
作者&投稿:吉董 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

课文及翻译如下:This is Amy.She's quiet.She's very hard-working.这是埃米。她很文静。她非常辛勤。That is Wu Yifan.He's very clever.He's polite,too.那是吴一凡。他非常聪明。他也很有礼貌。Hello,My name is Oliver.你们好。我的名字是奥利弗。Hi. 你好。Hello. 你好。We have a n...

需要新概念第三册。。22、24、26、28、30课的课文。。。摆脱不要发超链接。。最好直接发课文。。。... 明天老师要抽背了。。书忘了带回家了。。需要新概念第三册 。。22、24、26、28、30课的课文。。。摆脱不要发超链接。。最好直接发课文。。。 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# OPPO超级会员日...

Lesson 3:An unknown goddess 无名女神 Some time ago, and interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean island of Kea. An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia Irini. The city at one time must have been prosperous...

LESSON 11 我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼。斯蒂尔走了进来。托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作,而现在正在一家银行上班。他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。托尼看见了我,就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前。他从未向我借过钱。当他吃饭时,我提出向他借20英镑。令我惊奇的是,他立刻把钱给了我...

· 新概念英语第三册578h版(视频+文本)· 新概念英语第三册美音版(音频+文本)· 新概念英语第三册视频教学(视频+文本)· 新概念英语第三册最高串讲(视频+文本)· 新概念英语第三册85年上外美音版(音频+文本)· 新概念英语第三册词汇随身听手册(音频+文本)· 新概念英语第三册词汇...

John had very good day and put his wallet containing $3,000 into the microwave oven for safekeeping. Then he and Jane went horse-riding. When they got home, Jane cooked their dinner in the microwave oven and without realizing it, cooked her fiancé's wallet as well. Imagine their dismay...

for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw ‘a large cat’ only five yards away form her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and...

Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in the tiny village of Perachora in southern Greece. One of Mary's prize possessions was a little white lamb which her husband had given her. She kept it tied to a tree in a field during the day and went to fetch it every evening. One ...

Lesson 14 A noble gangster 贵族歹徒 Listen to the tape then answer the question below.听录音,然后回答以下问题。How did Haywood make in times of peace?There was a tine when the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago that to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for...

新概念3的第50课《新年决心》:挑战自我提升的幽默启示 新学期开启,新概念3第50课以一种诙谐的方式揭示了自我提升的不易——宏大计划往往难以落实,需要细致入微的执行策略。这篇课文,语言精炼,句式巧妙,不容错过,让我们一起深入探索作者如何以简单目标面对新年挑战。作者选择以保密的方式设定新年愿望...

包榕13671799944问: 谁有新概念英语第三册课文的电子文本~!! -
荣县奥美回答: 新概念1-4册下载,英语e799bee5baa6e4b893e5b19e31333231383364各类考试学习下载:)~ http://exam.studa.com/2005/7-22/64638.html 新概念英语(PDF)Book2 新概念英语(PDF)Book3 新概念英语(PDF)Book1 新概念英语(...

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荣县奥美回答: 新概念1-4册下载,英语各类考试学习下载:)~ http://exam.studa.com/2005/7-22/64638.html 新概念英语(PDF)Book2 新概念英语(PDF)Book3 新概念英语(PDF)Book1 新概念英语(PDF)Book4 http://exam.studa.com/classhtml/z4.html ...

包榕13671799944问: 请问哪里可以下载到新概念英语二、三的电子版课文啊?或者哪位有电子版的课文?谢谢! -
荣县奥美回答: 新概念英语1-4册(全套) http://hi.baidu.com/%BA%DC%B7%B3%C8%CB%C4%D8/blog/item/0050cd8a3066cf9ea4c2721f.html · 新概念英语第一册(音频+文本) · 裕兴新概念第一册(音频+文本) · 新概念英语第一册单词(音频+文本) ...

包榕13671799944问: 新概念三册第一课课文 -
荣县奥美回答:[答案] Lesson 1 A puma at large 逃遁的美洲狮 Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录音,然后回答以下问题. ... hju:m+n-'bi:iR/人类 disturb(1. 17)/di'st*:b/v. 令人不安 Notes on the text 课文注释 1 at large是介词短语,此处表示“逍遥自在”、...

包榕13671799944问: 新概念3的第一篇文章的全文
荣县奥美回答: A puma at large. Pumas are large cat-like animal which are found in America.When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted fourty-five miles south of London,it was not taken seriously.However,as the evidences began to ...

包榕13671799944问: 新概念英语第三册资源 -
荣县奥美回答: 外语下载中心 上面新概念英语1-4册MP3 电子书PDF 都有的 免费下载的 望采纳~

包榕13671799944问: 新概念英语第三册课本下载 -
荣县奥美回答: 文典英语教学网 有电子版的新概念三 mp3 更好的是还有lrc歌词文件.就是边听边看课文,以歌词形式出现在mp3屏幕上.还有北大老师讲该课本的视频

包榕13671799944问: 新概念英语3第31课 课文不要MP3只要课文 -
荣县奥美回答:[答案] Lesson 31 A lovable eccentric 可爱的怪人 Listen to the tape then answer the question below. 听录音,然后回答以下问题. Why did the shop assistant refuse to serve Dickie? True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.They...

包榕13671799944问: 新概念英语3 第三课的课文翻译 -
荣县奥美回答:[答案] 不久之前,在爱琴海的基亚岛上,考古工作者有一项有趣的发现.一个美国考古队在阿伊亚.依里尼海角的一座古城里考察了一座庙宇.这座古城肯定一度很繁荣,因为它曾享有高度的文明,房子一般有3层楼高,用石块修建.里面房间很大,墙壁装饰华...

包榕13671799944问: 急求新概念3 第三课正文 -
荣县奥美回答: Lesson 3 An unknown goddess Some time ago,an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean(adj.爱琴海的;n.)island of Kea.An American team explored a temple which stands in an ancient city on the promontory of Ayia ...

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