
作者&投稿:纳曼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

adj.气温低的;冷的;寒冷的(尤指与人的体温相比而言);冷淡的;缺乏热情的。n.冷,寒冷(尤指气温);寒冷的天气;寒冷的环境;感冒;伤风。adv.〈非正式,主美〉完全地;彻底地。造句 The cold, misty air felt wonderful on his face.雾蒙蒙,寒冷的空气使他脸上感觉很舒爽。Basal metabolism...

你好,很高兴为你解答:Older 英 ['əʊldər]美 [oʊldər]词汇释义 年长older in age 1.她的母亲随后嫁给了另一位更年长的内战老兵,托马斯·纳什上尉(Captain Thomas Nash)。Her mother subsequently married another and older Civil War veteran, Captain Thomas ...

soldiers怎么读如下:英音 ['səʊldʒə]、美音 ['soʊldʒə]释义:全部,战士,军人,士兵,富有军事经验[军事技术]的人,当兵,〈口〉偷懒,〈美〉逃避,士卒,将士,兵员 soldiers造句:1.And as I said, he may very well be responsible for the deaths of...

hold on造句?
hold on 英[həʊld ɒn]美[hoʊld ɑːn][词典]握住;抓牢;坚持不懈;稍等;等一下 ;[例句]His right arm was extended up beside his head,still holding on to a coffee cup 他的右臂伸在头的一侧,手里仍紧握着一个 咖啡杯 。

用所给的短语造句。 一个短语造一个句子。。
1.I weave around the swarm of the press.2.The dancing is in keeping with the music.3.It is difficult for him to solve the problem.4.The woman escaped from the room sucessfully.5.The manager identifies himself with the workers.6. The culture appeals to the tourists.7. The...

build是动词,建造、建筑building是名词,建筑物;也有可能是动名词。你要看一下这个句子嘛!例子Build up people's health 增强人民体质 动词The erection of the building took several months. 建造这座建筑物花了好几个月时间。名词Building a house is not easy. 建造房子是困难的。 动名词 ...

唐老鸭的英文Donald Duck,读法是:英[ˈdɔnəld dʌk]美[ˈdɑnəld dʌk]。Donald duck造句 1、Donald Duck comics were banned from Finland because he doesn't wear pants.喜剧唐老鸭在芬兰被禁播,因为他没有穿裤子。2、Her glasses were on a ...

: léi dǎ bù dòng 【解释】: 形容态度坚定,不可动摇。也形容严格遵守规定,决不变更。【举例造句】: 他的决心是雷打不动的。【拼音代码】: ldbd 【近义词】: 坚如磐石、坚韧不拔 【反义词】: 含冤负屈 【歇后语】: 山里的石头 【用法】: 作谓语、定语;形容态度坚定,不可动摇 ...

hold on造句?
hold on 英[həʊld ɒn] 美[hoʊld ɑːn][词典] 握住; 抓牢; 坚持不懈; 稍等; 等一下;[例句]His right arm was extended up beside his head, still holding on to a coffee cup 他的右臂伸在头的一侧,手里仍紧握着一个咖啡杯。

shareholder 英[ˈʃeəhəʊldə(r)] 美[ˈʃerhoʊldə(r)]n. 股东; 股票持有者;[网络] 股东; 股民; 股票持有人;[例句]The shareholder rights movement has two prongs.股东权利运动有两部分。如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有...

糜郭15738205997问: 用old造句? -
吉林市利维回答: She loved the big old house . 她喜欢这幢古老的大房子. Any old paper will do . 随便一张旧报纸就行.

糜郭15738205997问: 含有old的句子5句 -
吉林市利维回答: how old are you? I am 13 years old. the old dog is very weak the coat is too old to wear That old man is a fount of wisdom 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)

糜郭15738205997问: old怎么造句 -
吉林市利维回答: I'm 写年龄 years old.

糜郭15738205997问: Ms和Li和old造句 -
吉林市利维回答: Ms. Li is twenty-five years old.李女士今年25岁.

糜郭15738205997问: 用grandparents和old造句 -
吉林市利维回答:[答案] how old are you?the.old.man isn't have fun We will visit grandparents on this weekend!

糜郭15738205997问: 用old large big dirty far 各造一个句子 -
吉林市利维回答:[答案] 1.I knocked into my old teacher in the town this morning.我今天上午在镇上碰到了过去教过我的老师.2.So the merchants have a large market.所以商人有一个很大的市场.3.They have have a very big fight.他们展开了一场很大的战斗.4.Is the car clean or ...

糜郭15738205997问: 用old large big dirty far 各造一个句子 -
吉林市利维回答: 1.I knocked into my old teacher in the town this morning.我今天上午在镇上碰到了过去教过我的老师.2.So the merchants have a large market.所以商人有一个很大的市场.3.They have have a very big fight.他们展开了一场很大的战斗.4.Is the car clean or dirty?汽车是干净的还是脏的?5.And have you come from far like this?“你是从远地方这样走来的吗?”

糜郭15738205997问: modern和old帮我造句一下谢谢. -
吉林市利维回答: This old T-shirt was put on the modern.希望我的答案对你有用,你的支持和采纳将是我前进的动力!谢谢!

糜郭15738205997问: 24 year old造句 -
吉林市利维回答: I'm 24 years old.

糜郭15738205997问: 七年级英语用english和old造句 -
吉林市利维回答: I have English lessons every Monday. The old lady is in yellow.

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