
作者&投稿:守凝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I will go to shanghai this week.这周我要去上海 We will have an English exam this month 这个月我们要有一场 英语考试 2。I asked the boy about the old man .我询问这个男孩关于这个老人的事。He asked me about the result of the thing.他问我关于这件事的结果。3。He showed me ...

add up 怎么造句?如何翻译?
Her excuse just doesn't add up.她的辩解就是无法自圆其说。What he said always can add up!他总是能自圆其说!If I were you, I would take Tom's advice, what he said was add up.如果我是你,我就会采纳汤姆的意见,因为他说的言之有理。Although each individual consignment of ...

disabled造句简单带翻译:1、He was disabled from walking by the accident。由于车祸,他不能走路了。2、Now that he was disabled , his house had become a prison to him。因为他残废了,他的房子就成了他的牢笼。3、This book sentimentalizes the suffering of the disabled。这本书以柔懦的...

fight over\/aboad sth造句(两句,最好有翻译,谢谢)
you figtht over food(你为食物而战)you went abroad(望采纳

Please give me some advivce. 请给我一些建议。

adult造句简单带翻译如下:1、At twenty,she was legally an adult and could make her own decisions。(二十岁,她已成为成年人,可以自己做决定。)2、The store only sold adult products,such as tobacco and alcohol。(这家店只销售成人产品,如烟草和酒精。)3、The adult educationprogram was...

already: I have had lunch already. 我已用过午餐了。factory: They are factory workers. 他们是工厂工人。simple: Such a toy is simple to make. 这种玩具做起来很简单。human: Wolves will not usually attack humans. 狼通常不会攻击人。huge: I have a huge pile of letters to deal ...

It is great for them - but not for the designer.

She is very active in music class.她上音乐课非常活跃.

1、The boy is good at doing a sum in his head.这男孩善于心算。2、From now on, I must practise hard.从现在开始,我必须刻苦练习。3、Maria all of a sudden came by the door.玛丽亚忽然传来了门。4、i will try my best to make you happy.我努力使你快乐。5、May your Christmas...

闾侮18431169196问: 英语had造句 -
虞城县赛络回答: I had lunch at home 我在家吃午饭

闾侮18431169196问: 英语翻译『过去完成时由“助动词had(用于各种人称和数)+过去分词”构成』根据提示,造6个句子,要有翻译,好一点的,根据『表示过去某一时间可用... -
虞城县赛络回答:[答案] 你设置的无法完成6个句子,只能输入100字!By 5:00 yesterday morning we had done that work. 到昨天早上5点钟时,我们已经做完了那件工作.They came earlier than we had expected.

闾侮18431169196问: 怎么用had long/…hair造句? -
虞城县赛络回答: 可以这样造句:She had long black hair three years ago.翻译:三年前她有一头乌黑的长头发.

闾侮18431169196问: 英语造句用had no soon...then或had hardly...when造五个句子是一共五个 -
虞城县赛络回答:[答案] 1.He had hardly answered the phone call when the door bell rang.2.The whole class had turned slient when the teacher came into the class.3. I had hardly had time to settle dowm when he sold the house....

闾侮18431169196问: i had had... 过去完成时 前三个词造2个句子 难点的 并翻译下.什么时候用这种句子呢 -
虞城县赛络回答: I had had the dirty room cleaned before my mother came back. 我在母亲回来之前已经将屋子打扫干了;I had had supper before my friends called me;在朋友叫我之前我已经吃过晚饭了.过去完成时,结构是had+动词过去完成式,后一个had是have的过去完成式,这里做动词.都知道have做动词有以下几种意思:1.使得:have sth done;2.用餐:have lunch.

闾侮18431169196问: 造句(并翻译)简单一点 -
虞城县赛络回答: My mom made a plan for me.我妈妈给我订了一套计划. We need to see for the doctor.我们得找个医生. He rent a book from me.他找我接了一本书. I rent a book to him.我借给了他一本书.

闾侮18431169196问: 模仿造句(英语) -
虞城县赛络回答: What good friends I have!搭配为:what a/an + 单数可数名词 ... what + 负数或不可数名词 ...望采纳,谢谢你!

闾侮18431169196问: 你最好别向窗外看英文. 用had better造句 -
虞城县赛络回答:[答案] 很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,这道题的正确答案应该为: You had bettle not look out of the window.

闾侮18431169196问: 英语翻译这里的had 有否定的意思吗 -
虞城县赛络回答: had 英[həd] 美[hæd] v. 有( have的过去式和过去分词 ); (亲属关系中) 接受; 拿; 买到; [例句]Had he succeeded, he would have acquired a monopoly 要是他当时成功了,他就会取得垄断地位. [其他] 原型: have

闾侮18431169196问: do does did have has had 作助动词怎么造句 -
虞城县赛络回答: 例句如下:【 Do 】 you do homework every day?【 Does 】Helen go to school by bus every day?【 Did 】 Liu Tao do homework yesterday?We 【 have】 just done the washing-up. He 【has】 left for Japan.望采纳,祝开心!

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