
作者&投稿:比良 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语小短文70词 越多越好最好是100篇~

    题目:A Happy Day in Spring

  提示:下图是Mr. Black 一家人在春天的某一天在野外游玩的场景.请用一般现在时描写图中所呈现出的内容.可作适当的想象和发挥.
  A Happy Day in Spring
  It’sspring. It’s sunny and cloudy today. There are many big trees in the park. Mr.Black’s family have a picnic in a park. They bring many food there. They bring fruit, drink and bread. Mr. Black and Mrs. Black talk with each other. Theytalk very happily. Ann reads a magazine. Tom likes flying a kite. The kite
  flies very well. They are hungry now. They want to eat their food. They are
  very happy.
  Saturday Sunday
  read a magazinego to the zoo buy a book learn Kungfuwatch TV
  is a student. He is my good friend. He is busy at the weekend. He is going to
  read a magazine this Saturday morning. He is going to go to the zoo this Saturday afternoon. He is going to buy a book
  this Sunday morning. He is going to learn Kungfu this Sunday afternoon. He is
  going to watch TV this Sunday evening.

  name is Amy. I come from US. I am an English girl. I am a student. I am in
  Grade Five. I like my teacher. Her English is good. There are four people in my
  family. I have a twin sister. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I
  love them very much. They love me, too.
  4、题目: My net friend(我的网友)
  friend (3) talk with each other(互相交谈)
  (4) in the chat room (在聊天室)
  in English (用英语交谈) (6)good
  My net friend
  am Tony. I have a computer. I have a new
  friend. His name is Jack. He is 12 years old. He is a student. He likes surfing
  the net. We often talk with each other in the chat room. We talk in English. My
  English is good now. He is a good boy. I like him very much. Do you want to
  have a net friend?
  My good friend
  have a good friend. Her name is Ann. Her Chinese name is Wang Xiaolan. She is
  from England. She is in Beijing now. She is in Yuying Primary School.
  She is in Class Four, Grade Six. She is twelve. She has blue eyes and
  yellow hair. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse. Her brother is
  five years old. She likes dancing, singing and watching TV. She is friendly and
  she likes to help others. What a good girl!
  Hello, Jay,
  I am very
  happy to be your net friend. There are four people in my family. They are my
  parents , my sister and I. My father is the oldest and the tallest. He can
  drive a car. He is a doctor. My mother is a factory worker. She works hard. My
  sister is a student. She is the best in her class. My hobby is playing
  basketball. My sister and I go to school on foot. I have a happy family. What
  about you?
  Bye- bye,
  7、Jack 昨天跟他妈妈买东西,请根据下表的信息,写一篇不少于60个单词的小作文.
  Happy Shop:Some
  pieces of candy ¥4 A roll of toilet paper ¥5
  Mr. Chen’s Store:A
  carton of ice cream¥15
  Uncle Eddy’s Store:A
  bottle of shampoo¥45 A pair of socks¥8
  Big Blue Department Store:A
  bag of chips ¥9 Toy car ¥105
  Yesterday was Jack’s shopping day. He
  went shopping with his mother.
  They went to the Happy Shop .
  They bought some pieces of candy. They are 4 yuan. They bought a roll of
  toilet paper. They bought a carton of ice cream at Mr. Chen’s Store .They
  bought a bottle of shampoo and a pair of socks at Uncle Eddy’s Store .
  They went to the Big Blue Department Store. They bought a toy car. It’s
  105 yuan. They were very happy.
  8、假设你是May, 请用不少于60个单词来向你的笔友Jay介绍你的家庭情况,请在文中使用3个最高级和2个比较级.
  Hi, Jay,
  I’m very
  happy to be your pen-friends. I have a warm family. There are four people in my
  family. My father is the tallest and the oldest in my family. My mother is
  beautiful. She is a teacher. She is thinner than my father. I am a student. I
  am three years older than my sister. My sister is the youngest in my family. I
  love my family. What about you?
  Bye bye,

  Name Zhang Ping Jim
  Age 年龄 12 15
  Height 身高 150cm 162cm
  Weight 体重 50kg 60kg
  Nationality 国籍 Chinese Canadian
  Address 地址 Xinhui Guangzhou
  Favorite Color red blue
  Favorite Sport badminton swimming


