
作者&投稿:谢宇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

golf 高尔夫球、cricket 板球、hockey 曲棍球、volleyball 排球、badminton 羽毛球、table tennis 乒乓球、baseball 棒球、basketball 篮球、football\/soccer 足球、tennis 网球、rugby 橄榄球、softball 垒球。单词解析:一、golf 1、读音:英 [ɡɒlf] 美 [ɡɑːlf]2、翻译:n. 高尔夫球 vi...

football!!the most powerful game in the world!millions of people attrracted by the beauty of this magic ball!!!we are willingly to pay our whole life spent on this game which can draving us mad!!!请给分吧!!!please!!!

英文介绍:Table tennis is a popular sport in the world. Table tennis ball, the game to 11 points as a board, using five games three wins or four games seven wins.中文翻译:乒乓球,是一种世界流行的球类体育项目。乒乓球为圆球状,比赛以11分为一局,采用五局三胜或者七局四胜。

football。football [英][ˈfʊtbɔ:l][美][ˈfʊtˌbɔl]n.足球〔美国通常指橄榄球〕;足球运动;屡屡引起争论(或分歧)的问题;被踢来踢去的难题;复数:footballs 单词例句 football1.Orasrazorsulemanputsit:"thinkaboutafootballteam.或者正如雷泽·舒勒曼所...

球类的英语单词有很多,比如football 足球、rugby 橄榄球、basketball 篮球、volleyball 排球、tennis 网球、table tennis 乒乓球、badminton 羽毛球、snoker 斯诺克、beach ball 沙滩球 handball 手球、hockey 曲棍球、golf 高尔夫球、cricket 板球、ice hockey 冰球、baseball 棒球、grounder 滚球、polo 马球、...

agility, strength, speed and precision. It is also a technical sport, requiring good motor coordination and the development of sophisticated racquet movements 羽毛球是一种网拍的一项运动或两种对立的球员(单身)或两种对立对(双打),他们将在相对的半场阵地,是一个矩形法院除以一个网中。球员得分...

with a leather or artificial leather shell, rubber do guts, size and football is similar.乒乓球,是一种世界流行的球类体育项目,也是中华人民共和国国球。乒乓球运动是一项以技巧性为主,身体体能素质为辅的技能型项目,起源于英国。"乒乓球"一名起源于1900年,因其打击时发出"ping pang"的声音...

我看足球也有好几年了,我所看到的就是22个穿着短裤的成年人在场上疯狂地奔跑,力争踢到球,互相绊倒对方。我猜想他们的目的是要把球踢进网里(也叫球门),可是,如果不是碰巧的话, 球是很难靠近球门的。4 What we have here, it would seem, is a game of chance.看起来,我们现在谈论的是一项靠运气取胜的...

初二,英语,300字?so 高大上!As one of the most important sports in the world,basketall is more and more popular in china ,especially among teenagers.why is basketall so welcoming?i think the first reason must be the midea,there are many tv programmes about basketball,such as ...

The game of football is any of several similar team sports, of similar origins which involve advancing a ball into a goal area in an attempt to score. Many of these involve kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal, though not all codes of football using kicking as a ...

厉索17190226175问: 排球英语 - 搜狗百科
巴林左旗舒心回答:[答案] Volleyball The sport originated in the United States,and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the U.S.that it has received on a global basis,where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports. Today there are more than 46 million ...

厉索17190226175问: 排球的简介(用英语写) -
巴林左旗舒心回答: VolleyballThe sport originated in the United States, and is now just achieving the type of popularity in the U.S. that it has received on a global basis, where it ranks behind only soccer among participation sports. Today there are more than 46 million ...

厉索17190226175问: 排球的英文翻译是什么? -
巴林左旗舒心回答: 排球volleyball 足球footerball soccer ball 篮球 basketball 还有问题吗 望采纳

厉索17190226175问: 排球用英语会怎么说? -
巴林左旗舒心回答: 我喜欢排球:I like volleyball 不过我觉得你想表达的是喜欢打排球吧:I like playing volleyball

厉索17190226175问: 篮球,足球,排球,乒乓球,羽毛球英语怎么写? -
巴林左旗舒心回答:[答案] 篮球basketball,足球football,排球volleyball,乒乓球table tennis,羽毛球badminton

厉索17190226175问: 排球用英语怎么说? -
巴林左旗舒心回答: volleyball ['vɑlɪ,bɔl] 打排球:play volleyball

厉索17190226175问: 有关排球的英文单词?排球传球(二传)垫球接发球扣球发球拦网“中一二”“边一二”进攻技术这些动作的英语怎么说? -
巴林左旗舒心回答:[答案] 英文排球术语 裁判、场地、赛制 umpire 主裁判 Net umpire 副裁判 scorer 记分员 linesmen 司线员 Team doctor 随队医生 referee's platform 裁判台 Match sheet 记分表 Volleyball court 排球场 Mesh 网眼 Net cord 网绳 Net post 网柱 Own court 本场区 ...

厉索17190226175问: 用英文介绍体育运动100字左右,最好介绍比较普遍的运动(除排球,羽毛球.足球,篮球,PING PONG球) -
巴林左旗舒心回答:[答案] Tennis is an action-filled game played with rackets and a ball by two players or four players.It's played outdoors or indoors,on a flat surface called a tennis court.The surface can be hard,like concrete or asphalt.It can also be made of clay or even of ...

厉索17190226175问: 用英语介绍球类 -
巴林左旗舒心回答: I have lots of ball collections. I have five basketballs, two volleyball and ten ping pong balls. I have a football ,a tennis racket and some baseballs. I don't have a badminton.

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