
作者&投稿:澹馨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Put on more clothes. Don't catch a cold .多穿些衣服,不要感冒了。It's very cold outside.外面很冷。

cold造句如下:1、Air in its liquid state, intensely cold and bluish, obtained by cooling and compression.液态空气:处于液体状的空气,呈蓝色,极度冰冷,通过冷却和压缩而成。2、The cold stone of the mysterious obelisk guards its secrets.神秘方尖塔上的冰冷岩石保守着它的秘密。3、Barefoot...

in the cold light of day有时间冷静考虑时;在头脑更清醒些的第二天早晨。leave sb cold未打动某人;无法引起某人的兴趣。pour\/throw cold water on sth泼冷水;批评;责备。cold的造句:1、It's a cold winter. It's chilly outside, and sometimes it snows lightly. It's so cold that ev...

最高级: coldest He must have come inside to get out of the cold 他肯定是进来避寒的。

用cold造句 回答,例句,1,Isn't it cold today?今天真冷,是不是?2,It's freezing cold .天气寒冷彻骨。

adj.气温低的;冷的;寒冷的(尤指与人的体温相比而言);冷淡的;缺乏热情的。n.冷,寒冷(尤指气温);寒冷的天气;寒冷的环境;感冒;伤风。adv.〈非正式,主美〉完全地;彻底地。造句 The cold, misty air felt wonderful on his face.雾蒙蒙,寒冷的空气使他脸上感觉很舒爽。Basal metabolism...

If you feel cold,you can close the windows.

cold作为副词意思为 完全地,怎么造句
you are right cold

something hot\/cold造句
Would you like something hot or cold? 你想喝点儿热的还是凉的?I’d like something colder to eat. 我想吃些冷一点的东西。When touching something hot, he whipped his hand away at once. 一碰到热东西, 他立刻抽回了手.

cold 作为副词怎么造句
you could do it.

吁琰15397896343问: 用cold造句 -
米泉市谓香回答: Put on more clothes. Don't catch a cold .多穿些衣服,不要感冒了. It's very cold outside.外面很冷.

吁琰15397896343问: 英语用hot和cold造句 -
米泉市谓香回答: It is hot in summer and cold in winter.夏天是炎热的,冬天是寒冷的.Do not make such a big fuss out of a small matter.不要为一点小事而打闹.The fat guy is trying to lose some weight and be thin.那个胖子想减肥变瘦.

吁琰15397896343问: 给下面单词造句.winter cold snowy skate -
米泉市谓香回答: The winter here is cold and snowy,we usually go skating. 这里的冬天很冷而且还下雪了,我们常常去滑雪.

吁琰15397896343问: 用CO丨d造句简单一点快
米泉市谓香回答: I feel cold.

吁琰15397896343问: Tom很瘦 英文翻译 -
米泉市谓香回答: 瘦有很多种,thin是指病态的瘦,slim苗条,skinny皮包骨的瘦 这句话就是Tom is加上上面的词你选一个形容词比较级用moremuch是表示加深,如果后面的形容词是三个音节以上,比如beautiful, 就是much more beautiful最冷,是cold的最高级,coldest The coldest place on the earth is the south pole.地球上最冷的地方是南极.

吁琰15397896343问: 英语单词造句! -
米泉市谓香回答: 想要改变一个人的习惯很难,毕竟冰冻三尺,非一日之寒.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,所以我需要更努力. 2.失败了没关系,吃一堑,长一智,相信你下次会更好.吃一堑,长一智,希望你能记住这样事. 3.尺有所短,寸有所长,人不可能在每...

吁琰15397896343问: 初中英语词组造句,急急急急急急!!! -
米泉市谓香回答: According to the map, we found the way to the park. I always play football with my classmates after class. My mother agreed me to play computer games after I finished my homework. Lily agreed with me. There are all kinds of books in our library. I ate...

吁琰15397896343问: 关于水的英语句子 -
米泉市谓香回答: 1.Can we get the water ourselves?我们可以自己去打水吗?2.And fetch me water, lots of water!还有,给我拿些水来,大量的水!3.Water collects in hollows.水在坑洼处“聚集”.4.Why do fish live in water?为什么鱼生活在水里呢?...

吁琰15397896343问: 用英语单词造句 -
米泉市谓香回答: rain: The boy ran in the rain without an unbrella.男孩在雨中奔跑 windy: It will be windy in Beijing cloudy:The day started off cloudy , but later the sun broke through. sunny: It's sunny today. cook : She often cooks for them. 她常常替他们做饭. study: ...

吁琰15397896343问: 急!帮我用这些搭配好的单词造句.
米泉市谓香回答: 最简单的就是祈使句. Keep out the cold. Put out a fire. Take out the rubbish. Dig out the answer.

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