  have two good friends. They’re Zhang Ping and Jim. Zhang Ping is 12. Jim is
  three years older than her. He’s 15. Jim is heavier than Zhang Ping. He’s 60
  kilograms. Jim is taller than her. He’s 162cm. Zhang Ping is a Chinese girl.
  She lives in Xinhui. Jim is a Canadian boy. He lives in Guangzhou now. Zhang
  Ping likes red. Her favorite sport is badminton. Jim likes blue. His favorite
  sport is swimming. I like them very much.
  My Weekend
  have happy weekend.
  Saturday morning I always have English classes at school. I study hard in the classroom. In the afternoon
  I often play computer games. On Sunday morning I often draw pictures. Sometimes
  I visit my grandmother and grandfather. Sometimes I listen to music. On Sunday
  afternoon I often do housework or go shopping.
  So I love weekends.
  My birthday
  Yesterday was March 20th. It was my
  birthday. I had a party. I ate too much. Mike brought a carton of ice cream.
  Jenny brought some candy. Mary brought a lot of cookies. My mom made a cake. My
  dad bought a toy car for me. I was very happy. At the party we sang and danced.
  We had a good time.
  Favorite People
  Who is your favorite people? My favorite people is my mother. She is beautiful. She is 38 years old. She is tall
  and thin. She has big eyes and long hair. She likes cooking. She cooks good meals
  for us every day. And she always does all the housework. She looks after my
  father and me. I love my mother very much.

  be ”句型.
  My Bedroom
  I have a nice and small bedroom. There is a beautiful
  bed and two small chair. I also have a big and tall closet because I have many
  clothes. There is a big desk next to the window. I always do my homework at the
  desk. There is a family photo on the wall. We took this photo this summer
  holiday. I like my bedroom.
  My School
  study at Yuying Primary School. My school is very big and beautiful. There are
  three buildings and a playground. There are many trees and flowers. My
  classroom is very big and bright. There are 60 students in it. They study hard
  and always help with each other. Our teachers are very nice and smart. I like
  my school.

  Name:BillFavorite sports: tennis, soccer, basketballClothes: black, T-shirt, blue pantsAge: 13Phone number: 5352375
  My Friend
  have a good friend. We are in the same class. His name is Bill. He is 13. He
  likes sports very much. These sports are tennis, soccer and basketball. He
  plays tennis twice a week. He plays soccer twice a week. He plays basketball
  once a week. He often likes to wear black T-shirt and blue pants. His phone
  number is 5352375. Everyone likes him.

  My favorite season
  favorite season is summer. It’s hot in summer. There is a summer vacation in
  summer. I don’t go to school. I think many children like this season, because
  they can eat ice-cream and go swimming. I can go swimming. Sometimes I go to
  the beach with my parents. Sometimes I go to the swimming pool with my friends.
  I usually visit many places in summer vacation.

  Favorite Animal

  My favorite animal is rabbit. Its
  name is Sweet. Sweet has long ears. It’s very small. It’s white. It has a short tail. It has red eyes. It
  likes eating carrots. It likes jumping. It goes jumping three times a day. I
  like it very much. It’s lovely. It’s my best friend. I like the rabbit.

  My hobby is collecting stamps(集邮).
  There are many stamps in my room. I like stamps very much. There are many
  things on the stamps. They are colorful and beautiful. After school I usually
  go to the post office and there are many people there. I learn a lot from
  collecting stamps. I like collecting stamps very much.

  My Winter Holiday
  It’s January. My winter
  holiday is coming. I am going to go to Thailand. I will go there by plane. I
  like the food in Thailand. It’s spicy and tasty. In the winter holiday, I am
  going to play basketball. I am going to paint pictures, too. I will help my
  mother do some housework. I will be very happy in my winter holiday.

  20、假设Jack 是10岁,短发,1.5m,
  50kg; 而May 是12岁,长发,1.6m,45kg.请运用学过的句型介绍和比较一下他们的特征.
  Jack and May
  have two good friends. They are Jack and May. He is ten. He has short hair. He
  is 50kg now. And May is a beautiful girl. She has long hair. She is two years
  older than Jack. She is 12 now. She is taller than Jack. She is 1.6m. But Jack
  is heavier than May. May is 45kg. They are lovely students. I like them.


the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver (牛郎织女与七夕)

The fairy tale of the Cowherd and the Weaving Girl is one of the four most famous folktales of ancient China. It is a classic love story between a fairy and a human being and has a widespread influence. The Qixi Festival is said to have something to do with the fairy tale. Naturally, the seventh day of every seventh month of the lunar calendar has become Chinese Valentine's Day.




In ancient times,there were ten suns in the sky,which burnt all the crops and drove the community into deep poverty.A hero named HOU YI was deeply worried about this predicament. He climbed KUNLUN MOUNTAIN and with superhuman strength,drew his extraordinary bow,shooting down nine suns one after the other.He also ordered the last sun to rise and set regularly.For this reason,he was respected and loved by the people.


fdasgshjhfsdvmjg xsgfgtkjes gryr,tgkc cgkjhf.sdfghdfg ghfgjkd,dfjserfbf, ghfjhrd1ngvmfg!!!hsdklmsklklds!!dfngse...

1. 小明和小华是一对好朋友,他们都非常喜欢大自然。2. 春天到来时,他们决定一起去郊游。3. 他们手拉手,走在初春的田野上。4. 燕子回来了,河水开始流动,柳树长出了嫩芽,到处都弥漫着春天的气息。5. 郊游结束后,他们仍然感到意犹未尽。6. 他们一致表示:大自然真是太美了。



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