
作者&投稿:巢矿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Yi st the el to to to save save save save save his his his his his his his his his his his his his his his his his Chang Chang Chang Chang 因此,开始了中秋节的中国年轻女孩祈祷的月亮女神的传说。 十四世纪“中秋节”月饼的吃香有了新的意义。故事在于,朱元璋在阴谋推翻蒙古人发动的元朝时,...

万圣节的由来:October 31 st was the eve of the Celtic(凯尔特人的)new year. The Celts were the ancestors of the present-day Irish, Welsh and Scottish people. On this day ghosts walked and mingled with the living, or so the Celts thought. The townspeople baked food all that ...

中秋节 农历八月十五日是中秋节,在中国它是最重要的传统节日之一。在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,一家人聚在一起饱餐一顿。最流行的食品是月饼,它们圆圆的就像月亮。中秋节晚上的月亮特别地圆。人们都在自家的院子里一边赏月一边吃着可口的月饼。这个时候 ,一些老人会讲述许多古老的故事,如月亮...

The Mid-Autumn festival is the harvest family. In China's agriculture society, farmers in the abundant harvest season, has always been an issue and celebrate. This family became festival also and "chang e" this beautiful myth about.According to legend, ancient times, heaven appeared...

One day, the emperor summoned the rabbits, it jidai chaotian wives leave, stepping on the cloud temple. While it is worse, see come too the platinum star day will lead the moon from the side. The rabbit fairy know what had happened, he asked a guard's door god beside. ...

三个女儿快要出嫁了,他为没有钱给她们买嫁妆而难过。喜庆的圣诞夜,三个姑娘早早地蜷在炕上睡觉了,剩下父亲在长吁短叹。圣诞老人决定帮助他们。他在他们家的烟囱里撒下了许多金子,落进姑娘们烤在火炉旁的长统丝袜里。从此,他们过上了幸福而快乐的生活……圣诞节的袜子就这样产生 英语Itissaid...

Easter Day A Sunday between March 22 and April 25 The meaning of many different customs observed during Easter Sunday have been buried with time. Their origins lie in pre-Christian religions and Christianity. All in some way or another are a "salute to spring," marking re-birth....

英语版本:Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a group of children who loved Halloween. They would spend weeks preparing their costumes and planning their trick-or-treat routes. But this year, something strange was happening. The town was quiet, and there were no ...


台官18856991213问: 英语春节小故事带翻译短 -
朔州市壮骨回答: The Chinese New Year is now popularly known as the Spring Festival because it starts from the Beginning of Spring (the first of the twenty-four terms in coordination with the changes of Nature). Its origin is too old to be traced. Several explanations ...

台官18856991213问: 有春节的传说?(英文) -
朔州市壮骨回答: ands down.“The year” the elder occupies the seabed deeply, fierceness exceptionally;s injury.Some year lunar New Year', whenever the lunar New Year's Eve only then crawls comes ashore, swallows the domestic animal injury human life....

台官18856991213问: 关于除夕的传说,英文,80字左右 -
朔州市壮骨回答:[答案] New year's Eve is the eve of the Spring Festival,also called the year of thirty.There is a legend:in ancient times there is a ferocious monster called Xi,each to the end that came out to harm,later,pe...

台官18856991213问: 有关新年的英语故事 -
朔州市壮骨回答: The Spring Festival, also known as the Lunar New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China, which falls on in late January or early February. The historical reason for beginning the new year in such a time is that it is the time between ...

台官18856991213问: 有关春节的英语小故事 -
朔州市壮骨回答: Three Little Pigs is a fairy tale featuring talking animals. Published versions of the story date back to the late 18th century, but the story is thought to be much older. The story was assured its place in world's folklore thanks to an immensely popular ...

台官18856991213问: 关于英语春节的短故事(4~5句就可以)急求!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
朔州市壮骨回答: 这里有一个流传很广的故事.传说,古时候有一种身黑手白的小妖,名字叫"祟",每年的年三十夜里出来害人,它用手在熟睡的孩子头上摸三下,孩子吓得哭起来,然后就发烧,讲呓语而从此得病,几天后热退病去,但聪明机灵的孩子却变成...

台官18856991213问: 用英语介绍关于春节的故事 -
朔州市壮骨回答: 圣诞节将取代春节 今年圣诞节引起注意在一年.圣诞贺卡学生的欢迎.人们举行圣诞聚会和交流的圣诞墙梁.关于圣诞节的地段或电视和电台节目上.与此,春节是不太吸引人(有吸引力的),以青少年.有人怀疑圣诞节将取代春节. 担心是...

台官18856991213问: 关于春节的英语故事要带翻译! -
朔州市壮骨回答: 关于压岁钱,有一个流传很广的故事.古时候,有一种小妖叫“祟”,大年三十晚上出来用手去摸熟睡着的孩子的头,孩子往往吓得哭起来,接着头疼发热,变成傻子.因此,家家都在这天亮着灯坐着不睡,叫做“守祟”. 有一家夫妻俩老年得...

台官18856991213问: 用英语that简单描述中国春节的小故事 -
朔州市壮骨回答: The Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festivalfor all of us. All family members get together on New Year'Eve to have a big meal.At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 o'clock,some ...

台官18856991213问: 英语作文:春节的传说 -
朔州市壮骨回答: The Spring Festival legend, ancient China has a kind of call " year" monster, head long antennae, ferocious. " Year " for many years hiding the sea, every new year's Eve only to climb up the shore, devouring livestock harm human life. ...

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