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推荐一篇英语短文!介绍打羽毛球的好处,~! 快点快点啦!
Badminton I like badminton very much.Because playing badminton have many advantages.It is lots of fun and players with even a moderate amount of skill can jump right in and enjoy not only the social aspects of team play but also the fantastic health benefits of a great ...

reason5:喜欢足球的人是世界最多的,我也是球迷。你知道吗,与人交流足球产生共鸣是一种多么幸福的滋味!………喜欢足球的理由太多了!在此不一一列举!好处有: 一: 更有效改善呼吸系统的功能。足球是集跑步与腿部运动於一身的。 在跑步,传球, 射球等的过 程中.会加强呼吸的深度,从而吸进...



毕竟我们有共同的兴趣。除此之外,打篮球还是我能够锻炼身体。猜你喜欢 1. 体育锻炼英语作文范文3篇 2. 体育锻炼很重要英语作文范文3篇 3. 篮球运动英语介绍附翻译 4. 打篮球的好处英语作文 5. 写运动的好处英语作文范文4篇 6. 学习篮球的心得体会3篇 7. 关于篮球比赛的英语作文 ...

The powerful Chinese table tennis national team played down the home advantage and expects the toughest ever Olympic Games.It's the first time that table tennis introduces team events in the Olympic history, and China have fielded an unprecedented squad including both the men's and ...

Badminton - Benefits and disadvantages Benefits Coordination, flexibility, endurance, visual acuteness Badminto omproves coordination, flexibility and balance. It exercises the glutei (accelerations), abdominal and dorsal muscles (receptions and returns), reinforces the joints. Badminton develops...

初二,英语,300字?so 高大上!As one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among teenagers.why is basketall so welcoming?i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as...

1、预防、治疗近视 2.可健脑益智,开发智力,提高反应能力 。3. 可以提高手脚的协调性, 使呼吸系统、运动系统得到锻炼 4. 放松、减压 5.通过打球,具有良好的心理素质。6。非身体接触性的活动,相对安全 7.防止老年痴呆 你将以上大纲翻译成英文即可 ...

The powerful Chinese table tennis national team played down the home advantage and expects the toughest ever Olympic Games.It's the first time that table tennis introduces team events in the Olympic history, and China have fielded an unprecedented squad including both the men's and ...

瞿荷13950705923问: 排球英语 - 搜狗百科
和平县纳美回答:[答案] Volleyball The sport originated in the United States,and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the U.S.that it has received on a global basis,where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports. Today there are more than 46 million ...

瞿荷13950705923问: 参加排球俱乐部的好处英语作文加翻译 -
和平县纳美回答: Bookgavemewisdomandknowledge,butalsogavemestrengthandcourage.SinceIwasyoung,Ilikedthebooksandbooks.Iputthebookasanindispensablenourishment,hesawabooklikethehungrytoseebreadfondleadmiringly.Inmyroom,thereisabigbookcase,...

瞿荷13950705923问: 有关排球英文简介120~140以内(简单易背) -
和平县纳美回答: volleyball Volleyball is an Olympic sport in which two teams separated by a high net use their hands, arms, or (rarely) other parts of their bodies to hit a ball back and forth over the net. Each team is allowed three hits to get the ball over the ...

瞿荷13950705923问: 用英文介绍体育运动100字左右,最好介绍比较普遍的运动(除排球,羽毛球.足球,篮球,PING PONG球) -
和平县纳美回答:[答案] Tennis is an action-filled game played with rackets and a ball by two players or four players.It's played outdoors or indoors,on a flat surface called a tennis court.The surface can be hard,like concrete or asphalt.It can also be made of clay or even of ...

瞿荷13950705923问: 排球的简介(用英语写) -
和平县纳美回答: VolleyballThe sport originated in the United States, and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the U.S. that it has received on a global basis, where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports. Today there are more than 46 million ...

瞿荷13950705923问: 排球运动的好处 -
和平县纳美回答: 排球运动的好处 1) 改善体型及姿态 ,调节脾肾功能 排球运动的弹跳除了能锻炼腿部肌肉,还能很好地锻炼臀部肌肉.打排球多弹跳可练就美臀,让“S”身材更突出.经观察发现,排球运动员几乎算是所有运动员中身材最好的,平衡能力不...

瞿荷13950705923问: 排球对身心健康的益处有哪些 -
和平县纳美回答: 排球运动的好处很多:1、不容易伤害身体;2、锻炼动作的灵活性;3、在运动中经常要有弹跳扣球的动作,锻炼大腿、腰腹部的肌肉,让腿部没有赘肉,腰部更健美,手臂也会出现完美曲线;4、大量运动过后可以降低食欲,之后补充点水分少...

瞿荷13950705923问: 排球比赛的益处 -
和平县纳美回答: 排球的好处 a) 改善体型及姿态 b) 促进身体机能 c) 改进心肺功能 d) 改进肌肉力量 e) 改进肌耐力 f) 改进新陈代谢 g) 减低血压 h) 促进身体的生长 i) 减少痴肥的机会 j ) 增进体力 k) 培养一个积极的人生观 比赛时可以夺交朋友 友谊第一比赛第二吗 祝你好运

瞿荷13950705923问: 运动的好处英文句子 -
和平县纳美回答: 1.Life lies in movement. 生命在于运动 2.Sport is the source of all life. 运动是生命的源泉.3.To keep on, day after day practice go down, and only activities to keep the enthusiasm of adequate training and improve motor skills. 日复一日地坚持练下...

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