
作者&投稿:宣育 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hand造句。1、This skirt is best paired with a small hand bag.这件裙子最好搭配一个小手提包。2、Please hand me the cup on the table.请把桌上的杯子递给我。3、The kind and gentle old man gave me a hand when I was in trouble.当我遇到麻烦时,那个善良而温柔的老人帮助了我。

用(hand) 造句?
I haven't my book at hand.我的书不在手边.He believes that the great day is at hand.他相信这个伟大的日子就要到来.

at hand,in hand,on hand,by hand分别是什么意思?简要,各造句,谢谢
I haven't my book at hand. 我的书不在手边。即将到来 He believes that the great day is at hand. 他相信这个伟大的日子就要到来。in hand 在手头的 I have enough data in hand. 我手上有足够的资料。被控制住 The situation is now in hand. 局势已经控制住了。在进行中 The printin...

on the one hand, on the other hand.造句。
on the one hand ... on the other hand。Shopping is a very popular leisure activity that can be both positive and negative. On the one hand, shopping helps to relieve stress and creates opportunities to promote friendship;on the other hand, shopping may contribute to one's finan...

hand造句 1、I washed my hands before eating dinner.(我在吃晚餐前洗了手。)2、Can you lend me a hand with carrying these heavy boxes?(你能帮我搬这些沉重的箱子吗?)3、She handed me a cup of coffee with a smile.(她微笑着递给我一杯咖啡。)4、The teacher handed out ...

怎样用hand out造句
1)hand out:分发 例:One of my jobs was to hand out the prizes.我的工作之一是分发奖品。2)hand out:给予(忠告、许可等)例:I listened to a lot of people handing out a lot of advice.我听了许多人给予的很多忠告。

hand out。造句?
hand out 分发,把什么拿出来,施舍。hand out sth. to sb.(相近短路give out:分发,发表,用尽。派发作业传单用hand,捐赠财物用give)例句:He handed out zhe presents to everyone with a smile.他微笑着给每个人分发继续。希望对你有所帮助。

n. 手(hand的复数)v. 给,传递(hand的单三形式)n. (Hands)人名;(英)汉兹 2.短词 hands on 实习的;亲自动手的 in the hands of 由…掌握;在…掌握中 both hands 双手;[美俚]10年刑期 join hands with 握手;同…联合 at the hands of 由某人或通过某人的机构完成 3.造句 Let us...

“hand sth to sb.”造句。。
Please hand those paper to John.请把这些报纸给约翰。

go hand in hand 造句,求答案
go hand in hand 齐头并进,共同行动,一致 例句:In developing language skills, learning and applying what you learn must go hand in hand.In a film, the images and sounds go hand in hand.The rise in computer usage and the decline in Chinese writing skills often go hand in ...

溥俗15661878667问: 用(hand) 造句? -
博白县九味回答: 句子如下 1. I put my hand into my pocket and pulled out the letter我把手伸进口袋,掏出了那封信.2. I feel that possibly the majority of these dogs are in the wrong hands在我看来很可能这些狗大多数都没有人妥善照看.

溥俗15661878667问: hand的短语用那些? -
博白县九味回答:[答案] 我列举一些常用的 hand back 退还 hand in 交上 hand into 扶...进去 扶...上(车) hand over 移交 hand down 传下来, 宣布 hand on 传递下去 hand out 把...拿出来, 分发, 施舍 hand up 交给上级, 呈交

溥俗15661878667问: 一些关于hand的短语最好是初中以内的.如:hand in hand,by hand要有中文.不用太多. -
博白县九味回答:[答案] hand的短语与搭配1.at hand(1) 在手边,在近处.如:He lives close at hand.他就住在附近.I always keep a dictionary (ready) at hand.我经常把字典放在手边.(2) 即将到来.如:The examinations are near at hand.考...

溥俗15661878667问: at hand,in hand,on hand,by hand分别是什么意思?简要,各造句,谢谢 -
博白县九味回答: at hand在手边 I haven't my book at hand. 我的书不在手边.即将到来 He believes that the great day is at hand. 他相信这个伟大的日子就要到来.in hand在手头的 I have enough data in hand. 我手上有足够的资料.被控制住 The situation is ...

溥俗15661878667问: 用at hand造句 -
博白县九味回答: I haven't my book at hand. 我的书不在手边.He believes that the great day is at hand. 他相信这个伟大的日子就要到来.

溥俗15661878667问: 用hang in hand造句
博白县九味回答: 双语例句 1. I saw them making their way, hand in hand, down the path. 我看到他们手拉手沿着小路往前走去. 2. For us, research and teaching go hand in hand. 对我们而言,研究和教学是齐头并进的. 如有疑问,请追问!

溥俗15661878667问: 用give sb.a hand造句 -
博白县九味回答: If you are in trouble ,I will give you a hand.如果你有什么困难,我会帮助你 I will give you a hand with the washing up.我来帮你洗餐具 Do you want(need) I to give you a hand 你需要帮忙吗 望采纳,谢谢(^_^)Y

溥俗15661878667问: “hand sth to sb.”造句.. -
博白县九味回答: Please hand my book to me. 请把我的书递给我.

溥俗15661878667问: 用On the one hand......和On the other hand......分别造句. -
博白县九味回答: one the one hand,she is rich,on the other hand,she is lonely.一方面她很富有,但另一方面,她很孤独.

溥俗15661878667问: hand是什么意思 -
博白县九味回答: hand 英 [hænd] 美 [hænd] n.手; 协助,帮助; (工具等的)把,柄; 掌管 vt.传递,交给; 搀扶; 支持 复数: hands 过去式: handed 过去分词: handed 现在分词: handing 第三人称单数: hands 派生词:handless 双语例句1. He was ...

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