
作者&投稿:营伯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver (牛郎织女与七夕)The fairy tale of the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl is one of the four most famous folktales of ancient China. It is a classic love story between a fairy and a human being and has a widespread influence. The Qixi Festival is ...


The seventh day of the seventh month of the seventh lunar month is the Chinese Qixi Festival, which is the most romantic festival in traditional Chinese festivals. Some big businesses hold different activities every year, and young people give gifts to their lover.Therefore, Qixi ...

牛郎织女 [niú láng zhī nǚ]the Cowherd and the Weaving Maid 这是详细的英文解释· (In a Chinese legend who, once a happy couple, become stars separated by the Milky Way. They can meet only once in a year when magpies fly together to form a bridge over the Milky Way.);...

牛郎织女的英文是:the cowherd and the weaving maid lovers separated by the milky way -- husband and wife living apart。下面再来用英文翻译下有关牛郎织女的句子。Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand). His parents died when he was a ...

在七夕节到来的时候,有些英语老师会要求学生们为七夕节写一篇英文作文。下面我就给大家整理了英语作文的范文,欢迎大家阅读 英语作文范文一 The Double Seventh...七夕节起源于一个关于牛郎织女的美丽的中国传说。 它象征着两位因银河相隔而每年只能在这个特殊的日子相聚的恋人的重聚。 习俗和传统: 交换礼物:情侣们互...

we talk simply from chinese valentine's day, Chinese valentine's day is July 7th in lunar calendar,Niulang and Zhinv meet at bridge of magpies every year, this story reflects that chinese love derive from promise and maintain and it can stand the test of time.since ancient time...

一)In The Air Matt and his wife lived in the country. Matt was very stingy(吝啬) and hated spending money. One day a fair(集市) came to the nearby town. “Let’s go to the fair, Matt,” his wife said, “We haven’t been anywhere for a long time.” Matt ...


七夕节的英文是:Double Seventh Festival。七夕节,又称乞巧节,起源于中国古代的民间传说,相传农历七月七日夜或七月六日夜妇女在庭院向织女星乞求智巧,故称为“乞巧”。其起源于对自然的崇拜及妇女穿针乞巧,后被赋予了牛郎织女的传说使其成为象征爱情的节日。七夕节妇女穿针乞巧、祈祷福禄寿...

繁符19456593246问: 英语翻译牛郎织女的故事 -
新罗区惠迪回答:[答案] The story of Chinese Valentine's Day In a Chinese legend,the Sun God had seven beautiful daughters. All his fairy daughters could weave beautiful clothes. One day,the seven fairies came down from heaven and were playing in a river. A cowherd walked...

繁符19456593246问: 英语翻译要求把“牛郎织女”的故事翻译成英文的就行了,最好是美式英语.故事越详细越好. -
新罗区惠迪回答:[答案] Chinese Valentine''s Day Romantic legend The legend has been handed down for nearly 2 millennia.The story has been ...and many types of Chinese opera tell the story. The Chinese people believe that the star Vega(织女星),east of the Milky Way...

繁符19456593246问: 求牛郎织女传说的英文版 -
新罗区惠迪回答: 全文: On the east bank of the Heavenly River lived a girl weaver, daughter of the Emperor of Heaven.She worked hard year in and year out, weaving colourful clothes for gods and goddesses....

繁符19456593246问: 急急急!!!谁能把“牛郎织女” 的故事用英文为我写一下啊.. -
新罗区惠迪回答: The story of Chinese Valentine's Day In a Chinese legend, the Sun God had seven beautiful daughters. All his fairy daughters could weave beautiful clothes. One day, the seven fairies came down from heaven and were playing in a river. A cowherd ...

繁符19456593246问: 牛朗织女的故事英文版80词 -
新罗区惠迪回答: 牛郎织女是一个很美丽的千古流传的爱情故事,是我国四大民间爱情传说之一.另外,每年农历七月七日,有百鸟到银河搭鹊桥,牛郎织女相会的美好传说.所以,这一天被称为七夕、七夕节、乞巧节、少女节或女儿节,现代又被称为中国情人...

繁符19456593246问: 谁能够用英语简单讲述牛郎和织女的故事?牛郎用英语怎么说?王母娘娘
新罗区惠迪回答: 这是一个很美丽的,千古流传的爱情故事,成为我国四大民间爱情传说之一 传说天上有个织女星,还有一个牵牛星.织女和牵牛情投意合,心心想印.可是,天条律令是不...

繁符19456593246问: 把“牛郎织女”的寓言翻译成英语.急用!急用!
新罗区惠迪回答: 1.The Cowherd and the Weaving Maid 2.The Legend of Love | seperated couple | gt 3.MILKY WAY LOVERS

繁符19456593246问: 牛郎织女英文对白
新罗区惠迪回答: 好的 给你编个英文剧本 Myth and legend Qixijie always connected, it is a very beautiful, eternal love story spread, and has become one of the four legends of the folk legend. Passed long ago, there is an intelligent Nanyang Story cattle Shijiazhuang. ...

繁符19456593246问: 跪求一篇英文版的牛郎织女 -
新罗区惠迪回答: With pairs of birds singing on the tree So green rivers and mounts look great Picking a flower off conveniently I put it in my dear's chignon affectionately From now on being of enslaving-free My wife and I are on the way home free You may plough ...

繁符19456593246问: 简要用英语描述牛郎与织女悲伤的爱情故事 -
新罗区惠迪回答: The Cowherd and the Girl Weaver On the east bank of the Heavenly River lived a girl weaver, daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. She worked hard year in and year out, weaving colourful clothes for gods and goddesses. Since she lived all alone, the...

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