代词造句(五年级) -
长治市心律回答: 主格:I am a beautiful girl. You are a clever boy. He is a teather. She is a very niae nurse.We are chinese. You are all in order. They ara all good students. 宾格:Excuse me,can you tell me how to get there? Can I help you? The ball hit him on his ...

任潘19783179163问: 5年级英语单词造句2 -
长治市心律回答: 1.That's cool! 2.He stole, not because he wanted the money but because he liked stealing. 好极了! 他偷窃,并不是因为他需要钱,而是因为他喜欢偷窃 3.A burnt child dreads the fire 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 4.The children were not in the least ...

任潘19783179163问: 5年级英语单词造句3 -
长治市心律回答: holiday假日 Have a good time during your holiday!假期愉快!photo照片 We took many photos in the park yesterday.我们昨天在公园照了很多相片.year年 Poeple are sure to change year by year.人肯定会一年一年地变化look看 look at your ...

任潘19783179163问: 用something old造句
长治市心律回答: In many cases, something old may also be something borrowed. Something new… 实际上,旧的东西同时也可以是借来的东西. second lesson is to innovate by taking something old and something new and putting them together in a new way. 第二个经验是通过新方法将新事物和旧事物结合以进行变革.

任潘19783179163问: 五年级英语造句 -
长治市心律回答: 1 Thirty-three days had gone by before he found the lost watch 2 It took me twenty-two hours to finish the work 3 She lives in the fourteenth floor. 4 It's eighteen kilometers far from my home to school 5 There is a man about hirty-five-year old man ...

任潘19783179163问: 5年级英语单词造句 -
长治市心律回答: ton: They have got tons of money. 他们腰缠万贯. bone: I give my dog a bone. 我给了我的狗一根骨头. cheetah: Cheetah is a very dangerous animal. 猎豹是一种很危险的动物. kilometer: The distance from my home to school is about 10 ...

任潘19783179163问: 小学五年级语句 -
长治市心律回答: My father is a worker,he is fourty years old.嘿嘿,我们这儿的正宗小学五年级英语语句

任潘19783179163问: 人教版三年级到五年级英语四会单词和句子有哪些 -
长治市心律回答: PEP五年级上册四会单词词汇表 Unit 1 Young (年轻的) funny (滑稽可笑的) tall (高的) strong (强壮的) kind (和蔼的、亲切的) old (年老的) short (矮的)thin (瘦的) Mr (先生) like (像、喜欢) strict (严格的) smart (聪明...

任潘19783179163问: 小学五年级上册 英语单词造句 -
长治市心律回答: He has a volleyball.他有一个排球 I have a happy family.我有一个快乐的家庭.

任潘19783179163问: 小学六年级英语人教版第一单元知识点 -
长治市心律回答: 六年级下册第一单元知识点 ء 形容词比较级要点ئ1.加er; 2.与than连用. ء 形容词比较级的构成方法ئ 1.一般情况下直接加_2.以重读闭音节...

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