
作者&投稿:大勤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用had造句如下:1 I had my car repaired yesterday. 我昨天叫人把车修理好了 2 We had a good time in our holiday. 我们假期玩的很开心。3 Had I studied hard, I wouldn't have failed in the exam. 如果我认真学习的话,我就不会考试不及格了。

I had a good time yesterday.

had开头的与过去事实相反的虚拟语气是had+过去分词,主句谓语动词用would have+过去分词。例子如下:Had I left here earlier,I would have been on time. 如果我早点离开这里,我就会准时到了。

I had been to Beijing. 意思是,我已经去过北京了。Yesterday I had to take a shower after a long running .Yesterday I had to do a lot of homework.Yesterday I had to take photos.I want to win the frist prise and improve myself,So yesterday I had to practice the piano for...

回答:He had been busy with cooking before the guests arrived. 客人们到之前,他在忙着做饭。 I have been ill for a week. 我病了一周了。 The book has been translated into several languages. 这本书已被译成了几门语言。

1) I had a car 2 years ago.2) I had a good time yesterday.3) He had a headache last night.4) She had a drink just now.5) They had a Chinese lesson last Monday.6) Jenny had a meeting this morning.7) Plainly, they had some relationship.8) I wish I had an answer...

I had some bread this morning. 今天早上我吃了点面包。

用i had造句
I had a good time yesterday.昨天我过得很高兴。希望我的回答对您有帮助,满意请采纳,谢谢。

...had…… before造句
这位歌唱家以前从未在纽约演唱过.We had hardly started before [ when ] it began to rain.我们刚出发,就开始下雨.He could not remember where he had seen her before.他记不起在什么地方见过她了.It reminded me of the mistakes I had made before.它使我想起了以前我犯的一些错误....

用have had造句,
1、have 英 [həv] 美 [hæv]aux用以构成完成式及完成式的不定式,表示已经…;Vt.有,具有; 拿,取得; 从事; 必须,不得不;n.〈口〉有产者,有钱人; 富国; 〈英俚〉欺骗,诈骗 [例句]Alex has already gone 亚历克斯已经走了。2、had have: [ hæv,həv ]a...

进彩17814401958问: 用Had造句? -
轮台县护骨回答: I had fine sport with my new skates . 我穿着新冰鞋溜冰玩得痛快极了. I have heard that he has been married before .. 我听说他过去结过婚. He wondered if he had been dreaming . 他不晓得自己是不是做了一场梦. Winston had finished his ...

进彩17814401958问: 造句:have had+时间 -
轮台县护骨回答:[答案] 这是现在完成时与短时间连用的用法:I have had this car for 3 years.我买了这辆车三年了.

进彩17814401958问: 用had+done帮我造5个句子! -
轮台县护骨回答:[答案] 1.He said that he had learned some English before. 2.When the police arrive,the thieves had run away. 3. She said (that)she had never been to paris. 4.By the time he was twelve ,Edison had began to make a living by himself. 5.She had left when I came.

进彩17814401958问: 用 had did went bought 分别造句四年级英语造句,必须是四年级水平 -
轮台县护骨回答:[答案] i had an apple last night 我昨天晚上吃了个苹果when did you go to sleep last night?你昨天晚上什么时候回来的?i went to the park yesterday.我昨天去了公园my mother bought me a new bag 妈妈给我买了个新书包...

进彩17814401958问: 用句型 had just done …when ……造句 -
轮台县护骨回答: I had just finished my report when someone knocked at the door.

进彩17814401958问: .had…… before造句 -
轮台县护骨回答:[答案] The singer had never performed in New York before. 这位歌唱家以前从未在纽约演唱过. We had hardly started before [ when ] it began to rain. 我们刚出发,就开始下雨. He could not remember where he had seen her before. 他记不起在什么地方见过她...

进彩17814401958问: 怎么用had long/…hair造句? -
轮台县护骨回答: 可以这样造句:She had long black hair three years ago.翻译:三年前她有一头乌黑的长头发.

进彩17814401958问: 英语造句用had no soon...then或had hardly...when造五个句子是一共五个 -
轮台县护骨回答:[答案] 1.He had hardly answered the phone call when the door bell rang.2.The whole class had turned slient when the teacher came into the class.3. I had hardly had time to settle dowm when he sold the house....

进彩17814401958问: had supper怎么造句 -
轮台县护骨回答:[答案] have supper 吃晚饭/餐had supper 同样的意思,had表示晚饭已经吃过了.故造出来的句子不能表示现在和将来,只能表已经发生过了.如:I had supper with my best friend tonight.(今晚我和我最好的朋友吃的晚餐.)表晚餐...

进彩17814401958问: 连词造句:had - experience - year - amusing - last - an - She - . -
轮台县护骨回答: 你好,很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,这道题的正确答案应该为: She had an amusing experience last year. *************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! ***************************************************************

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