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求高手用英文翻译这段文字 有急用 用工具翻译语法不对
As one of the most important characteristics in Japanese grammar, honorific plays a decisive role in Sino-Japanese business communication.It requires us to distinguish what kind of honorific forms should be used in different interpersonal relations and different benefit situations, and master...

After watching the moving China, can feel the beauty of the world, in fact the model represents just a bunch of ordinary people, but their behavior is really let a person admire. Liu Chenglan, really is a scavenger old man, the purpose is have no money for school children to...

高手 英文翻译
一些需求能被强制加诸于结构系统设计:对称,一或较多垂直捆,和一或较多水平线构架。产生的设计的结构分析被苏打引导。在分析中,死的,活,和风装载,连同他们的组合被考虑。结构的元素被设计使用一些群体区段作为光线、专栏和对角线,为每个结构的系统也就是 61 群区段。在苏打,结构的分析能使用第一...

兰陵王摘下盔胄,示之以面容,城上军心大振,吊下弓弩手数百名,前来接应。很快周军被迫撤走。为庆祝胜利,武士们编了《兰陵王入阵曲》,戴着面具边跳边歌。史载:“长恭貌柔心壮,音容兼美。为将躬勤细事,每得甘美,虽一瓜数果,必与将士共之”。中文翻译:GaoChangGong bravery, allegedly ...

高手 英文翻译

Around marvellous lakes,herons plodded the shores, kingfishers and cuckoos clattered from sunlight to shade, great turkey like birds fussed in dead branches, and hawks hung overhead.We needed not to worry about our time and enjoy the surroundings at leisure. A boy stood at the ...

suddenly it turned into a deep valley, suddenly it turned into mighty torrent.Fortunately, I was able to go across with bridge,so what's the name of the bridge? I shall call it striving.本人并非高手,更不是英语专业,但仍旧可翻译——至少比那两位机翻哥要强。为什么?茅大师说的...

1. This failure made him realized that it is important to review his homework regulary.2. You must not forget what your parents told you when you left your home.3. I believe that her knowledge in english is adequate for this work.4. The purpose of this article is to tell ...

trade business,it is a major task to improve the overall quality of oversea salesmen.Sequentially,enterprise will be more strict in selecting employee.Likewise,it's of great urgency for competitors to improve their overall quality.我是英语专业的,只能翻成这样了。希望可以帮助你。

This article pays attention is "the homosexual has the legal effectthe union" this to receive the hot topic in the recent years which thesociologist, the jurist as well as the anthropologist cared about, onthe one hand obtains from the marital essential attribute, is clearabout the...

在素15871262998问: cs高手英文怎么说我要成为CS高手,麻烦英语好的帮我翻译成英语 -
大宁县可欣回答:[答案] I want to be a CS pro. 很准

在素15871262998问: 我是一名大学生,请高手来翻译成英文!急~~~~~ -
大宁县可欣回答: sir:i am a new student.,my mame is xxx.i would like to learn English , but i did not learn English well in junior high school,so i hope that teachers will help me in all respects. my English is poor,so I can only write the relatively simple words and ...

在素15871262998问: 高手来翻译下'~!请高手翻译成英文你没有错,所以不必道歉,错的是我,一个男人让自己的女人走了,错的肯定是男人. -
大宁县可欣回答:[答案] There is nothing wrong with you,so do not have to apologize,I was wrong,a man let the woman go their own,is certainly the wrong men.

在素15871262998问: 请高手把我这段英文的读音翻译成中文字母读音!拜托了.不是要翻译,是问怎么读!就是用中文协音的那种!因为要上台朗读.可我完全不会读.拜托了! We ... -
大宁县可欣回答:[答案] 威 歪瑞 骂嗤 瑞姑热爱特 赞特 比考斯 饿午 浪 死单丁英 额润这们瓷 伊特 歪熬 闹特 逼 抛瑟包 否 密 秃 额特恩的,八特 威 督 额谱瑞斯诶特 啧 噢破题油妮题 秃 害午 卖特 啧 威贼特英 斯达得(念dei) 股入谱,安的 ...

在素15871262998问: 英语翻译找英语高手翻译个句子.她说她喜欢我的原因是我够自信我够霸气. -
大宁县可欣回答:[答案] 她说她喜欢我的原因是我够自信我够霸气. 翻译成英语就是: She said that the reason why she liked me is that I was confident and powerful. 希望帮助到 了你,也愿有情人终成眷属.天天快乐!

在素15871262998问: 很急啊,请高手我翻译一个英文自我介绍,明天面试用的我叫**,今?
大宁县可欣回答: My name is xx, xx years old, married, from xx province. I am an extrovert and optimistic girl. I enjoy making friends. I am keen on reading, singing, surfing the Internet and...

在素15871262998问: 英文高手你好,能帮我翻译一下以下这句话的英文: 不管你是否相信,我一直在努力.
大宁县可欣回答: No matter you believe it or not, I have making great efforts whether you believe it or not =No matter you believe it or not

在素15871262998问: 我英文是在是太差了,请高手帮忙翻译一句话! -
大宁县可欣回答: What's left besides beauty? Tenderness is your charm, kindness is your virtue, sweetness is your nature, the most valuable of all, your love is sincere! Thank you, my angel!

在素15871262998问: 英语翻译请哪位天才+高手帮我翻译成英文:我知道你得英语很好,但是我想在这里中文就足够了.. -
大宁县可欣回答:[答案] 汗……I know you have a good knowledge of English ,but I think Chinese is enough here.

在素15871262998问: 英语翻译我要用英文去主持一个唱歌比赛,请高手告诉我上一个节目和下一个节目之间的衔接用语.(记住是英文!急用!) -
大宁县可欣回答:[答案] well,Let's appreciate a certain song brought by a student.(如果是男孩可以用boy,如果是女孩可以用girl)同时指出上面几楼的错误.一楼二楼明显用的是翻译软件翻译的,可以文法不通,根本不对.4楼中的classmate是指同...

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